
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, and t indicate tables.


Activation energy 493, 512, 514–515 See also Aging
Active power line conditioner 847 See also Compensators
Admittance 578–579
Aging 491, 512
activation energy E 493, 513
additional temperature rise for transformers 498f
additional temperature rise (or loss) versus weighted-harmonic-factor function 511
aging (decrease of lifetime) due to additional temperature rise 515
Arrhenius plots 514
calculated harmonic losses of single-phase induction machine 502–503
calculated harmonic losses of three-phase induction machine 504–507
decrease of lifetime 514–515
elevated temperature rise 493
equation of aging 512–513
exponents of weighted-harmonic factors 508–509
heat flow 567–569
heat flow related to conduction 554–555
heat flow related to radiation and convection 555–556
induction machines 499–503, 558f, 562–569
k-factor 508–509
l-factor 509
lifetime 514–515
limits for harmonic voltages 517–524
measured temperature increases for transformers 496–498
reaction-rate equation 512–513
reduction of lifetime 515–517
temperature as a function of time 525–527
thermal aging 512
transformers 496–498, 562
weighted-harmonic factors for induction machines 499–501
weighted-harmonic factors for transformers 494–496
worst-case conditions 492
Alpha-beta-zero (αβ0) transformation 861–862
Amortisseur 413–414
Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques 900–911
artificial neural network (ANN) 906–907
drawbacks of AI-based methods 901
expert systems 905
fuzzy 907–911 See also Fuzzy set theory
genetic 939–941 See also Genetic algorithms
graph search algorithm 911–912
particle swarm algorithm 912
sequential quadratic programming 913
simulated annealing 905–906
tabu search algorithm 912–913
Average value 28–29
nonsinusoidal waveform 28–29


Bearing currents 410
Boltzmann constant 514
Broadband power line (BPL) communication 6
Brushless DC machine 18f, 22f, 45–46, 416f


Capacitance 579t
Capacitor 430
capacitance scanning 470–472 See also Scanning
classification of allocation techniques for sinusoidal operation 897–920
constraints 473–478, 486, 922–923
cost index 923–924
current constraint 474
displacement power factor (DPF) 435–436, 482
displacement power factor angle φ 432–434, 483
distribution shunt capacitor banks 893–897
equivalent circuits 478–482
frequency scan 431
harmonic constraints for capacitors 473–478
for harmonic filtering 445
harmonic losses 480, 486
harmonic resonance 450–452, 452–453 See also Resonance
as harmonic sources 444–447, 452–453
objective function 923–924
optimal placement 890
optimal placement by fuzzy algorithm 907–911, 913–915, 917, 932–937
optimal placement by genetic algorithm 901–904
optimal placement by hybrid genetic-fuzzy algorithm 953
optimal placement by hybrid MSS-LV 929
optimal placement by local variation (LV) 927–928
optimal placement by maximum sensitivities selection (MSS) 924–927
permissible operating region for capacitors 475
pole-mounted capacitor banks 896
power-factor correction 431–443, 442–443 See also Power factor
power quality problems associated with capacitors 448–470
protection of capacitors 467, 485
reactive-power compensation 432, 443–444, 890–892
reactive-power constraint 474–475
relation between displacement power factor and total power factor 435–436, 483–484
relation between displacement power factor angle and firing angle 435
series 25
shunt 889, 896t
sizing of capacitor banks 73–74
switching 448–449
total power factor (TPF) 435–436, 483–484
total power factor angle θ 434–436
transients associated with capacitor switching 448–449
voltage constraint 473
C-message 35
Compensators 843–844
active power line conditioner (APLC) 847
custom power devices (compensation-custom power devices) 846–847
custom power devices (network-reconfiguration devices) 847
phase shifters 844
series compensators 845, 852
shunt compensators 845, 867
Compressed-air storage facility 722–730
Computer-aided testing (CAT) 180–185
computer-aided testing of electrical apparatus program (CATEA) 244
Converters 76–77
shunt 867
six-pulse 99–100
twelve-pulse 76, 98–99
Corona 693
audible noise 700–701
barometric pressure 696
critical disruptive voltage 695–696
discharge 693
economic considerations 703
effects 689–691, 699
electron avalanche 693f
factors influencing generation 695–696
frequency distribution 702f
frequency spectra 700–701
mechanism 693
minimization 699–702
negative effects 696–699
NOx generation 701
onset of corona 696
ozone generation 701
radio interference (RI) 699
solutions for the minimization 699–702
television interference (TVI) 700–701
in transmission lines 692
Custom power devices 846–847 See also Compensators


Dedicated line 69–71, 96
Demand-side management 749–751
definition 74
measurement 115–116, 179–194
Describing function 700–701
Distortion 14–18
Distortion index 36
Distortion power (D) 36–38
Distributed generation (DG) 706
cogeneration 706–707
frequency control 706
voltage control 706
Distribution 577–578
Distribution feeder 85
Transformer with DC bias 736
Disturbances 4–7


Earth-surface potential 162–163 See also Geomagnetic disturbances
Electromagnetic field (EMF) 6, 689–691
biological effects 696–699
electric field strength 690, 759
environmental concerns 699
generation of EMFs 689–691
magnetic field strength 692, 759
maximum surface gradient 759–760
minimization 699–702
mitigation 703–704
negative effects on people and animals 696–699
passive shielding 694
reducing the effects 694
solutions for the minimization 699–702
Electromagnetic phenomena 709t
Electron volt (eV) 514, 563
Electrostatic discharge phenomena (ESD) 7
Emergency standby power 766
Energy storage 198, 755–756
compressed-air storage facility 1073–1074
flywheel storage plant 716
hydro pumped-storage plant 756
supercapacitor storage plant 422f
superconducting coil 198
Error calculation 199
maximum error analysis 722–730
Expert systems 905


