

AAMA (American Association of Medical Assistants), 31, 129, 275

accounts, 71

administrators, 78-79

brands, 75-76

business, 72-75

details, 76-78

action words, social media engagement, 128

activity buttons, 136-137

Activity Feed plugin, 137

Ad Manager, 198-199

adding friends, 118-119

administrators, 78-79

ads (Facebook Ads), 33, 47-48

advanced advertising tactics, 194

images, 196-197

Like button, 195

writing efficacy, 197

approval, 187-188

campaign efficacy, 226

creating, 188, 191-192

CPM versus CPC, 193

daily or lifetime budget, 194

games, 168

measuring success, 197

Ad Manager, 198-199

report options, 200-206

testing ad variations, 206-208

Sponsored Stories, 33

types of ads, 184

Facebook ads, 186-187

Sponsored Stories, 184-185

advanced advertising tactics, 194

images, 196-197

Like button, 195

writing efficacy, 197

advantages of Facebook, 3-4

Advertising Performance reports, 200-201

advocates (influencers), 274

agencies (consulting), 265

AAMA success story, 275-276

costs, 268

history of projects, 271-272

influencers, 273-275

qualifying, 266-267

referrals, 272-273

social media marketing experts, 266

timing variables, 267-268

training social media team, 269

in-person training, 270

networks, 270-271

online training, 269

resources, 270

album release (purchase event), 141

All Facebook Stats, 221

American Association of Medical Assistants (AAMA), 31, 129, 275


ad campaign efficacy, 226

comparisons to competitors, 225

determining fan attributes, 225

Facebook Insights, 209

accessing, 210-211

app insights, 217-218

email reports, 218-219

Page Overview, 211-216

website insights, 216-217

fan worth, 225

fans who became customers, 226

launching Facebook campaigns, 55-56

ROI (return on investment), 223-224

third-party statistics providers, 220

All Facebook Stats, 221

Facebook Grader, 221

Skyttle Friends, 222

Social Bakers, 223

web analytic packages, 220

API (application programming interface), 236

application programming interface (API), 236

applications (apps), 173

Apps tab, business page setup, 77

business benefits, 174

creating, 176-180

Facebook Insights, 217-218

gaining fans, 176

mobile, 179

most popular, 175

revenue models, 177-178

types, 174

approval of ads, 187-188

apps. See applications

Apps tab, business page setup, 77

artwork, 53

attention-grabbing campaigns, 52

artwork, 53

creativity, 53-54

authenticity, likeability, 280

authoritative voice, 61

authority figures, 282-283


Basic Information tab, business page setup, 76

behavioral segmentation (target market), 17

Bi-Rite Creamery, 98

big brands, Fan pages, 95-96

BigStockPhotos, 53

Bio tab, business page setup, 78

book launch (purchase event), 141

brands, 75

defining business brand, 67-68

details, 76-78

imprinting, 129-131

persona, 59

authoritative voice, 61

celebrity spokespersons, 60

media team as one voice, 61-63

role models, 60

Profile picture, 75-76

storytelling, 75

Broad Category Targeting tool, 191

broadcasts, interaction versus, 94-95

budgets, 7-8

hiring consultants, 268

launching Facebook campaigns, 55

Burger King, Whopper Sacrifice game, 164

business brand, 67-68


accounts, 72-75

administrators, 78-79

benefits of apps, 174

big brands, Fan pages, 95-96

brands, 75

details, 76-78

Profile picture, 75-76

storytelling, 75

goals, 6-7

likeability, 277-278

authenticity, 280

clarity, 282-285

community giving, 279

empathy, 281-282

love, 285-287

local/small, 241

check-in services, 243

Facebook Deals, 248-251

Facebook Places, 244-248

mass-market coupons, 243-244

marketing plans, 27

calendar, 34-35

development, 28-34

posts, 39-42

