Genetic algorithms and machine learning

The practical purpose of a genetic algorithm as an optimization technique is to solve problems by finding the most relevant or fittest solution among a set or group of solutions. Genetic algorithms have many applications in machine learning, as follows:

  • Discrete model parameters: Genetic algorithms are particularly effective in finding the set of discrete parameters that maximizes the log likelihood. For example, the colorization of a black and white movie relies on a large but finite set of transformations from shades of grey to the RGB color scheme. The search space is composed of the different transformations and the objective function is the quality of the colorized version of the movie.
  • Reinforcement learning: Systems that select the most appropriate rules or policies to match a given data set rely on genetic algorithms to evolve the set of rules over time. The search space or population is the set of candidate rules, and the objective function is the credit or reward for an action triggered by these rules (refer to the Introduction section of Chapter 11, Reinforcement Learning).
  • Neural network architecture: A genetic algorithm drives the evaluation of different configurations of networks. The search space consists of different combinations of hidden layers and the size of those layers. The fitness or objective function is the sum of the squared errors.
  • Ensemble learning [10:6]: A genetic algorithm can weed out the weak learners among a set of classifiers in order to improve the quality of the prediction.
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