Choosing the right deployment model

The Service Manager HTML5 Self-Service Portal has three deployment topologies that are possible. It is important to understand the differences of these deployment to determine the one that aligns best to your environment.

Getting ready

Make sure that Service Manager is up and running and that you have sufficient privileges to the management server running the SDK. In order to complete this and the rest of the recipes in this chapter, you need to be a member of the Administrator user role within Service Manager.

How to do it...

The Service Manager Self-Service Portal can be deployed in a topology that meets your needs. The three deployment topologies are as follows:

  1. Single server.

    How to do it...

    • The single server topology should be used when you want to have an all-in-one deployment of the Service Manager HTML5 Portal. The topology consists of deploying this single server as a management server in the management group and the portal. The major benefit of doing this is that the portal authenticates locally with the Service Manager SDK service and then talks directly to the Service Manager database. This simplifies the process and is by far the easiest.
  2. Standalone Self Service Portal deployment.

    How to do it...

    • The standalone server installs the HTML5 portal on its own server keeping the management server separate. You can use existing management servers. In this topology Kerberos will be used for authentication to the management server.
  3. Load balanced web farm.

    How to do it...

    • The load balanced topology is a popular choice because it gives you the ability to have high availability and load balancing in your portal deployment. The load balancing in this topology can be managed by any load balancer such as by IIS, an F5, or Kemp. Much like the single server deployment, the portal server will contain a management server install of Service Manager plus the new HTML5 portal. Utilizing this topology gives you load balancing and high availability, but also requires more servers.

How it works...

The HTML5 Self-Service Portal (SSP) is a standard IIS website created using ASP.NET MVC Razor, Bootstrap with support from CSS, and JavaScript.

The new portal, while caching data on the web server for performance, does not persist data locally, making it easy to deploy as a load balanced web farm.

There are no additional services that get installed with configuration of the utilized management server that are stored in web.config, making it easy to separate, co-locate, or change the SDK server the portal is pointed to at any time.

Windows authentication is used by default and therefore provides a single sign-on experience for end users.

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