Feeder 684–685
flower configuration 686f
radial configuration 685f
ring configuration 686f
Ferroresonance phenomenon 145–160
avoidance of ferroresonance 152–153
calculation of ferroresonant currents 145–160, 151f
chaotic behavior 153
definition 145
ferroresonant circuit 146f
resonance 145 See also Resonance phenomenon
single-pole switching 148–152
susceptibility 152
transformer connection 148–152
ways to avoid ferroresonance 152–153
FHL-factor 121–123
sensitivity 123
transformer 142–143f
Filters 782
active 810–813
block diagram of active filters 818–820
classification of active filters 810–811
classification of filters 785–786
classification of hybrid filters 813–818
classification of passive filters 787, 789–800, 802–803
compensation signals 831
composite filter 797–798
control of filters 820–841
correction of negative- and zero-sequence components 820
current-divider transfer functions 788–789
DC bus energy balance 819, 831–832
derivation of compensating signal 827–829
derivation of reference signal 822–826
design 81, 98–101
distortion identification techniques 818, 820
filter placement 76
first-order damped high-pass 792–794
first-order high-pass 790–792
flicker 821
generation of compensation signal 832–833
high-power active 813
hybrid 813–818
hybrid of passive and active 882–883
hybrid passive 802–803
impedance-based blocking 831
impedance-based compensation 831
impedance transfer functions 788
instantaneous power 829
inverter 818
inverter controller 818
limitations of passive power filters 801–802
low-power active 812
medium-power active 813
parallel resonance 16
passive 786–809
potentials of passive power filters 801–802
reactive-power control 820
reference following techniques 832–833
second-order band-pass 794–796
second-order damped band-pass 796–797
sensors and transformers 818
series resonance 16
supply current distortion 830
synchronizer 819
three-phase four-wire passive filter 801f
three-phase three-wire passive filter 800f
transfer function 787–789
types of nonlinear loads 782–784
voltage-divider transfer functions 789
voltage sag and voltage swell 821
waveform compensation 822–826
Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) 6, 842, 844–846
combined shunt-series FACTS controllers 845
series FACTS controllers 845
shunt FACTS controllers 845
STATCOM 845, 847
static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) 845
Flicker 19–20, 821
Flux distribution 221f, 327f
flux-density measurement 249f
induction machine 219–224
permanent-magnet machine 327–328f
switched-reluctance machine 379–380
synchronous machine 328–329, 384–385
Force calculation 178, 198, 219, 382–383
magnetic 178, 198
Form factor (FF) 30
Fourier analysis 416
program 179–194
Frequency control 707, 716
Frequency variation 760
Fuel cell 50, 96, 767
Fuzzy set theory 907–911
alpha-cut process 934
defuzzification 910
fuzzification 933–934
fuzzy approach for capacitor bank placement 932–936
fuzzy expert system 910, 937, 946
fuzzy fitness (suitability) functions 946
fuzzy inference 910
fuzzy logic operators 908
fuzzy sets 907–908
implication 909
membership function 908
for optimal capacitor placement in presence of harmonics 899, 921, 945–951
for optimal capacitor placement with sinusoidal operation 921


Gear box 770
Generation 300, 575–576
cogeneration 706–707
distributed 706–707
Genetic algorithms 901–904, 939, 945–946
chromosomes 902
convergence criterion 904
crossover process 919
evaluation (fitness) function 946
genetic operators 940, 948
genetic parameters 903–904
genetic representation 902
initialization 902
mutation process 919
for optimal capacitor placement in presence of harmonics 917, 939–943, 942f, 945–951
for optimal capacitor placement with sinusoidal operation 904, 939–942
reproduction process 951
Geomagnetic disturbances (storms) 161–165
aurora australis 161
aurora borealis 161
calculation of GIC 15, 164
DC bias 15f, 163
earth-surface potential (ESP) 162–163
effects 163
geomagnetically induced current (GIC) 15, 161
GIC in transformers 161–165
mitigation techniques 165
modeling 164
origins 162
power system effects 163–164
sun-spot cycles 162
transformers with DC bias Current 15f, 164–165, 736
Graph search algorithm 911–912
Grounding 165–178
choice of grounded 166
connection to earth 178
equipment grounding 177
grounded system 166–167
multiple faults 167–168
service continuity 166
static grounding 178
system grounding 166
ungrounded system 166
Guidelines 57–64


Harmonic power flow (HPF) 623–658, 676–678
accuracy of decoupled HPF 661–662, 669
algorithm 627–631, 637–638
assembly of equations 627–631
bus admittance matrix 623–625
classification of HPF techniques 624
classification of time harmonics 625
correction bus vector 656
current balance at fundamental frequency 628
current balance at harmonic frequency 629
decoupled HPF 661–662
fast HPF 662–664
fuzzy HPF 664–665
harmonic (bus) admittance matrix 623–625, 639
harmonic frequencies 624
harmonic Jacobian entry formulae 635–638
harmonic Jacobian matrix 650, 677–679
harmonic power definitions 623–625
linear bus 627
mismatch vector 631, 646
modeling of linear loads 626
modeling of nonlinear loads 625–626, 641 See also Loads
modified fast decoupled HPF 664
modular HPF 667–669
negative sequence 26
Newton–Raphson approach 631–638
nonlinear bus 625–627, 675
phase shift 113–114
probabilistic HPF 665–667
space 27
spatial 27
weak power system 675
zero sequence 26–27
Harmonics 21–27
admittance matrix 578–579 See also Harmonic power flow
cancellation 68
characteristic 26
cost of harmonics 525
current calculation 69, 73–76
domain simulation 65–66
even 24, 232
even space harmonics 270
factor 30–31
flicker 20, 876
form factor (FF) 30
frequency conversion 400–401
frequency variations 20, 706–707, 760
harmonic domain simulation 66
harmonic factor (HF) 31
harmonic filter 74–77
harmonic power 109–117
interaction of space and time harmonics 268–272
interharmonic 25–26, 69
lowest order harmonic (LOH) 31
modeling harmonic sources 65–67
negative sequence 26–27
noninteger 17, 270
noninteger space harmonics 270
notching 17
odd 24
order 24
positive sequence 26–27
propagation 5f, 170–171
resonance 97, 101, 145–160, 189–190, 450–452, 893, 893 See also Resonance
simulation techniques 66–67
space 27, 229–232
spatial 27
subharmonic 25, 96
time 27, 233–235
time-domain simulation 65–66
time-varying nature of harmonics 19, 27, 524
transients 9–10
triplen 24–25, 232
uncharacteristic 26
unpredictable events 5
voltage calculation 69, 73–76, 89–90
weighted-harmonic factors 508–509 See also Aging
zero sequence 26–27
Heat flow 554–555
conduction 554–555
convection 555–556
radiation 555–556
Heuristic method 900
High-voltage DC (HVDC) transmission 6
Hunting 316
Hybrid MSS-LV algorithm 929