medium-sized brands, Fan pages, 97-98

selling products/services, 229

direct approach, 231-232

Facebook Credits, 238-239

Facebook Marketplace, 232-234

linking website to FB page, 236-238

marketing transparency, 230-231

minisites, 234-236

small brands, Fan pages, 98-99


Like, 136

Login, 136

Message, 22

Send, 136

social, 136-137


calendar, marketing, 34-35

deviations from schedule, 37-38

scheduling posts, 35-36

time commitment, 38

topics, 38


attention-grabbing campaigns, 52

artwork, 53

creativity, 53-54

budget, 7-8

components, 43

email marketing, 49-50

Facebook ads, 47-48

page tabs, 46-47

sponsored stories, 48-49

Wall posts, 44-46

composing messages, 51-52

efficacy, 226

Facebook as secondary support, 8-9

goals, 50-51

launching, 54

analysis, 55-56

budgets, 55

timelines, 54-55

categories, business pages, 74

Causes, 279

celebrity spokespersons, 60

charity deals (Facebook Deals), 249

check-in services, local businesses, 243

Chick-fil-A, 131

CityVille, 175

clarity (likeability), 282

authority figure, 282-283

influencers, 283-284

integrity, 284-285

click-through rate, 205

closed groups, 103-104

Coca-Cola, 96

Comments plugin, 137

communication, customer relationships, 79-82

community giving, 279

competition, 9

comparisons, 225

finding, 10

frienemies, 10-11

components, Facebook campaigns, 43

email marketing, 49-50

Facebook ads, 47-48

page tabs, 46-47

sponsored stories, 48-49

Wall posts, 44-46

composing messages, Facebook campaigns, 51-52

computer-controlled opponents (games), 168

concerts (visit event), 141

connections, Group pages, 108-109

consultants, 265

AAMA success story, 275-276

costs, 268

history of projects, 271-272

influencers, 273-275

qualifying, 266-267

referrals, 272-273

social media marketing experts, 266

timing variables, 267-268

training social media team, 269

in-person training, 270

networks, 270-271

online training, 269

resources, 270

Contact Info tab, business page setup, 78

content (posts), 40-41, 63

customer service skill, 66-67

defining business brand, 67-68

division, 64

Group pages, 109-110

images and words, 64-66

strategizing, 63

contests, 33-35, 132-133

conversation events, 141

Conversions by Impression Time reports, 203-204

Corbis, 53

cost per click (CPC), Facebook ads, 193

cost per impression (CPM), Facebook ads, 193


consultants, 268

Facebook campaigns, 55

coupons, 33, 243-244

CPC (cost per click), Facebook ads, 193

CPM (cost per impression), Facebook ads, 193

Create a Page link, 73

Create an Ad link, 188

Create Group link, 104

Create Group window, 104


ads, 188-192

CPM versus CPC, 193

daily or lifetime budget, 194

apps, 176-180

brands, 75

details, 76-78

Profile picture, 75-76

storytelling, 75

events, 142-145

creativity, attention-grabbing campaigns, 53-54

Credits (Facebook Credits), 178, 238-239

CRM (customer relationship management), 13

currency, Facebook Credits, 178

custom tabs, Fan pages, 88-92

customer relationship management (CRM), 13

customer service skills, 66-67


connecting through pictures, 146-148

influencers, 274

relationships, 4, 79-82

defining customers, 5

finding customers, 5

fulfilling customer needs, 6

interactions, 8

replicating voice, 23-24

uploading videos to Walls, 154


daily budget, Facebook ads, 194

Daily Horoscope, 175

Daily Motion, 154

dashboards (Facebook Insights), 209

Deals (Facebook Deals), 33, 248

ideas for deals, 251

promotions, 250-251

setup, 249-250


customers, 5

niches, 20

target market, 13-14

deleting friends, 118-119

demographic segmentation (target market), 16, 191

details, brands, 76-78


games, 169

