Querying external APIs and consuming JSON

So far, we have learnt how to provide the user with a dummy JSON array of repositories in response to a request to /api/repos/:username. In this section, we will replace the dummy data with the user's actual repositories, dowloaded from GitHub.

In Chapter 7, Web APIs, we learned how to query the GitHub API using Scala's Source.fromURL method and scalaj-http. It should come as no surprise that the Play framework implements its own library for interacting with external web services.

Let's edit the Api controller to fetch information about a user's repositories from GitHub, rather than using dummy data. When called with a username as argument, the controller will:

  1. Send a GET request to the GitHub API for that user's repositories.
  2. Interpret the response, converting the body from a JSON object to a List[Repo].
  3. Convert from the List[Repo] to a JSON array, forming the response.

We start by giving the full code listing before explaining the thornier parts in detail:

// app/controllers/Api.scala

package controllers

import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.ws.WS // query external APIs
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.libs.json._ // parsing JSON
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext

import models.Repo

class Api extends Controller {

  // type class for Repo -> Json conversion
  implicit val writesRepo = new Writes[Repo] {
    def writes(repo:Repo) = Json.obj(
      "name" -> repo.name,
      "language" -> repo.language,
      "is_fork" -> repo.isFork,
      "size" -> repo.size

  // type class for Github Json -> Repo conversion
  implicit val readsRepoFromGithub:Reads[Repo] = (
    (JsPath  "name").read[String] and
    (JsPath  "language").read[String] and
    (JsPath  "fork").read[Boolean] and
    (JsPath  "size").read[Long]
  )(Repo.apply _)

  // controller
  def repos(username:String) = Action.async {

    // GitHub URL
    val url = s"https://api.github.com/users/$username/repos"
    val response = WS.url(url).get() // compose get request

    // "response" is a Future
    response.map { r =>
      // executed when the request completes
      if (r.status == 200) {

        // extract a list of repos from the response body
        val reposOpt = Json.parse(r.body).validate[List[Repo]]
        reposOpt match {
          // if the extraction was successful:
          case JsSuccess(repos, _) => Ok(Json.toJson(repos))

          // If there was an error during the extraction
          case _ => InternalServerError
      else {
        // GitHub returned something other than 200


If you have written all this, point your browser to, for instance, to see the list of repositories owned by Martin Odersky:


This code sample is a lot to take in, so let's break it down.

Calling external web services

The first step in querying external APIs is to import the WS object, which defines factory methods for creating HTTP requests. These factory methods rely on a reference to an implicit Play application in the namespace. The easiest way to ensure this is the case is to import play.api.Play.current, a reference to the current application.

Let's ignore the readsRepoFromGithub type class for now and jump straight to the controller body. The URL that we want to hit with a GET request is "https://api.github.com/users/$username/repos", with the appropriate value for $username. We create a GET request with WS.url(url).get(). We can also add headers to an existing request. For instance, to specify the content type, we could have written:

WS.url(url).withHeaders("Content-Type" -> "application/json").get()

We can use headers to pass a GitHub OAuth token using:

val token = "2502761d..."
WS.url(url).withHeaders("Authorization" -> s"token $token").get()

To formulate a POST request, rather than a GET request, replace the final .get() with .post(data). Here, data can be JSON, XML or a string.

Adding .get or .post fires the request, returning a Future[WSResponse]. You should, by now, be familiar with futures. By writing response.map { r => ... }, we specify a transformation to be executed on the future result, when it returns. The transformation verifies the response's status, returning NotFound if the status code of the response is anything but 200.

Parsing JSON

If the status code is 200, the callback parses the response body to JSON and converts the parsed JSON to a List[Repo] instance. We already know how to convert from a Repo object to JSON using the Writes[Repo] type class. The converse, going from JSON to a Repo object, is a little more challenging, because we have to account for incorrectly formatted JSON. To this effect, the Play framework provides the .validate[T] method on JSON objects. This method tries to convert the JSON to an instance of type T, returning JsSuccess if the JSON is well-formatted, or JsError otherwise (similar to Scala's Try object). The .validate method relies on the existence of a type class Reads[Repo]. Let's experiment with a Scala console:

$ activator console

scala> import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.json._

scala> val s = """ 
  { "name": "dotty", "size": 150, "language": "Scala", "fork": true }
s: String = "
  { "name": "dotty", "size": 150, "language": "Scala", "fork": true }

scala> val parsedJson = Json.parse(s)
parsedJson: play.api.libs.json.JsValue = {"name":"dotty","size":150,"language":"Scala","fork":true}

