Configuring permissions

The HTML5 portal is a Role Based Access capable portal. This means that the services offered to the end users can be varied and controlled based upon the groups the users are members of.

As a part of configuring the HTML5 portal you will need to set up permissions to control what users can see. Configuration of the portal permissions are done inside Service Manager within the service catalog, catalog items groups, and user role areas.

Getting ready

Make sure that Service Manager is up and running, the HTML5 portal is installed, and that you are using an account that has the administrator role in Service Manager.

How to do it...

To set up permission for the portal in a nutshell we need to create a catalog group, add all the Service Offerings and Requests we want to be shown in that group, create a user role and give it access to the catalog group, and lastly add users to the new user role.

After all of that is completed, users will see the intended service offerings and request offerings within the HTML5 portal. In order to set this up, follow these steps:

Setting up the catalog group

  1. Start the Service Manager console and go to the Library workspace.
  2. Right-click Groups and select Create a Catalog Group.
  3. If the Before You Begin page of the wizard is shown, click Next.
  4. Enter a name for the new Group and choose to store the group in either an existing management pack or create a new custom management pack within which to store the group.

    Setting up the catalog group

  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Included Members page click on Add....
  7. Select the Service Offerings and Requests that you want users of this new group to view, for this example we are choosing items relating to network services.

    Setting up the catalog group

  8. On the Dynamic Members, Subgroups, and Excluded Members pages of the wizard, click Next until you reach the Summary screen, and then click Create.
  9. Once the catalog group has been created, click Close.

Setting up the User Role

  1. Navigate to the Administration workspace | Security | User Roles node within the Service Manager console.
  2. On the right-hand side, click on Create User Role, and then select End User.
  3. If prompted with the Before You Begin screen of the wizard, click Next.
  4. Give the user role a name, such as Self Service Portal Users.
  5. On the Management Packs screen, select the Management pack(s) that contain the Service Offerings, Request Offerings, and the catalog groups you want to scope to the users.


    If in doubt, use the Select All option at the bottom of the Wizard page. Be aware though that this will not scope the next pages in the wizard down any further, meaning you will have more items to wade through to find the ones you want.

  6. Click Next on the Queues screen of the wizard, accepting the default of All work items can be accessed.
  7. Click Next on the Configuration item Groups screen of the wizard, accepting the default of All configuration items can be accessed.
  8. On the Catalog item Groups screen, select Provide access to only the selected groups, and only choose the catalog group that was created in earlier steps.

    Setting up the User Role

  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Next on the Form Templates screen of the wizard, accepting the default of All forms can be accessed.
  11. On the Users screen, add the user/s and or groups from Active Directory that you want to have access to the Service Offerings and Request Offerings that were added to the catalog group and this Security Role, and then click Next.
  12. Review the information on the Summary screen and then click Create.
  13. Once the Security Role has been created, click Close.

How it works...

After you have gone through the previous steps you can log into the Service Manager HMTL5 portal as one of the users you just added to the new user role to see the intended Service Offerings and Request Offerings.

There's more...


NOTE: When creating the Catalog items group, if only Service Offerings and no Request Offerings are added, nothing will show up on the HTML5 portal. It is required to add Request Offerings for them to display along with Service Offerings.

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