
The ordinary least squares method for finding the regression parameters is a specific case of the maximum likelihood. Therefore, regression models are subject to the same challenge in terms of overfitting as any other discriminative model. You are already aware that regularization is used to reduce model complexity and avoid overfitting as stated in the Overfitting section of Chapter 2, Hello World!.

Ln roughness penalty

Regularization consists of adding a penalty function J(w) to the loss function (or RSS in the case of a regressive classifier) in order to prevent the model parameters (or weights) from reaching high values. A model that fits a training set very well tends to have many features variable with relatively large weights. This process is known as shrinkage. Practically, shrinkage involves adding a function with model parameters as an argument to the loss function:

Ln roughness penalty

The penalty function is completely independent from the training set {x,y}. The penalty term is usually expressed as a power to the function of the norm of the model parameters (or weights), wd. For a model of D dimensions, the generic Lp-norm is defined as follows:

Ln roughness penalty



Regularization applies to parameters or weights associated to an observation. In order to be consistent with our notation, w0 being the intercept value, the regularization applies to the parameters w1,…, wd.

The two most commonly used penalty functions for regularization are L1 and L2.


Regularization in machine learning

The regularization technique is not specific to the linear or logistic regression. Any algorithm that minimizes the residual sum of squares, such as a support vector machine or feed-forward neural network, can be regularized by adding a roughness penalty function to the RSS.

The L1 regularization applied to the linear regression is known as the Lasso regularization. The Ridge regression is a linear regression that uses the L2 regularization penalty.

You may wonder which regularization makes sense for a given training set. In a nutshell, L2 and L1 regularization differ in terms of computation efficiency, estimation, and features selection: [6:10] [6:11]

  • Model estimation: L1 generates a sparser estimation of the regression parameters than L2. For a large nonsparse dataset, L2 has a smaller estimation error than L1.
  • Feature selection: L1 is more effective in reducing the regression weights for features with high value than L2. Therefore, L1 is a reliable features selection tool.
  • Overfitting: Both L1 and L2 reduce the impact of overfitting. However, L1 has a significant advantage in overcoming overfitting (or excessive complexity of a model); for the same reason, it is more appropriate for selecting features.
  • Computation: L2 is conducive to a more efficient computation model. The summation of the loss function and the L2 penalty, w2, is a continuous and differentiable function for which the first and second derivative can be computed (convex minimization). The L1 term is the summation of |wi| and therefore not differentiable.



The ridge regression is sometimes called the penalized least squares regression. The L2 regularization is also known as the weight decay.

Let's implement the ridge regression, and then evaluate the impact of the L2-norm penalty factor.

The ridge regression

The ridge regression is a multivariate linear regression with an L2-norm penalty term:

The ridge regression

The computation of the ridge regression parameters requires the resolution of a system of linear equations similar to the linear regression.


The matrix representation of the ridge regression closed form is as follows:

The ridge regression

I is the identity matrix and uses the QR decomposition:

The ridge regression


The implementation of the ridge regression adds the L2 regularization term to the multiple linear regression computation of the Apache Commons Math library.

The methods of RidgeRegression have the same signature as their ordinary least squares counterparts. However, the class has to inherit the abstract base class, AbstractMultipleLinearRegression, in the Apache Commons Math library and override the generation of the QR decomposition to include the penalty term:

class RidgeRegression[T <% Double](xt: XTSeries[Array[T]], y: DblVector, lambda: Double) extends AbstractMultipleLinearRegression  with PipeOperator[Array[T], Double] {
   var qr: QRDecomposition = _
   val model: Option[RegressionModel] = …

Besides the input time series xt and the labels y, the ridge regression requires the lambda factor of the L2 penalty term. The instantiation of the class trains the model. The steps to create the ridge regression models are as follows:

  1. Extract the Q and R matrices for the input values, newXSampleData (line 1).
  2. Compute the weights using calculateBeta defined in the base class (line 2).
  3. Return the tuple regression weights, calculateBeta, and the residuals, calculateResiduals.

