Single page applications

The client-server duality adds a degree of complication to the elegant MVC architecture. Where should the model reside? What about the controller? Traditionally, the model and the controller ran almost entirely on the server, which just pushed the relevant HTML view to the client.

The growth in client-side JavaScript frameworks, such AngularJS, has resulted in a gradual shift to putting more code in the client. Both the controller and a temporary version of the model typically run client-side. The server just functions as a web API: if, for instance, the user updates the model, the controller will send an HTTP request to the server informing it of the change.

It then makes sense to think of the program running server-side and the one running client-side as two separate applications: the server persists data in databases, for instance, and provides a programmatic interface to this data, usually as a web service returning JSON or XML data. The client-side program maintains its own model and controller, and polls the server whenever it needs a new model, or whenever it needs to inform the server that the persistent view of the model should be changed.

Taken to the extreme, this results in Single-Page Applications. In a single-page application, the first time the client requests a page from the server, he receives the HTML and the JavaScript necessary to build the framework for the entire application. If the client needs further data from the server, he will poll the server's API. This data is returned as JSON or XML.

This might seem a little complicated in the abstract, so let's think how the Amazon website might be structured as a single-page application. We will just concern ourselves with the products page here, since that's complicated enough. Let's imagine that you are on the home page, and you hit a link for a particular product. The application running on your computer knows how to display products, for instance through an HTML template. The JavaScript also has a prototype for the model, such as:

    product_id: undefined,
    product_name: undefined,
    product_price: undefined,

What it's currently missing is knowledge of what data to put in those fields for the product you have just selected: there is no way that information could have been sent to your computer when the website loaded, since there was no way to know what product you might click on (and sending information about every product would be prohibitively costly). So the Amazon client sends a request to the server for information on that product. The Amazon server replies with a JSON object (or maybe XML). The client then updates its model with that information. When the update is complete, an event is fired to update the view:

Single page applications

Client-server communications in a single-page application: when the client first accesses the website, it receives HTML, CSS and JavaScript files that contain the entire logic for the application. From then on, the client only uses the server as an API when it requests additional data. The application running in the user's web browser and the one running on the server are nearly independent. The only coupling is through the structure of the API exposed by the server.

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