Facebook Development blog, 169-170

hiring programmers, 170-171

marketing plan, 28

featured products and services, 29-32

goals, 28-29

promotion strategies, 32-34

deviations, marketing calendar, 37-38

direct approach, selling products/services, 231-232

Discover Boating, Making Waves game, 164

Doc (Facebook Doc), 107

documents (Group pages), 106-107

Dog Bless You, 129

Domino’s Pizza campaign, 94

Doyle, Patrick, 94

driving traffic, promotions, 132

contests/sweepstakes, 132-133

FAQs, 134

rules, 133


EasyPromos, 133

edutainment, 155

entertainment, 158

gaining interest, 156

providing information, 156-157

efficacy, market plan, 9

Electronic Arts, 162

email marketing, 49-50

email reports (Facebook Insights), 218-219

empathy (likeability), 281-282

engagement (social media), 127

brand imprinting, 129-131

plugins, 134-135

social activity buttons, 136-137

social buttons, 136

social streams, 137-138

positive relationships, 127

posts, 131

promotions, 132

contests/sweepstakes, 132-133

FAQs, 134

rules, 133

top five engagement tips, 128-129

engagers (social media team), 259

entertainment, 158

eRocketFuel, 236

Events (Facebook Events), 139

conversation events, 141

creating events, 142-145

Group pages, 107-108

influencers, 145-146

purchase events, 141

visit events, 140-141

experts, marketing, 266

External Referrers statistic, 215


Facebook ads, 33, 47-48, 183

advanced advertising tactics, 194

images, 196-197

Like button, 195

writing efficacy, 197

approval, 187-188

creating, 188-192

CPM versus CPC, 193

daily or lifetime budget, 194

measuring success, 197

Ad Manager, 198-199

report options, 200-206

testing ad variations, 206-208

Sponsored Stories, 33

types of ads, 184-185

Facebook API, 236

Facebook campaigns

attention-grabbing campaigns, 52

artwork, 53

creativity, 53-54

components, 43

email marketing, 49-50

Facebook ads, 47-48

page tabs, 46-47

Sponsored Stories, 48-49

Wall posts, 44-46

composing messages, 51-52

goals, 50-51


analysis, 55-56

budgets, 55

timelines, 54-55

Facebook Credits, 178, 238-239

Facebook Deals, 33, 248

ideas for deals, 251

promotions, 250-251

setup, 249-250

Facebook Development blog, 169-170

Facebook Doc, 107

Facebook Events, 139

conversation events, 141

creating events, 142-145

influencers, 145-146

purchase events, 141

visit events, 140-141

Facebook Grader, 221

Facebook Insights, 55, 209

accessing, 210-211

app insights, 217-218

email reports, 218-219

Page Overview, 211-216

website insights, 216-217

Facebook Marketplace, 33, 232-234

Facebook Places, 244-246

integrating Places page with FB page, 248

setup, 247-248

Facepile plugin, 137

fan activity, 119, 209

ad campaign efficacy, 226

apps, 176

comparison to competitors, 225

determining fan attributes, 225

Facebook Insights, 209

accessing, 210-211

app insights, 217-218

email reports, 218-219

Page Overview, 211-216

website insights, 216-217

fan worth, 120-121, 225

fans who became customers, 226

power of, 119-120

ROI (return on investment), 223-224

third-party statistics providers, 220

All Facebook Stats, 221

Facebook Grader, 221

Skyttle Friends, 222

Social Bakers, 223

web analytic packages, 220

Fan pages, 85

big brands, 95-96

broadcasts versus interactions, 94-95

common strategies, 100

custom tabs, 88-92

medium-sized brands, 97-98

promotions, 132

contests/sweepstakes, 132-133

FAQs, 134

rules, 133

setup, 86-87

small brands, 98-99

title, 87-88

WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?), 93

Fanappz, 133

FAQs, promotions, 134

featured products, marketing plan, 29-32

Featured tab, business page setup, 76

financial aspects

