Gradient descent

With supervised learning, in order for the algorithm to learn the relationship between the input and the output features, we provide a set of manually curated values for the target variable (y) against a set of input variables (x). We call it the training set. The learning algorithm then has to go over our training set, perform some optimization, and come up with a model that has the least cost—deviation from the true values. So technically, we have two algorithms for every learning problem: an algorithm that comes up with the function and (an initial set of) weights for each of the x features, and a supporting algorithm (also called cost minimization or optimization algorithm) that looks at our function parameters (feature weights) and tries to minimize the cost as much as possible.

There are a variety of cost minimization algorithms, but one of the most popular is gradient descent. Imagine gradient descent as climbing down a mountain. The height of the mountain represents the cost, and the plain represents the feature weights. The highest point is your function with the maximum cost, and the lowest point has the least cost. Therefore, our intention is to walk down the mountain. What gradient descent does is as follows: for every single step down the slope that it takes of a particular size (the step size), it goes through the entire dataset (!) and updates all the values of the weights for x features. This goes on until it reaches a state where the cost is the minimum. This flavor of gradient descent, in which it sees all of the data per iteration and updates all the parameters during every iteration, is called batch gradient descent. The trouble with using this algorithm against the size of the data that Spark aims to handle is that going through millions of rows per iteration is definitely not optimal. So, Spark uses a variant of gradient descent, called Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD), wherein the parameters are updated for each training example as it looks at it one by one. In this way, it starts making progress almost immediately, and therefore the computational effort is considerably reduced. The SGD settings can be customized using the optimizer attribute inside each of the ML algorithm. We'll look at this in detail in the recipes.

In the following recipes, we'll be looking at linear regression, logistic regression, and support vector machines as examples of supervised learning and K-means clustering, as well as dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) as an example of unsupervised learning. We'll also briefly look at the Stanford NLP toolkit and Scala NLP's Epic, popular natural language processing libraries, as examples of fitting a third-party library into Spark jobs.

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