Upgrading to Service Manager 2016

In this recipe, we will walk you through the steps of upgrading your environment from Service Manager 2012 R2 to Service Manager 2016.

Getting ready

Before performing an upgrade to Service Manager 2016, please make sure that you have carefully read the previous recipe, Preparing for Service Manager 2016, and that you have met all the requirements.

Before you start the upgrade, we recommend that you back up your Service Manager database, your Service Manager Data Warehouse databases, your reporting databases, and your encryption keys.

Due to the move to the .NET Framework 4.5.1 and changes to the SDK, the upgrade to Service Manager 2016 may break the custom solutions made in house or by third party (non-Microsoft), as discussed in the previous chapter. Make sure you have all new versions at hand before doing the upgrade.


It is good practice to first test the upgrade in a lab environment.

How to do it...

The order in which you perform your upgrade tasks is important. You must start with the Data Warehouse management server, followed by the initial Service Manager management server, and then by any secondary management servers. Then you can optionally deploy the new Self-Service Portal or upgrade your existing portal.

Upgrading the Data Warehouse Management Server

You can skip this section and continue with the next chapter if you do not have a Data Warehouse in your deployment.

If you have installed a Data Warehouse in your Service Manager environment, you cannot perform and upgrade if you have not registered with the Service Manager data warehouse. Moreover, it is recommended that initial synchronization of the Data Warehouse is complete.

You will need to disable the Data Warehouse job schedules before you start the upgrade. To do so, log on to the Data Warehouse management server and start PowerShell, and then run the following script:

cd (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft Operations Manager3.0Setup').InstallDirectory 
Import-Module .Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Warehouse.Cmdlets.psd1 
Get-SCDWJob | ? {$_.Name -match 'Extract_'}  | foreach {Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName $_.Name} 
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Transform.Common 
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Load.Common 
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName DWMaintenance 
Disable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName MPSyncJob 
Start-SCDWJob -JobName MPSyncJob 

In some cases, a problem with the upgrade process causes the MPSync job to fail after the upgrade is complete. To prevent this, please run the following script on the DWRepository database:

;WITH FactName   
AS (   
       select w.WarehouseEntityName from etl.WarehouseEntity w   
       join etl.WarehouseEntityType t on w.WarehouseEntityTypeId = t.WarehouseEntityTypeId   
       where t.WarehouseEntityTypeName = 'Fact'   
AS (   
    SELECT  PartitionName, p.WarehouseEntityName,   
            RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY p.WarehouseEntityName ORDER BY PartitionName ASC ) AS RK   
    FROM    etl.TablePartition p   
       join FactName f on p.WarehouseEntityName = f.WarehouseEntityName   
, FactPKList   
AS (   
    SELECT  f.WarehouseEntityName, a.TABLE_NAME, a.COLUMN_NAME, b.CONSTRAINT_NAME, f.RK,   
            CASE WHEN b.CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS DefaultConstraints   
    FROM    FactList f   
, FactWithoutDefaultConstraints   
AS (   
    SELECT  a.*   
    FROM    FactPKList a   
    LEFT JOIN FactPKList b ON b.WarehouseEntityName = a.WarehouseEntityName AND b.DefaultConstraints = 1   
    WHERE   b.WarehouseEntityName IS NULL AND a.RK = 1   
, FactPKListStr   
AS (   
    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f1   
    CROSS APPLY (   
                    SELECT  '[' + COLUMN_NAME + '],'   
                    FROM    FactWithoutDefaultConstraints f2   
                    WHERE   f2.TABLE_NAME = f1.TABLE_NAME   
                    ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME   
                   XML PATH('')   
                ) AS F (COLUMN_NAME)   
        'ALTER TABLE [dbo].[' + f.TABLE_NAME + '] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_' + f.WarehouseEntityName + '] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (' + SUBSTRING(f.PKList, 1, LEN(f.PKList) -1) + ')' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)   
FROM    FactPKListStr f 