apps, 177-178

games, 168-169


competition, 10

customers, 5

Fluid, 236

Ford Fiesta Movement, 165-166

FourSquare, 243

friend deals (Facebook Deals), 248

friends, 115-116

adding/deleting, 118-119

influence on, 117

power of, 117

frienemies, 10-11


games, 161

computer-controlled opponents, 168

development, 169

Facebook Development blog, 169-170

hiring programmers, 170-171

financial aspects, 168-169

gamification, 162-163

target market, 163

Ford Fiesta Movement, 165-166

Making Waves, 164

Whopper Sacrifice, 164-165

turn-based, 167

gamification, 162-163

geographic segmentation (target market), 15-16

GettyImages, 53

goals, 6

defining needs, 6-7

Facebook campaigns, 50-51

marketing plan, 28-29

prioritizing, 7

Google Analytics, 56, 220

GoWalla, 243

Grader (Facebook Grader), 221

Group pages, 101

closed groups, 103-104

connecting with individuals, 108-109

documents, 106-107

events, 107-108

hidden groups, 102-103

open groups, 104

personalized treatment, 110

setup, 104-105

sharing content, 109-110

united messaging, 106

Groupon, 243

guest selection, events, 144


hard dollars (revenue), 224

Help tab, business page setup, 77

Hi5, 9

hidden groups, 102-103


consultants, 265

AAMA success story, 275-276

costs, 268

history of projects, 271-272

influencers, 273-275

qualifying, 266-267

referrals, 272-273

social media marketing experts, 266

timing variables, 267-268

training social media team, 269-271

interns, 268-269

programmers, 170-171

humor, social media engagement, 128

hyper-local content, 241-242

check-in services, 243

Facebook Deals, 248

ideas for deals, 251

promotions, 250-251

setup, 249-250

Facebook Places, 244-246

integrating Places page with FB page, 248

setup, 247-248

mass-market coupons, 243-244



Facebook Deals, 251

generators (social media team), 259


advanced advertising tactics, 196-197

post content, 64-66

impressions, 204

Impressions statistic, 216

imprinting brands, 129-131

in-game purchases, 168

in-person training, social media team, 270

in-store sales (visit event), 141

inactive friends, 118

individual deals (Facebook Deals), 248

individual segments (target market), 18-19

influencers, 145-146, 273-275, 283-284

information, viral marketing, 156-157

Insights (Facebook Insights), 55, 209

accessing, 210-211

app insights, 217-218

email reports, 218-219

Page Overview, 211-216

website insights, 216-217

Insights tab, business page setup, 77

integrity (likeability), 284-285

interactions, broadcasts versus, 94-95

interactions (social media), 127

brand imprinting, 129-131

customers, 8

plugins, 134-135

social activity buttons, 136-137

social buttons, 136

social streams, 137-138

positive relationships, 127

posts, 131

promotions, 132

contests/sweepstakes, 132-133

FAQs, 134

rules, 133

top five engagement tips, 128-129


targeting ads, 191

viral marketing, 156

interns, 268-269

interpretation, performance reports, 204-206

Involver, 133

iStockPhoto, 53


JavaScript, 91, 176, 239

keeping your message short and sweet, 41-42

launching campaigns, 54

analysis, 55-56

budgets, 55

timelines, 54-55

lifetime budget, Facebook ads, 194

lifetime Likes, 211

Like box, 138

Like button, 136, 195

likeability, 277-279

authenticity, 280

clarity, 282

authority figure, 282-283

influencers, 283-284

integrity, 284-285

community giving, 279

empathy, 281-282

love, 285-287

“Likes,” 8

LinkedIn, 40

live podcasts (conversation event), 141

Live Stream plugin, 138

Livescribe, 97

Living Social, 243

local businesses, 241-242

check-in services, 243

Facebook Deals, 248

ideas for deals, 251

promotion, 250-251

