9.1 A Factor Model

Suppose that there are k assets and T time periods. Let rit be the return of asset i in the time period t. A general form for the factor model is

9.1 9.1

where αi is a constant representing the intercept, {fjt|j = 1, … , m} are m common factors, βij is the factor loading for asset i on the jth factor, and ϵit is the specific factor of asset i.

For asset returns, the factor inline is assumed to be an m-dimensional stationary process such that


and the asset specific factor ϵit is a white noise series and uncorrelated with the common factors fjt and other specific factors. Specifically, we assume that


Thus, the common factors are uncorrelated with the specific factors, and the specific factors are uncorrelated among each other. The common factors, however, need not be uncorrelated with each other in some factor models.

In some applications, the number of assets k may be larger than the number of time periods T. We discuss an approach to analyze such data in Section 9.6. It is also common to assume that the factors, hence inline, are serially uncorrelated in factor analysis. In applications, if the observed returns are serially dependent, then the models in Chapter 8 can be used to remove the serial dependence.

In matrix form, the factor model in Eq. (9.1) can be written as


where inline is a row vector of loadings, and the joint model for the k assets at time t is

9.2 9.2

where inline, inline, inline is a k × m factor-loading matrix, and inline is the error vector with Cov(inline, a k × k diagonal matrix. The covariance matrix of the return inline is then


The model presentation in Eq. (9.2) is in a cross-sectional regression form if the factors fjt are observed.

Treating the factor model in Eq. (9.1) as a time series, we have

9.3 9.3

for the ith asset (i = 1, … ,k), where inline, inline is a T-dimensional vector of ones, inline is a T × m matrix whose tth row is inline, and inline. The covariance matrix of inline is Cov(inline, a T × T diagonal matrix.

Finally, we can rewrite Eq. (9.2) as


where inline and inline, which is a k × (m + 1) matrix. Taking the transpose of the prior equation and stacking all data together, we have

9.4 9.4

where inline is a T × k matrix of returns whose tth row is inline or, equivalently, whose ith column is inline of Eq. (9.3), inline is a T × (m + 1) matrix whose tth row is inline, and inline is a T × k matrix of specific factors whose tth row is inline. If the common factors inline are observed, then Eq. (9.4) is a special form of the multivariate linear regression (MLR) model; see Johnson and Wichern (2007). For a general MLR model, the covariance matrix of inline need not be diagonal.

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