Imbalance 872
Impedance 579t
Inductance 579t
Induction machine 209–272
additional temperature rise due to harmonics 510–511 See also (Aging
aging 491, 491, 491 See also (Aging
asynchronous torques 272
auxiliary winding 247
classification 298–300
control 302, 564
conventional harmonic model 294
critical speeds 303–304
current-source-fed induction motor 262–263, 305
double-squirrel cage circuit 298, 300
doubly fed induction generator 768f
dynamic rotor eccentricity 297
(E/f) control 302, 564
equivalent circuit 212, 213f
flux distribution 220f
forward rotating fundamental mmf 231
forward rotating harmonic mmf 235f
fractional horsepower 245
fundamental slip 213, 236–237
fundamental torque 214, 236–242, 305
harmonic current 308
harmonic (equivalent circuit) model 236f
harmonics in stator teeth and yokes 248–250
harmonic slip 237–241
harmonic torque 236–242
harmonic voltage 308
interaction of time and space harmonics 269
interharmonic torque 260–268, 305
iron-core loss resistance 247
leakage flux loss 294
linear (sinusoidal) model 212f
magnetic fields 219–224
magnetizing impedance 246
main-phase winding 247
measured harmonic losses 505 See also Aging
measurements 242–260
noninteger space harmonics 270
nonlinear circuit parameters 244–250
nonlinear harmonic models 293–297
overfrequency 303
overvoltage 217, 303
permanent-split-capacitor (PSC) 244
phasor diagram 301
reduction of harmonic torque 545–546, 564–565
reflected harmonic slip 239–242
rotating magnetomotive (mmf) force 270
rotor core loss 294
rotor eccentricity 297
rotor impedance 245–246
search coil 248–249, 248f
single-phase 242–260
sinusoidal equivalent circuit 211–219
spatial (space) harmonics 229–232
spectral-based harmonic model 295–297, 296f
stability, steady-state 225–228, 300
starting current 224f
starting performance 224f
starting torque 219
static rotor eccentricity 297
stator impedance 245
stator teeth 248–250
stator yoke (backiron) 248–250
subharmonic torque 260–268, 305
synchronous torques 271–272
temperature-rise calculation 556–560
three-phase 213–214
three-phase machine operated on single-phase system 297–298
time harmonics 233–235
torque, three-phase 225
turns ratio 247
underfrequency 303
undervoltage 216, 302
unstable operation 225
(V/f) control 302, 564
voltage-source-fed induction motor 260–262, 307
voltage stress 305–307
weighted-harmonic factors 493–507 See also Aging
winding failures 272–293
winding stress 275–277, 307
winding switching 228f
Inductor 195
current-controlled voltage-source inverter 53f, 332f, 422f
current-source inverters (CSI) 782–783
paralleling with power system 350f
phasor diagram of inverter 332–333
pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inverters 52–55, 191–192, 272–293, 373, 948, 984, 1102
six-step inverter 45–46, 187–188
Islanding 743–745
definition of problem 745–746
intentional islanding 743–751
solution approach 746–751
I·T product 35


Jacobian matrix 603, 631–632, 675, 677–679
fundamental Jacobian matrix 603
harmonic Jacobian matrix 632, 677


Kelvin 514
K-factor 119–121, 196–197
sensitivity 123


LabVIEW 738–739
Lanchester-Betz equation 771
rated 514
Lightning 10, 10f, 170–171, 173–174
arrester operation 173–174
insulator flashover 170–171
PSpice solution 171, 171f
strike 10, 10f
surge 307
Load flow 594–623 See also Power flow
Loads 578, 782–784
linear loads 578
load point 685f
load sharing 760–762
modeling linear loads at harmonic frequencies 626
nonlinear loads 578, 782–784 See also Nonlinear loads
Local variation (LV) 927–928
breakdown 215f
conventional approach (PLoss = Pin – Pout185, 730
direct loss measurement 185
harmonic 108
indirect loss measurement 115
maximum error analysis 183
new approach (pcu=i'2(v1v'2) and pfe = v1(i1i'2)) 763–764


Magnetic field strength 692
calculation 111f, 161
Magnetic force calculation 178
Magnetics 112–114
major loop 112, 112f
minor loop 112, 112f
Manufacturing regulations 6–7
Mathematica solutions 152, 275–277, 285, 707
MATLAB solutions 152, 275–277, 285, 707
Maximum sensitivities selection (MSS) 924–927, 944
convergence 927
MMS algorithm 925–926
sensitivities functions 924–925
accuracy 183–185
computer sampling 248–250
current 247–248
errors 183, 184t
flux density 248–250
uncertainty 201
voltage 247–248
Motoring 303–304


National Electrical Code (NEC) 177
Newton–Raphson 595–601 See also Power flow
Nonlinear loads 782–784
current-source (current-fed or current-stiff) nonlinear loads 782–783, 783f
frequency spectrum of an unbalanced, three-wire three-phase nonlinear load 824, 825f
harmonic modeling of nonlinear loads 625–626
modeling linear loads at harmonic frequencies 578, 625–626, 782–783 See also Loads
voltage-source (voltage-fed or voltage-stiff) nonlinear loads 783, 783f
Nonperiodic events 687–688
NOx generation 701
Nuclear electromagnetic pulse (NEMP) 8t


