Reviewing the Setup My Sites Link in the My Site Settings Section

Available on the Manage Profile Service page for the User Profile service application, as shown in Figure 23.3, the Setup My Sites link in the My Site Settings section provides access to several tools that should be familiar to the farm administrator for effective My Site management. These include the following:

Preferred Search Center— The farm administrator should decide whether to use the default search center or to map to a different search center. If the organization has customized the configuration of the Advanced Search page, for example, and wants the My Sites search to be consistent, the administrator would use this tool to insert the desired page. For example, if the path of http://portalname/search/advanced.aspx was entered, when users search from their My Site, the advanced search page will display.

My Site Host— This can be changed if needed for the service application. However, any existing sites on the previous host will need to be manually transferred (that is, backed up and restored) to the new host, which can be a time-consuming process.

Personal Site Location— Typically set to Personal, this can be changed if needed. A managed path matching this setting will need to exist on the web application hosting the My Site.

Site Naming Format— The farm administrator can choose between User Name (Do Not Resolve Conflicts), User Name (Resolve Conflicts by Using domain_username), and Domain and User Name (Will Not Have Conflicts). Note that domain and username are displayed as ...personal/domain_user (for example, ...personal/abc_user6). Changing this setting will affect any future personal sites created, and will not affect existing personal sites.

Language— Users can be allowed to set the language of their My Site.

Read Permission Levels— These accounts will be given read permissions when new personal sites are created.

My Site Email Notifications— An email string should be entered here, and it will be used when SharePoint sends out email notifications.

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