Importing Orchestrator runbooks

This recipe will show you how to set up the Orchestrator connector, which will allow you to import information about your runbooks to allow them to be used within automation activities in Service Request processes.

Getting ready

Before you set up the connector you will need an account within your Active Directory forest for the connector that has the following permissions:

  • Read properties
  • List contents
  • Publish permissions to the root Runbook folder and all child objects

These permissions are granted via the Runbook Designer console.

How to do it...

The following steps will guide you through the process of importing runbook information from System Center Orchestrator into the Service Manager CMDB to allow runbooks to be used as automation activities during Service Requests:

  1. In the Service Manager console, navigate to Administration | Connectors.
  2. In the task pane on the right-hand side click on Create Connector and then select Orchestrator Connector.
  3. Review the Before You Begin screen and then click on Next.
  4. On the General screen, enter a name for the connector and a description. In this recipe, I've called it poweron.local Orchestrator Connector.

    How to do it...

  5. Ensure that the Enable this connector box is checked, and then click on Next.
  6. On the Connection screen in the Server Information box, supply the URL of the Orchestrator Web Service. This is in the form of http://<Server>:81/Orchestrator2012/Orchestrator.svc. In this example, I've used http://TDSCORCH01:81/Orchestrator2012/Orchestrator.svc as the URL of the Orchestrator Web Service.

    How to do it...

  7. Next to the Run As Account drop-down menu, click on New and enter the details of the account that you set up before starting.
  8. Click Test Connection and enter the password for the account when prompted.
  9. Click on Next.
  10. On the Folder screen, select the folder containing the runbooks you require to synchronize to Service Manager. For this recipe, select the root folder (shown as a ) to synchronize all runbooks.

    How to do it...

  11. On the web console URL screen, type the URL for the Orchestrator web console. This is usually in the form of http://<Server>:82. For this recipe, I've used http://TDSCORCH01:82.
  12. Review the information on the Summary screen and then click on Create.
  13. Review the information on the Confirmation screen and then click on Close.

How it works...

The connector pulls information from the Web Service regarding what runbooks are available and the input parameters that each runbook contains. These runbooks and their parameters can then be used with automation activities. The automated activities are invoked by workflows, which use the parameters specified in the runbook CIs.

There's more...

After creating the connector, the imported information regarding the runbooks will be available for use within activities for use with Service Requests.

Where are my runbooks?

After you set up the Orchestrator connector, you will find the imported runbooks under the Library section of the Service Manager console.

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