Operating modes of rotating machines 528–561
intermittent 530
short term 528–529
steady-state 528
steady-state with intermittent 531
steady-state with short term 530
Optocoupler 180, 181f


Park (dq0) transformation 320, 855–859
Partial differential equation 567–569
Particle swarm algorithm 912
Peak-power tracker 756, 1072–1073
Permanent-magnet machine 364–366, 369f
cogging torque 544–545
Permanent-magnet material 370f
coercivity 369f
neodymium–iron–boron (NdFeB) 370f
residual flux density 373–374
Permeability 147
free-space 162f, 198
recoil 368, 371, 406–408
relative 368
Phase-lock loop (PLL) circuit 865–866
Phasor diagram 329–333
piston compressor 545–546
pole transformer 195
Photovoltaic power plant 706, 756
frequency control 706–707
voltage control 706–707
Point of common coupling (PCC) 63–64, 64t, 720–721, 1004f
Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) 50
Positive-sequence voltage detector (PSVD) 867
Possible voltage spectra 481t, 521t, 564t
Power 115, 434–436
active 118, 434
apparent 37
average 434, 624
distortion 36–38, 434–435
harmonic 109–117
instantaneous 822, 827–830, 865–871
reactive 434
Power factor 97
benefits of power-factor correction 442–443
displacement power factor (DPF) 97, 100–101, 432–434, 483–486
power-factor correction 431–443
total power factor (TPF) 434–436, 483–484
Power filters  See Filters
Power flow 594–623
admittance (bus) matrix 578–579, 595, 605, 671
algorithm 600–601, 604–605
backward substitution 589, 592–593
bus voltage vector 596–599
distribution 577–578
formation of table of factors 590
forward substitution 588, 592–593
fundamental power flow 594–623
generation 575–576
harmonic  See (Harmonic power flow)
interconnected (mesh) power systems 594f
inverse of a matrix 616, 621
Jacobian entry formulas 601–604
Jacobian matrix 590–591, 610, 616
linear load 578
load (PQ) bus 596
matrix multiplication 587
mismatch power 600, 608
Newton–Raphson 595–601
Newton–Raphson algorithm 600–601, 604–605
nonlinear bus  See (Harmonic power flow)
nonlinear load 578
nonsingular 608f
power system 594–623
PQ bus 596
PV bus 596
radial power systems 594f
singularity 585, 607
subtransmission 577
swing bus 596
table of factors 590, 672–673
Taylor series expansion 597–598
transformers 577
transmission 577
triangular factorization 586–587
voltage control 673
voltage controlled (PV) bus 596
weak power system 674
Power line communication 689
Power quality 4
active-power filter 17, 74–77
automatic disconnect 755
backup power system 754
batteries 754, 1072–1073
causes 4–7
CBEMA voltage-tolerance curve 751–753, 766
classification 7–20
common-mode noise 69
custom-power devices 846–847
custom-power devices with switching action 431
DC offset 15
definition 4
diesel-generator set 754, 766
differential-mode noise 69
direction of harmonic power flow 720–721
electric noise 17–18
emergency power system 754, 767
energy-storage methods 755–756
flicker 20
fluctuation 19–20
flywheels 754
formulation 20–56
frequency control 760
frequency regulation 754
fuel cells 754, 767
guidelines 57–64
high-voltage AC transmission lines 6
high-voltage DC transmission lines 6
hybrid-power filters 813–818
hydro pumped-storage plant 1006–1007
imbalance 14
improvement techniques 67–89
interharmonics 17, 25–26, 32, 69–71, 688–689
interruption 12
ITIC voltage-tolerance curve 751–752, 766
lightning 10f, 173–174
load sharing 760–761
load shedding 755
long-duration variation 13–14
matching of renewable sources with energy storage 756–757
MOSFET 38, 42, 45
nonperiodic event 687–688
notching 17
overvoltage 14, 893
passive-power filter 799–802
peak-power tracker 756, 1072–1073
photovoltaic (PV) power plant 716, 756, 975–990, 1060–1062, 1067–1068
power-factor compensation 975–976
power-frequency variation 20
recommendations 57–64
renewable energy systems 964–1078
reverse-recovery current 978, 980f
ride-through capability 751
ripple factor (RF) 30
sags 12
SEMI F47 curve 753, 766
short-duration variation 11–12
single-time event 687–688
spikes 6
standards 57–64
standby power system 754
subharmonics 96
supercapacitors 754
sustained interruption 14
swells 12
switching surges 9
tools for detecting poor power quality 720–739
transients 9–10
undervoltage 14
unpredictable events 5
voltage control 760–761
voltage fluctuation 19–20
voltage imbalance 14, 872
voltage pick-up 759
voltage regulation 751
waveform distortion 14–18
wind power (WP) plants 52–55
Power system 417, 575–678
automatic disconnect 755
frequency control 419, 706–707
frequency regulation 754
frequency variation 760
intentional islanding 743–745
interconnected 743–745
intermittent power plants 756–757
islanding operation 418
load change 417
load sharing 719–720f, 760–762
load shedding 755
reclosing 344
redundant 743–745
ride-through capability 753
self-healing 743–745
sequence components 420
sequence matrices 420
short-circuit 420
short-circuit apparent power 67–89
short-circuit current 67–89
steady-state frequency variation 417
voltage control 706–707
voltage regulation 751–753
voltage tolerance curve 751–752
Power system capacity 892
Programmable logic controller (PLC) 739–740, 842
Protection devices (PD) 685f
Proximity effect 111
PSpice solutions 10f, 18f, 38–39, 42–43, 45–46, 50, 52–55, 171f, 174f, 435, 483
Pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inverter 52–55 See also Inverter