setup, 249-250

Facebook Places, 244-246

integrating Places page with FB page, 248

setup, 247-248

mass-market coupons, 243-244

Login button, 136

loyalty deals (Facebook Deals), 248


Making Waves game, 164

Manage Admins tab, business page setup, 76

Manage Permissions tab, business page setup, 76

marketing plan, 27

calendar, 34

deviations from schedule, 37-38

scheduling posts, 35-36

time commitment, 38

topics, 38

customer interaction, 8

development, 28

featured products and services, 29-32

goals, 28-29

promotion strategies, 32-34

Facebook as secondary support, 8-9

measuring efficacy, 9

posts, 39

content, 40-41

input from audience, 41

length, 41-42

marketing transparency, 22-23, 230-231

Marketplace (Facebook Marketplace), 33, 232-234

mass-market coupons, 243-244


ad campaign efficacy, 197, 226

Ad Manager, 198-199

report options, 200-206

testing ad variations, 206-208

efficacy of marketing plan, 9

page activity, 209

comparison to competitors, 225

determining fan attributes, 225

Facebook Insights, 209-219

fan worth, 225

fans who became customers, 226

ROI (return on investment), 223-224

third-party statistics providers, 220-223

web analytic packages, 220

media team

building a schedule, 259-260

handling negative posts, 262-263

objectives, 256-257

one voice, 61

acting the part, 62-63

modeling, 61-62

roles, 259

setting up workflow, 260-261

skills, 258-259

stakeholders, 257-258

training, 269

in-person training, 270

networks, 270-271

online training, 269

resources, 270

medium-sized brands, Fan pages, 97-98

Mentions statistic, 215

Message button, 22


Facebook campaigns, 51-52

uploading videos, 154

meta tag, 217

minisites, 234

outsourcing, 236

setup, 234-235

mobile apps, 179

Mobile tab, business page setup, 77

modeling, 61-62

MoonToast, 236

movie premieres (visit event), 141


Narendra, Divya, 5

National Wildlife Federation, 30

navigation, Page Overview (Facebook Insights), 211-216

negative posts, 262-263

networks, social media team training, 270-271

News Feed, 122-124

niches, 19

defining, 20

generating positive energy, 24

marketing transparency, 22-23

Question tool, 25

replicating customer voice, 23-24

search tool, 21-22


objectives, social media team, 256-257

observations of competition, 9-11

Offerpop, 133

online branding, 10

online discussions (conversation event), 141

online sales (purchase event), 141

online training, social media team, 269

Open Graph, 237-238

open groups, 104

organic shares, 217


page activity, 209

ad campaign efficacy, 226

comparison to competitors, 225

determining fan attributes, 225

Facebook Insights, 209

accessing, 210-211

app insights, 217-218

email reports, 218-219

Page Overview, 211-216

website insights, 216-217

fan worth, 225

fans who became customers, 226

ROI (return on investment), 223-224

third-party statistics providers, 220

All Facebook Stats, 221

Facebook Grader, 221

Skyttle Friends, 222

Social Bakers, 223

web analytic packages, 220

Page Overview (Facebook Insights), 211-216

page tabs, Facebook campaigns, 46-47

Page Views statistic, 214


Fan, 85

big brands, 95-96

broadcasts versus interactions, 94-95

common strategies, 100

custom tabs, 88-92

medium-sized brands, 97-98

promotions, 132-134

setup, 86-87

small brands, 98-99

title, 87-88

WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?), 93

Group, 101

closed groups, 103-104

connecting with individuals, 108-109

documents, 106-107

events, 107-108

hidden groups, 102-103

open groups, 104

personalized treatment, 110

setup, 104-105

sharing content, 109-110

united messaging, 106

performance (Facebook ads)

