Extending the Capabilities of the Application

Although the previous workflow will function properly, it is just a starting point and would not generally be considered to be “enterprise ready.” Following are some items to consider as ways of enhancing the functionality of the application:

• Create custom list views to show and hide the sales leads depending on whether the lead is actually closed.

• Create an alert in the Sales Leads list that alerts a manager when an item that is set to SaleClosed equals Yes.

• Create a new workflow that starts when an item is added to the Customer list that sends an email to the assigned salesperson to alert her that she has a new client.

• For testing purposes, add the workflow action Log to History List to output debug or informational messages to the workflow history screen.

Logically, the application has flaws because if a sales lead were reopened and then marked as Closed again, the workflow would trigger and create a duplicate customer; therefore, a condition should be added to step 1 that checks for the existence of the customer through the use of a lookup on the customer’s title column.

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