Consider the following code:

val model: Option[(DblVector, Double)] = {
  this.newXSampleData(xt.toDblMatrix)  //1
  val _rss = => x*x).sum
  val wRss = (calculateBeta.toArray, _rss) //2
  Some(RegressionModel(wRss._1, wRss._2))

The QR decomposition in the base class, AbstractMultipleLinearRegression, does not include the penalty term (line 3); the identity matrix with the lambda factor in the diagonal has to be added to the matrix to be decomposed (line 4):

override protected def newXSampleData(x: DblMatrix): Unit =  {
  super.newXSampleData(x)   //3
  val xtx: RealMatrix = getX
  val nFeatures = xt(0).size
  Range(0, nFeatures)
     .foreach(i =>xtx.setEntry(i,i,xtx.getEntry(i,i)+lambda)) //4
  qr = new QRDecomposition(xtx)

The regression weights are computed by resolving the system of linear equations using substitution on the Q.R matrices. It overrides calculateBeta from the base class:

override protected def calculateBeta: RealVector = 

The test case

The objective of the test case is to identify the impact of the L2 penalization on the RSS value and then compare the predicted values with the original values.

Let's consider the first test case related to the regression on the daily price variation of the Copper ETF (symbol: CU) using the stock daily volatility and volume as features. The implementation of the extraction of observations is identical to that of the least squares regression:

val lambda = 0.5
val src = DataSource(path, true, true, 1)
val price = src |> YahooFinancials.adjClose
val volatility = src |> YahooFinancials.volatility 
val volume = src |> YahooFinancials.volume //1
val deltaPrice = XTSeries[Double](price.drop(1)
                               .zip(price.take(_price.size -1))
                               .map( z => z._1 - z._2)) //2
val data =
                      .map(z => Array[Double](z._1, z._2)) //3
val features = XTSeries[DblVector](data.dropRight(1))
val regression = new RidgeRegression[Double](features, deltaPrice, lambda) //4
regression.rss match {
  case Some(rss) =>, logger)

The observed data, that is, the ETF daily price and the features (volatility and volume) are extracted from the src source (line 1). The daily price change deltaPrice is computed using a combination of Scala take and drop methods (line 2). The features vector is created by zipping volatility and volume (line 3). The model is created by instantiating the RidgeRegression class (line 4). The RSS value, rss, is finally displayed (line 5).

The RSS value, rss, is plotted for different values of lambda less than 1.0, as shown in the following chart:

The test case

Graph of RSS versus Lambda for Copper ETF

The residual sum of squares decreases as λ increases. The curve seems to be reaching for a minimum around λ = 1. The case of λ = 0 corresponds to the least squares regression.

Next, let's plot the RSS value for λ varying between 1 and 100:

The test case

Graph of RSS versus large-value Lambda for Copper ETF

This time around, the value of RSS increases with λ before reaching a maximum of λ > 60. This behavior is consistent with other findings [6:12]. As λ increases, the overfitting gets more expensive and therefore, the RSS value increases.

The regression weights can be simply outputted as follows:


Let's plot the predicted price variation of the Copper ETF using the ridge regression with different values of lambda (λ):

The test case

The graph of ridge regression on Copper ETF price variation with variable lambda

The original price variation of the Copper ETF, Δ = price(t+1)-price(t), is plotted as λ = 0. The predicted values for λ = 0.8 is very similar to the original data. The predicted values for λ = 2 follow the pattern of the original data with a reduction of large variations (peaks and troves). The predicted values for λ = 5 correspond to a smoothed dataset. The pattern of the original data is preserved but the magnitude of the price variation is significantly reduced.

The logistic regression, briefly introduced in the Let's kick the tires section of Chapter 1, Getting Started, is the next logical regression model to discuss. The logistic regression relies on optimization methods. Let's go through a short refreshment course in optimization before diving into the logistic regression.

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