Q-factor 795
Quality  See Power quality


Reactance 579t
Reactor 198
interphase 200
Real power capability (RPC) 118
Reclosing 344
diode rectifier 42
duty cycle/ratio δ 483
firing angle α 435
full-wave 186
notching 17
resonant 189–190
silicon-controlled rectifiers (SCRs) 751, 782–783
six-step/pulse 45–46, 187–188, 200
thyristor or SCR 38–39, 39f
twelve-pulse 98–99
Reduction in apparent power rating (RAPR) 118
Reduction of harmonic torques 545–546, 564–565
Relay 688–689
frequency rate of change 688
harmonics 688–689
interharmonics 17, 25–26, 32, 69–71, 72t, 688–689
operating time increase 689f
overcurrent 688–689
set point 688–689
underfrequency 688
Reliability, relaying and security 
calculation of reliability indices 686–687, 758
customer-oriented system indices 684
degradation of reliability and security due to poor power quality 687–719
demand side management 749–751
economical evaluation of reliability 684
error analysis 722–730
fast interrupting switches (FIS) 740–741
fault-current limiters (FCL) 740–741, 765
harmonics and interharmonics affecting relays 688–689
intentional islanding 743–745 See also Islanding
load-oriented system indices 684
load-point reliability indices 684
overcurrent relays 688–689
power line communication 689
programmable logic converter (PLC) 738–739
reliability indices 684–687
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) 738–739
tools for improving reliability/security 739–755
uncertainty analysis 738, 762–764
under-frequency relays 688
Reluctance machine 380f
switched-reluctance machine 379–380, 380f
Renewable energy 
acceptance 1027
acoustic noise 976, 1005
AC transmission line 1055
algebraic equations 1030, 1037, 1077
ambient temperature 1021
annual energy yield 971
apparent power 1027, 1029, 1033, 1045
atomic-weight method 1022
automobile 1076
automotive fuel 1058
avoided cost 1062
axial moment of inertia 1009, 1071–1072
base 992–993
base apparent power 1027, 1029, 1045
base impedance 1045
base speed 993f, 998
batteries 976
battery cells 1072
battery characteristic 1073
battery storage 1010–1013
Bavaria 971, 1058–1059
biomass 974
biomass power plant 975
blade pitch angle 1001–1002
booster cooler 1015, 1073
Britisch thermal unit (BTU) 1015–1019, 1074
bulb-type turbine 1008
burst-current/voltage control 972f, 1063–1064
capacitance 989–990, 1011, 1055, 1072
capacity factor 1006–1007, 1068–1070
Carnot efficiency 1015–1016, 1018, 1018f, 1074
central power station 1043–1044
charging time constant 1029, 1033
chemical plant 1022
circular array 1023
combined heating and electric power (CHP) 1058
combustor 1015, 1017–1019, 1017f, 1074
comparator 986t
complementary 1024–1055, 1078
complementary generation 1078
compressed-air energy storage (CAES) 1015, 1073
compressed-air storage 1013–1019, 1016f, 1073–1074, 1075f
connection charge 1062
conservation of energy 975
constant-speed wind power plants 999
construction price 1016, 1070, 1074
control of electronic gear 991–999
control of frequency 1026–1028
control of power flow based on storage plants 1000
control of voltage 1042–1044
convergence 977t
coolers 1015, 1017, 1074
cooling water 1024, 1057
current-controlled voltage source inverter 1011
custom power devices 977–984, 989–990
cylindrical 1070
DC-to-DC converter 1060–1061, 1067–1068
DC transmission line 964–965, 1049–1050
deep-cycle battery 1062
differential equations 1027–1028, 1030, 1035, 1077
differential-mode electrical noise filter 1066, 1067f
displacement power factor 987t, 1000, 1066
distillation 1020
distributed energy sources 1043–1044
distributed generation 1024–1025
distributed power plants 1025
distributed renewable sources 1042
doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) 999, 1001–1002, 1006
droop characteristic 1026f, 1029–1030, 1031f, 1048f, 1077–1078
duty cycle δ 978t, 979f, 1012, 1065
dynamic system response 1000
efficiency of appliances 964, 972, 1061
electrical energy 975, 1017, 1019, 1057
electric cars 1020, 1055–1056, 1075–1076
electric trains 1057
electrochemical capacitance 1072
electrochemistry 1021
electrolysis 1019–1020, 1075–1076
electron 990–999, 1060
electronic switching 1060
Energieeinsparverordnung (EnEV) 966, 973–974
Energiewende 973–974
energy coefficient 969–970
Energy Conservation Act 973–975
energy conservation in residences 964–975
energy consumption 964–971, 975, 1063
energy consumption in house 966, 969, 1063
energy consumption in residence (kW/m2/a) 1063
energy density 1019–1021, 1075–1076
energy independence 1058–1059
energy production 999
energy storage systems 1005, 1054–1055
energy yield 971, 1063
energy yield as a function of latitude 1063
environmental 974, 1023, 1058
equivalent circuit 994, 994t, 994f
equivalent-gasoline gallons 1020, 1076
errorsignals 986t
European effort to renewable energy 975
European Union (EU) recommendations 964–965
evaporation 1006–1007, 1068–1070
extra-high voltage (EHV) 1043
fast charging stations 1055–1056
feed-in tariff 970f, 1056
figure of merit (FM) 1055
flexible AC transmission system (FACTs) 1043
floor cooling 966–967
floor heating 966–967, 973–974
flow battery 976, 1005–1006, 1010
flywheel power plant 1009, 1009f, 1070–1072, 1070f
flywheel storage 1008–1010, 1070–1072
focal point 1022–1023, 1023f
Fourier analysis 977t, 1011, 1013
Francis turbine 1008
frequency and voltage control 1026
frequency change 1027, 1028f, 1029, 1031f, 1033, 1035–1037
frequency-dependent load 1026f, 1027, 1029, 1029f, 1077f
frequency deviations 1026f
frequency-independent load 1026f, 1077f
frequency leader 976, 1025, 1030, 1032, 1034f, 1044, 1078
frequency perturbation 1045
frequency variation 1026, 1032, 1038, 1044–1053, 1050f, 1053f
furling of blades 999–1000
gallons 1021–1023
gallons/year 1021
gate 978
gating signal 986t, 1066
generation capability 1025
geological formation 1057
geomagnetic fields 1057
geothermal 974, 1057
geothermal potential 1057f
German approach to renewable energy 964–971, 1013, 1043, 1046, 1056
German Renewable Energy Act 973–974
Gorlov turbine 1008
governor time constant 1027, 1029, 1033, 1035–1037
GPS 1000
green energy 1043
grid-connected mode of operation 964–965, 976, 989, 1001–1002, 1042, 1044–1053
groundwater 973–974, 1057
groundwater heat pump 1057
ground water temperature 973–974
head of water 1006, 1069
heart pacemakers 972
heat pumps 970, 973–974, 1059
heat rate 1015–1017, 1019
height restrictions 1005
heliostats 1023–1024
high-efficiency, single-family dwelling 965f
high tariff 967f, 970f
horizontal-axis wind power plant 1005
hydrogen-density method 1022
hydrogen generation 1019–1021
hydrogen storage 1019–1021
hydro plant 975–976, 1005–1006, 1043
hydro pump 971, 1006
hydro-storage plant 1006–1007
induction heat 972
induction machine 992–994, 992f, 998
induction-type stove 972, 1060, 1063–1064
insolation 984–985, 988f, 1067, 1072f, 1073
insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) 989–990, 1011–1012
insulating material 1054
integer harmonics 1042, 1060
integrator 1030
interconnected power system 964, 975–976, 1024–1025, 1025f, 1029–1030, 1077–1078
interest payment 1062
intermittent operation 976–977, 1026f, 1030–1033, 1032f, 1043, 1059
intermittent power output 1032, 1034f
inverter circuit 1011, 1066
investment cost 1043
islanding detection 1000
islanding operation 1024–1025
isochronous operation 1026f
Kaplan turbine 1008
Lanchester–Betz–Joukowsky limit 1005
Laplace operator 1045
lead-acid battery 1072, 1072f
light emitting diode (LED) 972, 1061
limestone 1057
limits on stability 1046
line-commutated switch 980f
lithium-ion battery 1022
load change 1027, 1029, 1033
load control 1026–1028, 1077–1078
loading 1000, 1015, 1073
long-distance travel 1057
long-term storage plants 971, 1005–1006, 1013, 1030–1041, 1034f, 1078
lower switches 986t
low tariff 967f, 970
magnetic bearings 1070
maintenance crane 1023
maximum efficiency 1005, 1058
maximum power extraction 1001–1002, 1005
maximum power point operation 1060
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) 989–990, 1001–1002
mechanical degradation 1054
mechanical gears 990, 999
medium step 1047–1048, 1051f
micro-grid power system 964, 976, 1030–1032, 1059
mixed-flow turbine 1008
modulation index 984, 987t, 989–990, 1012–1013, 1066
molten salt 1022–1024
molten salt storage 1022–1024
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) 1043
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) 971, 1063
neodymium 1005
net metering 1056, 1060, 1062
neutron 1022
nickel-metal hydride battery 1076
non-constant power output 1047–1053
non-integer harmonics 1042, 1065
nuclear 964–965, 974, 1026, 1043
ocean-tide renewable energy 1057
off-shore renewable plants 1056
off-shore wind power plant 964–965, 1001, 1056
operating mode 1060–1063
operating points 1072, 1072f
operation of wind farms 999–1001
outage 1025, 1054
over-excited 986–987t, 987f
pancake-type generator 990
passive house 970
pay-back period 1062
peak-power generation 1007, 1007f, 1016, 1044–1045, 1070, 1070f, 1074
peak-power tracker 1067–1068
peak (maximum)-power tracker 1060–1061
peak rectifier 972, 1060
Pelton wheel 1008
permanent-magnet synchronous generator (PMSG) 990, 999, 1001–1002, 1002f, 1004f, 1005
perturbation 1043, 1045
per unit (pu) 998, 1022, 1045–1046
phase-angle current/voltage control 972, 973f, 975, 1064–1065
phasor-data concentrator (PDC) 1000
phasor measurement units (PMUs) 1000
photovoltaic (PV) power plants 984–985, 988f, 1062, 1063f, 1067–1068
P–I characteristic 756
polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) 1021–1022
power coefficient Cp(λ,β) 1001–1002
power density 1001–1002, 1022
power-load balance 1042
power plant for residence 1060–1062
power–speed characteristic 992f
precipitation 1006–1008, 1068–1070
primary energy consumption 966
prime mover 1026, 1026f, 1033
propeller turbine 1008
proton 1021
pulse 977t, 978, 986t
pulse-width-modulated (PWM) inverters 984, 986t, 998, 1066
pulse-width-modulated (PWM) rectifiers 977–983, 977t, 1065
pumped-storage hydro-power plant 1006–1007, 1007f, 1068–1070, 1070f
pure water 1019–1020, 1076
PV penetration 1026
radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) 1001–1002
radial power system 1025f
rain-catch area 1008
rare earth material 1005
reactive drop 1049–1050
reactive power 984, 986–987t, 987f, 1042–1044
recharging 1016, 1074
recovery of braking energy 1057
reformer 1022
rejection 1027
reliability 1024–1025, 1043
reverse-recovery current 974, 978, 980f, 989–990
rotating mass 1026, 1026f
safety considerations 988–989, 998
San Luis Valley of Colorado 984–985, 988f
seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) 970
self-commutated switch 977f, 1011, 1014f
series turns of the stator winding 990, 992f, 997
shadowing 988f, 999, 1068, 1069f
short-distance travel 1057
short-term storage plants 1030–1037, 1034f, 1048f
simplified grid 1044–1046
slopes 1032–1033
smart grid power system 1042, 1059
snubber 997
solar concentrator array 1022–1023, 1023f
solar panels 989, 1056, 1061, 1067–1068
solar power generation 1022–1023
solar thermal power plant 1024f
solid electrolyte fuel cell (SOFC) 1058
sources of energy 974
specific energy density 1076
specific power density 1022
speed–torque characteristic 992–993, 993f
spherical 1070
spokes 1009, 1071–1072
squirrel-cage induction generator 998, 1005
stability analysis 1038t
stable frequency control 1026f, 1032, 1034f
stand-alone configuration 1061
stand-alone mode 976
standard flow 1021–1022
standard liters per minute (SLPM) 1076
starting characteristic 992–993, 993f
static synchronous compensator (STATCOM) 1003f
steam turbine 988, 1026, 1029
step-down DC converter 1060–1061
step-up DC converter 1067–1068, 1073
Stirling engine 1057
super-capacitor (SC) 1003–1004f, 1005–1006, 1033
suppression 983–984, 984f, 989–990
synchronized phasors 1000
synchronous condenser 801–802, 813
synchrophasors 1000
tax rebate 1062
thermal solar systems 975–976
three-phase fault 1004f
three-phase rectifier 977–978t, 977f, 1011, 1014f, 1065
tiered energy rates 975
torque–speed characteristic 991, 992f
total power factor 1000
transfer function 1027, 1030
transformer ratio 1013
transformer reactance 1045
transient excursions 1048–1049
transient operation 1049–1054f
transient response 1027, 1030, 1038, 1041f, 1077
transmission line power 1044, 1049–1050, 1049f, 1051–1054f
transmission loss 976
trash-power plant 974
tri-generation 974
turbo generator 1026
under-excited 987f
underground air-storage reservoir 1015, 1073
unfurling of blades 999–1000
unstable 1031f
upper switches 986t
US power grid 1024–1025
valve 1027, 1029
valve charging time constant 1029, 1033
variable-speed drive 975, 991, 992f, 998–999, 1006
variable-speed wind power plant 999, 1001–1002
vertical-axis wind power plant 1005
V–I characteristic 1061
virtual net metering 1056
visual pollution 1000
voltage deviations 1043
voltage-source inverter 985f, 986t, 1011
(V.p)/f and (V/f.N) control 991–999
(V.p)/f control 991–999
water efficiency 1058
water head 1006, 1069
water turbine 1006–1008, 1068–1070
wave-shaping inductor 1011
Western, Eastern and Texan generation systems (ERCOT) 1024–1025
Wildpoldsried 1058–1059, 1059f
wind energy conversion system (WECS) 1001–1002
wind farm 975–976, 999–1001
zener diode 986t
Resistance 579t
Resonance phenomenon 97, 101, 145, 450, 893
definition 145
ferroresonance 145–160 See also Ferroresonance phenomenon
parallel 451, 485
resonant circuit 96, 98–99, 145–160, 794f, 893
resonant current 152–153
resonant rectifier 189–190
series 451, 453
solutions to resonance problems 152–153, 469–470, 485
subsynchronous resonance 25
Ripple factor 30
Root-mean-squared (rms) value 29–30
nonsinusoidal waveform 21, 24, 28–29
sinusoidal waveform 5


