Actors as people

In the previous section, you learned that an actor encapsulates state, interacting with the outside world through messages. Actors make concurrent programming more intuitive because they behave a little bit like an ideal workforce.

Let's think of an actor system representing a start-up with five people. There's Chris, the CEO, and Mark, who's in charge of marketing. Then there's Sally, who heads the engineering team. Sally has two minions, Bob and Kevin. As every good organization needs an organizational chart, refer to the following diagram:

Actors as people

Let's say that Chris receives an order. He will look at the order, decide whether it is something that he can process himself, and if not, he will forward it to Mark or Sally. Let's assume that the order asks for a small program so Bob forwards the order to Sally. Sally is very busy working on a backlog of orders so she cannot process the order message straightaway, and it will just sit in her mailbox for a short while. When she finally gets round to processing the order, she might decide to split the order into several parts, some of which she will give to Kevin and some to Bob.

As Bob and Kevin complete items, they will send messages back to Sally to inform her. When every part of the order is fulfilled, Sally will aggregate the parts together and message either the customer directly or Chris with the results.

The task of keeping track of which jobs must be fulfilled to complete the order rests with Sally. When she receives messages from Bob and Kevin, she must update her list of tasks in progress and check whether every task related to this order is complete. This sort of coordination would be more challenging with traditional synchronize blocks: every access to the list of tasks in progress and to the list of completed tasks would need to be synchronized. By embedding this logic in Sally, who can only process a single message at a time, we can be sure that there will not be race conditions.

Our start-up works well because each person is responsible for doing a single thing: Chris either delegates to Mark or Sally, Sally breaks up orders into several parts and assigns them to Bob and Kevin, and Bob and Kevin fulfill each part. You might think "hold on, all the logic is embedded in Bob and Kevin, the employees at the bottom of the ladder who do all the actual work". Actors, unlike employees, are cheap, so if the logic embedded in an actor gets too complicated, it is easy to introduce additional layers of delegation until tasks get simple enough.

The employees in our start-up refuse to multitask. When they get a piece of work, they process it completely and then move on to the next task. This means that they cannot get muddled by the complexities of multitasking. Actors, by processing a single message at a time, greatly reduce the scope for introducing concurrency errors such as race conditions.

More importantly, by offering an abstraction that programmers can intuitively understand—that of human workers—Akka makes reasoning about concurrency easier.

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