Appendix B: R and S-Plus Commands for Neural Network

The following commands are used in R or S-Plus to build the 3–2–1 skip-layer feed-forward network of Example 4.7. A line starting with # denotes a comment. The data file is m-ibmln.txt. The library used is nnet.

# load the data into R or S-Plus workspace.


# select the output: r(t)


# obtain the input variables: r(t-1), r(t-2), and r(t-3)


# build a 3-2-1 network with skip layer connections

# and linear output.



# print the summary results of the network


# compute & print the residual sum of squares.




# setup the input variables in the forecasting subsample


# compute the forecasts


# The observed returns in the forecasting subsample


# compute & print the sum of squares of forecast errors



# quit S-Plus or R



4.1 Consider the daily simple returns of Johnson & Johnson stock from January 1998 to December 2008. The data are in the file d-jnj9808.txt or can be obtained from CRSP. Convert the returns into log returns in percentage. (a) Build a GJR model for the log return series. Write down the fitted model. Is the leverage effect significant at the 1% level? (b) Build a general threshold volatility model for the log return series. (c) Compare the two TGARCH models.

4.2 Consider the monthly simple returns of General Electric (GE) stock from January 1926 to December 2008 with 996 observations. You may download the data from CRSP or use the file m-ge2608.txt on the Web. Convert the returns into log returns in percentages. Build a TGARCH model with GED innovations for the series using at−1 as the threshold variable with zero threshold, where at−1 is the shock at time t − 1. Write down the fitted model. Is the leverage effect significant at the 5% level?

4.3 Suppose that the monthly log returns of GE stock, measured in percentages, follow a smooth threshold IGARCH(1,1) model. For the sampling period from January 1926 to December 2008, the fitted model is


where all of the estimates are highly significant, the coefficient 10 in the exponent is fixed a priori to simplify the estimation, and {ϵt} are iid N(0, 1). Assume that a996 = − 5.06 and Inline = 50.5. What is the 1-step-ahead volatility forecast Inline? Suppose instead that a996 = 5.06. What is the 1-step-ahead volatility forecast Inline?

4.4 Suppose that the monthly log returns, in percentages, of a stock follow the following Markov switching model:


where the transition probabilities are


Suppose that a100 = 6.0, Inline = 50.0, and s100 = 2 with probability 1.0. What is the 1-step-ahead volatility forecast at the forecast origin t = 100? Also, if the probability of s100 = 2 is reduced to 0.8, what is the 1-step-ahead volatility forecast at the forecast origin t = 100?

4.5 Consider the monthly simple returns of GE stock from January 1926 to December 2008. Use the last three years of data for forecasting evaluation.

a. Using lagged returns rt−1, rt−2, rt−3 as input, build a 3–2–1 feed-forward network to forecast 1-step-ahead returns. Calculate the mean squared error of forecasts.

b. Again, use lagged returns rt−1, rt−2, rt−3 and their signs (directions) to build a 6–5–1 feed-forward network to forecast the 1-step ahead direction of GE stock price movement with 1 denoting upward movement. Calculate the mean squared error of forecasts.

Note: Let rtn denote a time series in R or S-Plus. To create a direction variable for rtn, use the command

   drtn = ifelse(rtn > 0, 1, 0)

4.6 Because of the existence of inverted yield curves in the term structure of interest rates, the spread of interest rates should be nonlinear. To verify this, consider the weekly U.S. interest rates of (a) Treasury 1-year constant maturity rate and (b) Treasury 3-year constant maturity rate. As in Chapter 2, denote the two interest rates by r1t and r3t, respectively, and the data span is from January 5, 1962, to April 10, 2009. The data are in files w-gs3yr.txt and w-gs1yr.txt on the Web and can be obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.

a. Let st = r3tr1t be the spread in log interest rates. Is {st} linear? Perform some nonlinearity tests and draw the conclusion using the 5% significance level.

b. Let Inline be the change in interest rate spread. Is Inline linear? Perform some nonlinearity tests and draw the conclusion using the 5% significance level.

c. Build a threshold model for the st series and check the fitted model.

d. Build a threshold model for the Inline series and check the fitted model.


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