Advertising Performance report, 200-201

Conversions by Impression Time report, 203-204

interpretation, 204-206

Responder Demographics report, 202-203

testing ad variations, 206-208

Permissions tab, business page setup, 78

persona, 59

acting the part, 62-63

authoritative voice, 61

celebrity spokespersons, 60

media team as one voice, 61-63

modeling, 61-62

role models, 60

personal communication, customer relationships, 79-82

personalized treatment, Group pages, 110

petitions (conversation event), 141

pictures, 146

posting customer photos, 146

tagging, 147-148

Places (Facebook Places), 244-247

integrating Places page with FB page, 248

setup, 247-248

plans (marketing), 27

calendar, 34-35

deviations from schedule, 37-38

scheduling posts, 35-36

time commitment, 38

topics, 38

customer interaction, 8

development, 28

featured products and services, 29-32

goals, 28-29

promotion strategies, 32-34

Facebook as secondary support, 8-9

measuring efficacy, 9

posts, 39

content, 40-41

input from audience, 41

length, 41-42

Playfish, 162

plugins, 134-135

social activity buttons, 136-137

social buttons, 136

social streams, 137-138

podcasts (conversation event), 141

policy, social media, 261-262

popular apps, 175

positive energy, 24

positive relationships, social media engagement, 127


content, 63

customer service skill, 66-67

defining business brands, 67-68

division, 64

images and words, 64-66

strategizing, 63

marketing calendar, 35-36

marketing plans, 39

content, 40-41

input from audience, 41

length, 41-42

negative, 262-263

social media engagement, 128-131

voice, 59

authoritative, 61

celebrity spokespersons, 60

media team as one voice, 61-63

role models, 60


fans, 119-120

friends, 117

influencers, 273

Precise Interest Target feature, 192

prioritizing goals, 7

product-related segmentation (target market), 17


marketing plans, 29-32

selling, 229

direct approach, 231-232

Facebook Credits, 238-239

Facebook Marketplace, 232-234

linking website to FB page, 236-238

marketing transparency, 230-231

minisites, 234-236

Profile picture, brands, 75-76

Profile Picture tab, business page setup, 76

programmers, games, 170-171


contests/sweepstakes, 132-133

Facebook Deals, 250-251

FAQs, 134

marketing plan strategies, 32-34

rules, 133

pruning friends, 118

psychographic segmentation (target market), 16

pull marketing, 50

purchase events, 141

Puritan Cleaners, 130

push marketing, 50


qualifying consultants, 266-267

Question tool, 25

questions, social media engagement, 129

QR codes, 163


Recommendations plugin, 137

referrals, consultants, 272-273

Referrers statistic, 215

Registration plugin, 137

relationships with customers, 79-82

defining customers, 5

finding customers, 5

fulfilling needs, 6

interaction, 8

reports, performance of Facebook ads

Advertising Performance report, 200-201

Conversions by Impression Time report, 203-204

interpretation, 204-206

Responder Demographics report, 202-203

resources, social media team training, 270

Resources tab, business page setup, 76

Responder Demographics reports, 202-203

return on investment (ROI), 223-224

revenue models, 177-178

ROI (return on investment), 223-224

role models, 60

roles, social media team, 259

royalty-free artwork, 53

RSVPs, events, 144

rules, promotions, 133


schedules, social media team, 259-260

scheduling posts, marketing calendars, 35-36

search engine optimization (SEO), 10

search tool, 21-22

secondary support, 8-9

segmentation (target market), 14-17

individual segments, 18-19

niches, 19-25

selecting guests, events, 144

selling products/services, 229

direct approach, 231-232

Facebook Credits, 238-239

Facebook Marketplace, 232-234

linking website to FB page

Facebook API, 236

Open Graph, 237-238

marketing transparency, 230-231


outsourcing, 236

setup, 234-235

seminars (visit event), 141

Send button, 136

SEO (search engine optimization), 10


marketing plans, 29-32

selling, 229

direct approach, 231-232

Facebook Credits, 238-239

Facebook Marketplace, 232-234

linking website to FB page, 236-238

marketing transparency, 230-231

minisites, 234-236


business page, 73-75

Facebook Deals, 249-250

Facebook Places page, 247-248

Fan pages, 86-87

groups, 104-105

minisites, 234-235

social media team work flow, 260-261

sharing content, Group pages, 109-110

ShutterStock, 53

skills, social media team, 258-259

Skyttle Friends, 222

small brands, Fan pages, 98-99

small businesses, 241-242

check-in services, 243

Facebook Deals, 248

ideas for deals, 251

promotions, 250-251

setup, 249-250

Facebook Places, 244-246

integrating Places page with FB page, 248

setup, 247-248

