Aggregations with "Group by"

Slick also provides a groupBy method that behaves like the groupBy method of native Scala collections. Let's get a list of candidates with all the donations for each candidate:

scala> val grouped = Tables.transactions.groupBy { _.candidate }
grouped: scala.slick.lifted.Query[(scala.slick.lifted.Column[...

scala> val aggregated = {
  case (candidate, group) =>
    (candidate -> { _.amount }.sum)
aggregated: scala.slick.lifted.Query[(scala.slick.lifted.Column[...

scala> val groupedDonations = db.withSession { 
  implicit session => aggregated.list 
groupedDonations: List[(String, Option[Long])] = List((Bachmann, Michele,Some(7439272)),...

Let's break this down. The first statement, transactions.groupBy { _.candidate }, specifies the key by which to group. You can think of this as building an intermediate list of (String, List[Transaction]) tuples mapping the group key to a list of all the table rows that satisfy this key. This behavior is identical to calling groupBy on a Scala collection.

The call to groupBy must be followed by a map that aggregates the groups. The function passed to map must take the tuple (String, List[Transaction]) pair created by the groupBy call as its sole argument. The map call is responsible for aggregating the List[Transaction] object. We choose to first pick out the amount field of each transaction, and then to run a sum over these. Finally, we call .list on the whole pipeline to actually run the query. This just returns a Scala list. Let's convert the total donations from cents to dollars:

scala> val groupedDonationDollars = {
  case (candidate, donationCentsOption) =>
    candidate -> (donationCentsOption.getOrElse(0L) / 100)
groupedDonationDollars: List[(String, Long)] = List((Bachmann, Michele,74392),...

scala> groupedDonationDollars.sortBy { 
}.reverse.foreach { println }
(Romney, Mitt,20248496)
(Obama, Barack,8496347)
(Paul, Ron,565060)
(Santorum, Rick,334926)
(Perry, Rick,301780)
(Gingrich, Newt,277079)
(Cain, Herman,210768)
(Johnson, Gary Earl,83610)
(Bachmann, Michele,74392)
(Pawlenty, Timothy,42500)
(Huntsman, Jon,23571)
(Roemer, Charles E. 'Buddy' III,8579)
(Stein, Jill,5270)
(McCotter, Thaddeus G,3210)
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