You can now start the upgrade process on the Data Warehouse Management Server by executing Setup.exe from the Service Manager installation media:

  1. On the start screen, under Upgrade, click Service Manager data warehouse management server.
  2. Confirm the two steps on the Prepare for upgrade screen and continue to the next screen.
  3. On the Product registration screen, enter your name, the name of your organization, the product key, and accept the license agreement.
  4. Make sure you meet all requirements on the System check results page. If you see the title Installation cannot continue, you will need to install some prerequisites before you can continue.
  5. Setup will now read the configuration of your Service Manager environment and list the details on the Configuration summary page. Click Install to start the upgrade and wait for the process to finish.
  6. On The upgrade was completed successfully page, if you have already backed up the encryption key, clear the Open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard checkbox, and then click Close.

    Upgrading the Data Warehouse Management Server

Upgrading the Service Manager Management Server(s)

You can now start the upgrade process on the management server(s). If you have multiple management servers in your environment, you must start with the workflow (primary) management server:

  1. On the Service Manager installation media, double-click Setup.exe to start the Service Manager Setup Wizard.
  2. On the start screen, under Upgrade, click Service Manager management server.
  3. Confirm the two steps on the Prepare for upgrade screen and continue to the next screen.
  4. On the Product registration screen, enter your name, the name of your organization, the product key, and accept the license agreement.
  5. Make sure you meet all requirements on the System check results page. If you see the title Installation cannot continue, you will need to install some prerequisites before you can continue.
  6. Setup will now read the configuration of your Service Manager environment and list the details on the Configuration summary page. Click Install to start the upgrade and wait for the process to finish.
  7. On the The upgrade was completed successfully page, if you have already backed up the encryption key, clear the Open the Encryption Backup or Restore Wizard checkbox, and then click Close.
  8. Repeat steps 1-7 for each additional management server in your environment.

Upgrading the Service Manager Consoles

Once all your servers are upgraded to Service Manager 2016, you can upgrade all your Service Manager consoles:

  1. On the Service Manager installation media, double-click Setup.exe to start the Service Manager Setup Wizard.
  2. On the start screen, under Upgrade, click Service Manager console.
  3. Confirm the two steps on the Prepare for upgrade screen and continue to the next screen.
  4. On the Product registration screen, enter your name, the name of your organization, and accept the license agreement.
  5. Make sure you meet all requirements on the System check results page. If you see the title Installation cannot continue, you will need to install some prerequisites before you can continue.
  6. Setup will now read the configuration of your Service Manager environment and list the details on the Configuration summary page. Click Install to start the upgrade and wait for the process to finish.

    Upgrading the Service Manager Consoles

After Upgrading to Service Manager 2016

In case you have a Data Warehouse in your Service Manager environment, you will need to perform some post-upgrade tasks, which are explained in this chapter. You can ignore these steps if you do not have a Data Warehouse:

  1. On the Data Warehouse management server, restart the System Center Data Access Service and the System Center Management service. You can do this by executing the following PowerShell command as an Administrator:
    Restart-Service omsdk, omcfg 
  2. Enable and restart the Data Warehouse jobs by running the following PowerShell script on the Data Warehouse management server:
    cd (Get-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:SOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft Operations Manager3.0Setup').InstallDirectory 
    Import-Module .Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Warehouse.Cmdlets.psd1 
    Get-SCDWJob | ? {$_.Name -match 'Extract_'}  | foreach {Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName $_.Name} 
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Transform.Common 
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName Load.Common 
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName DWMaintenance 
    Enable-SCDWJobSchedule -JobName MPSyncJob 
    Start-SCDWJob -JobName MPSyncJob 
  3. On the computer that hosts SQL Server Reporting Services, restart the SQL Server Reporting Services service.

How it works...

Service Manager 2016 is designed in a way that supports an in-place upgrade from Service Manager 2012 R2 to Service Manager 2016, thus minimizing the efforts and risks involved with the upgrade procedure. However, there are still some important aspects that need to be carefully taken into consideration before performing the upgrade.

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