mass-market coupons, 243-244

Social Bakers, 223

social buttons, 136-137

social elite (influencers), 274

social media

engagement, 127

brand imprinting, 129-131

plugins, 134-138

positive relationships, 127

posts, 131

promotions, 132-134

top five engagement tips, 128-129

marketing experts, 266

policy, 261-262

teams, 255-256

building a schedule, 259-260

handling negative posts, 262-263

objectives, 256-257

one voice, 61-63

roles, 259

setting up workflow, 260-261

skills, 258-259

stakeholders, 257-258

training, 269-271

social networks

customer relationships, 4-6

defined, 4

social streams, 137-138

socioeconomic segmentation (target market), 16

soft dollars (revenue), 224


CRM (customer relationship management), 13

third-party statistics providers, 220

All Facebook Stats, 221

Facebook Grader, 221

Skyttle Friends, 222

Social Bakers, 223

web analytic packages, 220

spokespersons, 60

Sponsored Stories, 33, 48-49, 184-185

stakeholders, social media team, 257-258

Status Shuffle, 175

store integration

linking website to FB page

Facebook API, 236

Open Graph, 237-238

minisites, 234

outsourcing, 236

setup, 234-235

storytelling, creating brands, 75


budget, 7-8

business goals, 6-7

Fan pages, 100

market plans, 8-9

observing competition, 9-11

post content, 63

promotions, 32-34

target market

defining, 13-14

dividing into segments, 14-17

harnessing social networking, 17-18

individual segments, 18-19

niches, 19-25

strategizers (social media team), 259

streams, social, 137-138

Strutta, 133

Subscriptions, 123

success of ads, 197

Ad Manager, 198-199

report options, 200

Advertising Performance report, 200-201

Conversions by Impression Time report, 203-204

interpretation, 204-206

Responder Demographics report, 202-203

testing ad variations, 206-208

super-connectors (influencers), 274

sweepstakes, 33, 132-133


Tab Views statistic, 215


custom tabs, Fan pages, 88-92

Facebook campaigns, 46-47

tagging photos, 147-148

target market

defining, 13-14

dividing into segments, 14-17

games, 163

Ford Fiesta Movement, 165-166

Making Waves game, 164

Whopper Sacrifice game, 164-165

harnessing social networking, 17-18

individual segments, 18-19

niches, 19

defining, 20

generating positive energy, 24

marketing transparency, 22-23

Question tool, 25

replicating customer voice, 23-24

search tool, 21-22

teams (social media team), 255-256

building a schedule, 259-260

handling negative posts, 262-263

objectives, 256-257

one voice, 61-63

roles, 259

setting up workflow, 260-261

skills, 258-259

stakeholders, 257-258

training, 269-271

testimonials, Sponsored Stories, 48-49

testing ad variations, 206-208

third-party statistics providers, 220

All Facebook Stats, 221

Facebook Grader, 221

Skyttle Friends, 222

Social Bakers, 223

time commitment, marketing calendars, 38

timelines, launching Facebook campaigns, 54-55

timing variables, hiring consultants, 267-268

titles, Fan pages, 87-88


Facebook Insights, 55

Question, 25

search, 21-22

Top Stories, 124

topics, marketing calendars, 38

Total Tab Views statistic, 215

traffic, promotions, 132

contests/sweepstakes, 132-133

FAQs, 134

rules, 133

training, social media team, 269

in-person training, 270

networks, 270-271

online training, 269

resources, 270

transparency (marketing), 22-23, 230-231

trivia, 33

turn-based games, 167


united messaging, Group pages, 106

uploading videos, 152

customer Walls, 154

Facebook messaging, 154

Facebook page, 152-153

YouTube, 154-155



stats, 56

viral marketing, 151

edutainment, 155-158

uploading video, 152-155

View Insights link, 211

viral marketing, 151

edutainment, 155

entertainment, 158

gaining interest, 156

provide information, 156-157

uploading videos, 152

customer Walls, 154

Facebook messaging, 154

Facebook page, 152-153

YouTube, 154-155

virtual classes (conversation event), 141

visit events, 140-141

voice, 59

authoritative, 61

celebrity spokespersons, 60

media team as one voice, 61-63

role models, 60

Votigo, 133


Wall posts, Facebook campaigns, 44-46

Walls, 121-124

web analytic packages, 220


Facebook Insights, 216-217

integration into Facebook page

linking website to FB page, 236-238

minisites, 234-236

linking to FB page

Facebook API, 236

Open Graph, 237-238

Whopper Sacrifice game, 164-165

WIIFM (What’s In It For Me?), 93

Wildfire, 132

Winklevoss, Cameron, 5

Winklevoss, Tyler, 5

workflow, social media team, 260-261

worth, fans, 120-121

writing social media policy, 261-262


Your Settings tab, business page setup, 76

YouTube, uploading videos, 154-155

YouTube Insights, 56


Zoosk, 175

Zynga, 162

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