


ad   Short for advertisement, a piece of media—usually in print, online, or broadcast—that highlights a particular product or service.

admin   The administrator for your site. This person has control over your Facebook page. He or she can add, delete, or modify any information on the page. These duties can be shared among multiple people, but the power is usually limited to prevent too many conflicts.

app   Short for application, a software tool that works in conjunction with Facebook to deliver new functionality not found natively in Facebook.

blog   A website that features short articles, called posts, listed in order from newest to oldest. A blog can have professional content from, say, a daily newspaper, or posts from the average Joe or Jane.

campaign   A systematic course of aggressive activities used to attain more Likes for your Fan page. These Likes translate into existing and potential clients. It can also be described as a group of ads.

Chat   Using the computer to send messages with another person. Unlike email, which has a time delay, chat allows communication in real time. Chat services are also called instant messengers. Facebook Chat allows users to talk with other friends online within the website.

check-in   When a customer uses a mobile device to let friends know that he or she is visiting a particular establishment. Checking in is done via a social network, such as Facebook, or a check-in app, like FourSquare. The check-in is shared with the customer’s friends, if not the general public, which creates advertising opportunities for the business.

check-in deal   A discount or bonus given to customers when they come to a particular venue or event. See also check-in.

click-through   When a user clicks on a link or an advertisement; the result is a recordable measurement.

click-through rate (CTR)   The number of clicks an ad received divided by the number of times it was shown.

comment   Leaving a message or a response to an online post. Customers may be more apt to follow a product line if they are given opportunities to comment, while comments in the right online conversation may get a business or service recognized by the public.

cost per click (CPC)   Fee system for online advertising in which you’re charged on a per-click basis, meaning a user has to physically click on an ad before you are charged.

cost per impression (CPM)   Fee system for online advertising in which you’re charged an agreed-upon fee each time an ad is loaded and displayed per group of 1,000 people. This is a passive measurement with the aim of getting more visibility.

credits   Currency used within Facebook. The website automatically translates users’ real-life money into credits usable for Facebook purchases.

customer relationship management (CRM)   Software that enables you to keep track of your customers and prospects to help attract, engage, and maintain relationships.

dashboard   A high-impact visualization of statistical data that shows the performance of your particular product so you can make more informed decisions.

Deals   Any sale opportunity offered by a business. Facebook offers many opportunities for deals, from discounts for “Liking” a particular page to sales for people who check in through Facebook Mobile.

Event   A gathering set for a specific time through Facebook. It could be a real-life event, like a grand opening or a walk-in sale, or a virtual event, like a webinar or a product launch. Facebook allows users to set the date, time, and description of events, and will remind users of the event after they RSVP.

Facebook Ad Manager   The section of Facebook where you can create, edit, and delete ads and run performance reports on your ad campaigns.

fan   Someone who publicly says that he or she Likes a particular Facebook Fan page. Once the page is Liked, the fan is notified when the page is updated.

Fan page   A Facebook website dedicated to a particular person, place, business, or product. It gives Facebook users the opportunity to not only declare their interest in the subject, but to get the latest news as the page is updated by the owners. Fan pages aren’t mutual, meaning that the business doesn’t have to be friends with the fan in order for the fan to Like the Fan page.

friend   Someone who is interested in following the latest news on a brand or personal Profile. Friendships have to be accepted, so people always need to be asked if they want to be friends. Friendships must also be mutual, meaning that it is impossible for one person to be friends with someone who isn’t his or her friend back.

frienemy   A competing person or company that you decide to work with, usually in a limited or carefully defined fashion. Both parties are usually aware that they can end the relationship at any time.

geotargeting   A method of determining the location of a website visitor and delivering targeted messages based on their location.

Group   A collection of users that are interested in a particular topic.

impressions   The number of times an ad or page was displayed.

influencer   Someone whose voice and actions other people in the community respect. Let’s say Bono (lead singer for U2) were to say on his Facebook page that his favorite food was Domino’s Pizza. All of his fans might see that post and think to themselves, “If Bono likes it, I like it.”

Insights   Facebook reporting tool that measures users’ activity on your Fan page. It provides statistics on user demographics, Likes, and shares that occur on your Facebook page.

lifetime Likes   The total number of people that have Liked your page.

Like   Public acknowledgment that a user is interested in a particular page featuring a person, product, event, or story. Like options often appear on websites, and a person’s Likes are highlighted on his or her Facebook page.

LinkedIn   The largest professional social networking website with over 120 million users from around the world. The focus on LinkedIn is to network to find jobs, partners, and clients.

member   A person who is part of a Fan or Group page.

message   An email sent to a particular individual or group of individuals. Facebook allows messages between friends, between groups of friends, and to members of Group pages.

meta tag   Information inserted into the programming on your website.

News Feed   A chronological listing of Facebook statuses among friends.

niches   Subsets of a target market segment.

Notes   A notice posted on a Group page. Group members are notified when a new note is posted. Unlike messages, which are sent directly to members, Notes appear on the Facebook page itself.

organic shares   A metric that shows how many people shared your site link with others.

page   A Facebook website that has a person or business’s information, pictures, and links. The page can also feature the Facebook Wall, an ongoing chronicle of the individual or company’s interactions with others. The amount of information viewed by visitors can be controlled within the privacy settings.

Places   A Facebook service that allows customers to check in at a particular business or venue and show their location on their Facebook page. Customers must have Facebook Mobile on their phone to use Facebook Places. By allowing Facebook Places check-ins, businesses can get free advertising.

post   A note attached to a Profile. It’s usually longer than a status update, providing extensive text, video, or pictures.

Profile   The Facebook page of a person, product, or brand. It can show various statistics, including the day of birth or creation, pictures, videos, and contact information.

pull marketing   Type of marketing in which individuals provide you with personal information.

push marketing   Any kind of marketing that gets users to go somewhere like a website or Fan page for information or a special.

ROI   Return on investment. Money gained or lost on your investment.

search engine optimization (SEO)   The process of organizing your web presence so Google, Yahoo!, and other search engines can find you easily. The better your SEO, the higher up on the list your brand will appear when someone searches for your business by name or keywords that describe your business.

segmentation   The process of dividing people into geographic, demographic, socioeconomic, psychographic, behavioral, and product categories. Segmentation makes it much easier to target your ideal audience.

social click-through rate (social CTR)   The number of social clicks divided by the number of social impressions.

social clicks   The total number of clicks your ad received that contained a viewer’s friend(s) who Liked your page, event, or app.

social media policy   Statement outlining what is acceptable online behavior for a business. It’s intended to protect the company and the employees from legal and social repercussions.

social media technology   Any software program that allows a user to communicate online with another user.

social media workflow   The process and system of who does what in a specific order within your social media marketing.

social network   A website that enables people to connect with like-minded individuals and to support and learn about their favorite brand. Facebook is a social network.

social percentage   Percentage of impressions where the ad was shown with information about a viewer’s friend(s) who connected to your page.

Sponsored Stories   Advertisements that display recent interactions from viewers’ friends with brands on Facebook.

status   A brief note attached to a Profile. It usually tells what is important to a person, company, or brand at the moment.

target market   The people who are most likely to buy from you.

Video   A movie posted on Facebook. Users can either use a webcam to record directly onto Facebook or provide a link to a YouTube video. Facebook embeds the video so users can view it without leaving the website.

Wall   A public place where a user or business can post items or receive commentary from others. Users can limit who or what can be posted on their Walls by adjusting the privacy settings.

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