2.10 Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation

Consider again the regression model in Eq. (2.43). There may exist situations in which the error term et has serial correlations and/or conditional heteroscedasticity, but the main objective of the analysis is to make inference concerning the regression coefficients α and β. See Chapter 3 for discussion of conditional heteroscedasticity. In situations under which the OLS estimates of the coefficients remain consistent, methods are available to provide consistent estimate of the covariance matrix of the coefficient estimates. Two such methods are widely used. The first method is called the heteroscedasticity consistent (HC) estimator; see Eicker (1967) and White (1980). The second method is called the heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent (HAC) estimator; see Newey and West (1987).

For ease in discussion, we shall rewrite the regression model as

2.48 2.48

where yt is the dependent variable, Inline is a k-dimensional vector of explanatory variables including constant, and Inline is the parameter vector. Here Inline denotes the transpose of the vector Inline. The LS estimate of Inline and the associate covariance matrix are


where Inline is the variance of et and is estimated by the variance of the residuals of the regression. In the presence of serial correlations or conditional heteroscedasticity, the prior covariance matrix estimator is inconsistent, often resulting in inflating the t ratios of Inline.

The estimator of White (1980) is

2.49 2.49

where Inline is the residual at time t. The estimator of Newey and West (1987) is

2.50 2.50



where is a truncation parameter and wj is a weight function such as the Bartlett weight function defined by


Other weight functions can also be used. Newey and West (1987) suggest choosing to be the integer part of 4(T/100)2/9. This estimator essentially uses a nonparametric method to estimate the covariance matrix of Inline.

For illustration, we employ the first differenced interest rate series in Eq. (2.45). The t ratio of the coefficient of c1t is 107.91 if both serial correlation and heteroscedasticity in the residuals are ignored, it becomes 48.44 when the HC estimator is used, and it reduces to 39.92 when the HAC estimator is used. The S-Plus demonstration below also uses a regression that includes lagged values c1, t−1 and c3, t−1 as regressors to take care of serial correlations in the residuals. One can also apply the HC or HAC estimator to the fitted model to refine the t ratios of the coefficient estimates.

S-Plus Demonstration

The following output has been edited and % denotes explanation:

> module(finmetrics)

> r1=read.table(“w-gs1yr.txt”,header=T)[,4] % Load data

> r3=read.table(“w-gs3yr.txt”,header=T)[,4]

> c1=diff(r1) % Take 1st difference

> c3=diff(r3)

> reg.fit=OLS(c3 ˜ c1) % Fit a simple linear regression.

> summary(reg.fit)


OLS(formula = c3 ˜ c1)


     Min       1Q   Median      3Q     Max

 -0.4246  -0.0358  -0.0012  0.0347  0.4892


                Value Std. Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept)   -0.0001     0.0014   -0.0757   0.9397

         c1    0.7919     0.0073  107.9063   0.0000

Regression Diagnostics:

         R-Squared 0.8253

Adjusted R-Squared 0.8253

Durbin-Watson Stat 1.6456

Residual Diagnostics:

                  Stat   P-Value

Jarque-Bera  1644.6146    0.0000

  Ljung-Box   230.0477    0.0000

Residual standard error: 0.06897 on 2464 degrees of freedom

> summary(reg.fit,correction=“white”) % Use HC the estimator


               Value Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept)  -0.0001    0.0014   -0.0757   0.9396

         c1   0.7919    0.0163   48.4405   0.0000

> summary(reg.fit,correction=“nw”) % Use the HAC estimator


               Value Std. Error  t value  Pr(>|t|)

(Intercept)  -0.0001   0.0016    -0.0678   0.9459

         c1   0.7919   0.0198    39.9223   0.0000

 % Below, fit a regression model with time series errors.

> reg.ts=OLS(c3 ˜ c1+tslag(c3,1)+tslag(c1,1),na.rm=T)

> summary(reg.ts)


OLS(formula = c3 ˜ c1 + tslag(c3, 1)+tslag(c1, 1), na.rm = T)


     Min       1Q   Median      3Q     Max

 -0.4481  -0.0355  -0.0008  0.0341  0.4582


                Value Std. Error   t value  Pr(>|t|)

 (Intercept)  -0.0001    0.0014    -0.0636   0.9493

          c1   0.7971    0.0077   103.6320   0.0000

tslag(c3, 1)   0.1766    0.0198     8.9057   0.0000

tslag(c1, 1)  -0.1580    0.0174    -9.0583   0.0000

Regression Diagnostics:

         R-Squared 0.8312

Adjusted R-Squared 0.8310

Durbin-Watson Stat 1.9865

Residual Diagnostics:

                 Stat   P-Value

Jarque-Bera 1620.5090    0.0000

  Ljung-Box  131.6048    0.0000

Residual standard error: 0.06785 on 2461 degrees of freedom

Let Inline be the jth element of Inline. When k > 1, the HC variance of Inline in Eq. (2.49) can be obtained by using an auxiliary regression. Let Inline be the (k − 1)-dimensional vector obtained by removing the element xjt from Inline. Consider the auxiliary regression

2.51 2.51

Let Inline be the least-squares residual of this auxiliary regression. It can be shown that


where êt is the residual of original regression in Eq. (2.48). The auxiliary regression is simply a step taken to achieve orthogonality between Inline and the rest of the regressors so that the formula in Eq. (2.49) can be simplified.

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