Using Json.parse converts a string to an instance of JsValue, the super-type for JSON instances. We can access specific fields in parsedJson using XPath-like syntax (if you are not familiar with XPath-like syntax, you might want to read Chapter 6, Slick – A Functional Interface for SQL):

scala> parsedJson  "name"
play.api.libs.json.JsLookupResult = JsDefined("dotty")

XPath-like lookups return an instance with type JsLookupResult. This takes two values: either JsDefined, if the path is valid, or JsUndefined if it is not:

scala> parsedJson  "age"
play.api.libs.json.JsLookupResult = JsUndefined('age' is undefined on object: {"name":"dotty","size":150,"language":"Scala","fork":true})

To go from a JsLookupResult instance to a String in a type-safe way, we can use the .validate[String] method:

scala> (parsedJson  "name").validate[String]
play.api.libs.json.JsResult[String] = JsSuccess(dotty,) 

The .validate[T] method returns either JsSuccess if the JsDefined instance could be successfully cast to T, or JsError otherwise. To illustrate the latter, let's try validating this as an Int:

scala> (parsedJson  "name").validate[Int]
dplay.api.libs.json.JsResult[Int] = JsError(List((,List(ValidationError(List(error.expected.jsnumber),WrappedArray())))))

Calling .validate on an instance of type JsUndefined also returns in a JsError:

scala> (parsedJson  "age").validate[Int]
play.api.libs.json.JsResult[Int] = JsError(List((,List(ValidationError(List('age' is undefined on object: {"name":"dotty","size":150,"language":"Scala","fork":true}),WrappedArray())))))

To convert from an instance of JsResult[T] to an instance of type T, we can use pattern matching:

scala> val name = (parsedJson  "name").validate[String] match {
  case JsSuccess(n, _) => n
  case JsError(e) => throw new IllegalStateException(
    s"Error extracting name: $e")
name: String = dotty

We can now use .validate to cast JSON to simple types in a type-safe manner. But, in the code example, we used .validate[Repo]. This works provided a Reads[Repo] type class is implicitly available in the namespace.

The most common way of defining Reads[T] type classes is through a DSL provided in import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._. The DSL works by chaining operations returning either JsSuccess or JsError together. Discussing exactly how this DSL works is outside the scope of this chapter (see, for instance, the Play framework documentation page on JSON combinators: https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.4.x/ScalaJsonCombinators). We will stick to discussing the syntax.

scala> import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._

scala> import models.Repo
import models.Repo

scala> implicit val readsRepoFromGithub:Reads[Repo] = (
  (JsPath  "name").read[String] and
  (JsPath  "language").read[String] and
  (JsPath  "fork").read[Boolean] and
  (JsPath  "size").read[Long]
)(Repo.apply _)
readsRepoFromGithub: play.api.libs.json.Reads[models.Repo] = play.api.libs.json.Reads$$anon$8@a198ddb

The Reads type class is defined in two stages. The first chains together read[T] methods with and, combining successes and errors. The second uses the apply method of the companion object of a case class (or Tuple instance) to construct the object, provided the first stage completed successfully. Now that we have defined the type class, we can call validate[Repo] on a JsValue object:

scala> val repoOpt = parsedJson.validate[Repo]
play.api.libs.json.JsResult[models.Repo] = JsSuccess(Repo(dotty,Scala,true,150),)

We can then use pattern matching to extract the Repo object from the JsSuccess instance:

scala> val JsSuccess(repo, _) = repoOpt
repo: models.Repo = Repo(dotty,Scala,true,150)

We have, so far, only talked about validating single repos. The Play framework defines type classes for collection types, so, provided Reads[Repo] is defined, Reads[List[Repo]] will also be defined.

Now that we understand how to extract Scala objects from JSON, let's get back to the code. If we manage to successfully convert the repositories to a List[Repo], we emit it again as JSON. Of course, converting from GitHub's JSON representation of a repository to a Scala object, and from that Scala object directly to our JSON representation of the object, might seem convoluted. However, if this were a real application, we would have additional logic. We could, for instance, store repos in a cache, and try and fetch from that cache instead of querying the GitHub API. Converting from JSON to Scala objects as early as possible decouples the code that we write from the way GitHub returns repositories.

Asynchronous actions

The last bit of the code sample that is new is the call to Action.async, rather than just Action. Recall that an Action instance is a thin wrapper around a Request => Result method. Our code, however, returns a Future[Result], rather than a Result. When that is the case, use the Action.async to construct the action, rather than Action directly. Using Action.async tells the Play framework that the code creating the Action is asynchronous.

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