Sampling techniques 
channel 1085
direct memory access (DMA) 1085
interpolation 1085
parallel 1085
Quick BASIC 1085
series 1085
throughput rate 1085
Saturation 112, 395–406
SCADA 738–739
Scanning 471
capacitance scanning 471
frequency scanning 471
Shaft flux 410
Shunt capacitor banks 887–960
benefits of reactive power compensation 890–892
common types of distribution 893–897
constraints 922–923
drawbacks of reactive power compensation 893
objective function 923–924
optimal placement 921–957
reactive power compensation 890–892
Simulated annealing 905–906
Single-time event 687–688
Skin effect 110
Stability 225–228, 300
Standards 6, 57–64
EN 61000 62t
IEC 59t, 61–62
IEC 61000 1–104, 59t
IEEE 59t
IEEE-519 62–64, 81, 97
Storage plants 420–421, 766
battery 1072–1073
compressed-air 1073–1074
diesel generator 766
flywheel 1009
fuel cell 767
hydro (pumped-hydro) 1006–1007
supercapacitor 420–421
superconducting coil (magnetic storage) 198
Superconductor 198
coil 198
Susceptance 579t
Switches 740–741
fast-interrupting switch (FIS) 740–741
fault-current limiter (FCL) 741–742, 765
Synchronous machine 313–428 See also Operating modes of rotating machines
abc reference system 355, 399–400
amortisseur 316
asymmetric load 391
balanced three-phase short circuit 355, 383f, 412–413
bearing currents 410
breadth factor 339
consumer reference frame 330
cross coupling 334f
current densities 381
current-source fed machine 386–387
current spectrum 390
cylindrical-rotor machine 338–339
damper bar currents 357
damper winding 344
delta winding connection 404–405
design guidelines 381
displaced stator windings 412
distribution factor 339
dq0 reference system 344
eccentricities of rotor (dynamic, static) 406–410
electrical equations 318–320
equivalent circuit 329f
field winding current 386–387
flux distribution 327f
forces during short circuit 322–323
frequency conversion 401
generator reference frame 331
harmonic equivalent circuit 385f, 396
imbalance 395–406
line-to-line short circuit 344, 413–414, 420
line-to neutral short circuit 355, 413–414
magnetic field (for calculation of either L'd or X'd328
magnetic field (for calculation of either Ld or Xd325f
magnetic field (for calculation of either Lq or Xq325f
magnetic field (full-load) 326f
magnetic field (no-load) 369f
magnetic field (permanent-magnet machine) 327f
magnetic field (steady-state short-circuit) 324f
magnetic field (subtransient short-circuit) 383f
magnetic saturation 320–321
maximum flux densities 381
Maxwell stress 382
mechanical equations 320
model applied to power flow 384–385
motor reference frame 330
negative-sequence reactance 385
nonlinear load 379, 392–394
non-salient pole machine 333–335
operation modes 386–387
out-of-phase synchronization 344, 414
permanent-magnet machines 364–366, 369f
phasor diagram 329–333
pitch factor 339
positive-sequence reactance 385
power quality 404
reclosing 344
reduction of harmonic torques 399–400, 412–413
relation between induced and terminal voltages 381
rotor winding 340f
round-rotor machine 329–333, 411–412
salient-pole machine 332–333, 344, 412
saturation 395–406
shaft flux 410
sinusoidal dq0 modeling 322
sinusoidal state-space modelling 317–322
stability 330, 355
stacking factor 381
starting performance 414–415
stator winding 339f
steady-state operation/analysis 322–383
subtransient operation 322
subtransient reactance 329f
switching substations (SS) 323f
synchronizing and damping torques 355, 413–414
synchronous reactance 338–339
terminals 344–355
torque 320, 413–415
transient operation 322–383
transient reactance 328–329
two displaced stator windings 413f
unbalanced load 355
voltage ripple 364–366
voltage-source fed machine 387–388
voltage stress 423–424
winding forces 383f
zero-sequence reactance 385


