12.1 Markov Chain Simulation

Consider an inference problem with parameter vector inline and data X, where inlineinline. To make inference, we need to know the distribution inline. The idea of Markov chain simulation is to simulate a Markov process on inline, which converges to a stationary transition distribution that is inline.

The key to Markov chain simulation is to create a Markov process whose stationary transition distribution is a specified inline and run the simulation sufficiently long so that the distribution of the current values of the process is close enough to the stationary transition distribution. It turns out that, for a given inline, many Markov chains with the desired property can be constructed. We refer to methods that use Markov chain simulation to obtain the distribution inline as MCMC methods.

The development of MCMC methods took place in various forms in the statistical literature. Consider the problem of “missing value” in data analysis. Most statistical methods discussed in this book were developed under the assumption of “complete data” (i.e., there is no missing value). For example, in modeling daily volatility of an asset return, we assume that the return data are available for all trading days in the sample period. What should we do if there is a missing value?

Dempster, Laird, and Rubin (1977) suggest an iterative method called the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm to solve the problem. The method consists of two steps. First, if the missing value were available, then we could use methods of complete-data analysis to build a volatility model. Second, given the available data and the fitted model, we can derive the statistical distribution of the missing value. A simple way to fill in the missing value is to use the conditional expectation of the derived distribution of the missing value. In practice, one can start the method with an arbitrary value for the missing value and iterate the procedure for many many times until convergence. The first step of the prior procedure involves performing the maximum-likelihood estimation of a specified model and is called the M-step. The second step is to compute the conditional expectation of the missing value and is called the E-step.

Tanner and Wong (1987) generalize the EM algorithm in two ways. First, they introduce the idea of iterative simulation. For instance, instead of using the conditional expectation, one can simply replace the missing value by a random draw from its derived conditional distribution. Second, they extend the applicability of the EM algorithm by using the concept of data augmentation. By data augmentation, we mean adding auxiliary variables to the problem under study. It turns out that many of the simulation methods can often be simplified or speeded up by data augmentation; see the application sections of this chapter.

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