Tabu search algorithm 912–913
Telephone form factor (TFF) 36
Telephone influence factor (TIF) 36
Temperature rise calculation 554–556
Thermal network 554–556
Torque 213–214
fundamental 214, 236–242
harmonic torque 236–242, 545–546
reduction of harmonic torques 545–546
starting 219
torque pulsations 544–545
transient 329
Total demand distortion (TDD) 33
Total harmonic distortion (THD) 31–32
equation of THD 31
sensitivity of THD 932–933
suitability of THD 946–947
Total interharmonic distortion (TIHD) 32
Total subharmonic distortion (TSHD) 33
Transformations 856
abc transformation 859, 863
αβ0 transformation 859
αβ0 transformation (for sinusoidal system supplying a linear load) 861–862
αβ0 transformation (for sinusoidal system supplying a nonlinear load) 863–864
αβ0 transformation (for unbalanced system supplying a linear load) 863
dqo (Park) transformation 856
Transformer 577
additional temperature rise due to harmonics 510–511 See also Aging
aging 562 See also Aging
autotransformer 164
dedicated transformer 69–71
delta-delta 180–181
delta-wye 25, 90–91, 148f, 200
delta-wye grounded 724
delta-wye ungrounded 90–91, 182
delta-zigzag 91–92, 198
derating 74, 123, 179–194, 196–197
direct-loss measurement 185, 198, 729–730
earth-surface potentials 162–163
eddy-current losses 112–114
equipment for tests 185
ferroresonance 145–160 See also Ferroresonance phenomenon
FHL-factor 121–123
flux distribution 144f
geomagnetic effects 161–165
half-cycle saturation 15f, 163
harmonic losses 109–117
hysteresis losses 112–114
iron-core loss 185
K-factor 196
loss measurement (direct method) 115–116
loss measurement (indirect method) 115
measurement errors of powers 730
modeling (combined frequency- and time-domain) 108–109
modeling (equivalent circuit) 117f
modeling (finite-difference, finite-element models) 142–144
modeling (frequency-domain model) 131–132, 134–135, 139–140
modeling (general harmonic model) 128–130
modeling (harmonic-domain model) 128–144
modeling (nonlinear harmonic model) 128–144
modeling (sinusoidal linear model) 108–109
modeling (state-space formulation) 137–138
modeling (time-domain harmonic model) 130, 132
modeling (time-domain model) 130, 136–139
modeling (transient model) 136–139
new design 699–702
pole transformer 142f, 195
proximity effect 111
real power capability (RPC) 119f
reduction of apparent power rating (RAPR) 118f
saturation 112, 153
sinusoidal model 108–109
skin effect 110
sun-spot cycles 162
weighted-harmonic factors 493–507 See also Aging
wye-delta 25, 90–91, 148f, 200f
wye grounded-wye grounded 737
wye-wye grounded 737
wye-wye ungrounded 180–181, 181f
Transmission 577, 699–702
audible noise 700–701
subtransmission 577
transmission line 699–702
visual impact 700


Unbalanced 14, 91–94, 94f, 297, 872
Uncertainty 201, 762–765
Unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) 842–843, 848–854
compensation devices 843–844
control (dqo) 855–859
control (instantaneous power) 859–871
control of DC voltage 859
control of series converter 856–858
control of shunt converter 858–859
control system 854–855
conventional compensation devices 844
DC capacitor 859
functions of UPQC 849
left-shunt UPQC 848
operation 850–854
operation (unbalanced and distorted system voltage and load current) 863–864
operation (unbalanced system voltages and load current) 852–854
pattern of reference signals 855
performance 872–881
performance (compensation of flicker) 880
performance (compensation of voltage harmonics) 876
performance (compensation of voltage imbalance) 876
performance (current compensation) 874
performance (damping of harmonic oscillations) 876
performance (dynamic performance) 874
phase-lock-loop (PLL) 865
positive-sequence voltage detector (PSVD) 867
right-shunt UPQC 848–849
series converter 870–871
shunt converter 867
structure 849–850
Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) 6


Variable-frequency converter (VFC) 272–273
Variable-frequency drive (VFD) 273, 275
Variable-speed drive 50
Variable-speed generator 226–228
Voltage regulation 751
V.T product 35


Waveform compensation 822 See also Filters
Waveform distortion 14–18
Weighted-harmonic factor 493–507
Weighting function 561, 932–933
field 355f
rotor 340f
stator 339f
two displaced stator 413f
winding stress 275–277, 305–307, 423
winding switching 228f
Wind-power plant 23f, 52–55, 302, 373, 767–768
direct-drive permanent-magnet generator 364–366
doubly excited induction generator 767–768
frequency control 707, 761–762
low-speed generator 368–369
voltage control 706–707
Wind turbine 771
torque 226–228
Wye transformer configurations 
wye-delta 25, 90–91, 91f, 148f, 725f, 729f, 770
wye grounded-wye grounded 728f
wye-wye grounded 727f
wye-wye ungrounded 180–182, 181f


X-ray generation 706


Y transformer configurations 
Y-Δ 25, 90–91, 91f, 148f, 725f, 729f, 770
Y grounded-Y grounded 728f
Y-Y grounded 727f
Y-Y ungrounded 180–182, 181f


Zigzag transformer connection 91–95, 198
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