Appendix B: Multivariate Normal Distributions

A k-dimensional random vector Inline follows a multivariate normal distribution with mean Inline and positive-definite covariance matrix Inline if its probability density function (pdf) is

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We use the notation Inline to denote that Inline follows such a distribution. This normal distribution plays an important role in multivariate statistical analysis and it has several nice properties. Here we consider only those properties that are relevant to our study. Interested readers are referred to Johnson and Wichern (1998) for details.

To gain insight into multivariate normal distributions, consider the bivariate case (i.e., k = 2). In this case, we have


Using the correlation coefficient ρ = σ12/(σ1σ2), where Inline is the standard deviation of xi, we have Inline and Inline. The pdf of Inline then becomes




Chapter 4 of Johnson and Wichern (1998) contains some plots of this pdf function.

Let Inline be a nonzero k-dimensional vector. Partition the random vector as Inline, where Inline and Inline with 1 ≤ p < k. Also partition Inline and Inline accordingly as


Some properties of Inline are as follows:

1. Inline. That is, any nonzero linear combination of Inline is univariate normal. The inverse of this property also holds. Specifically, if Inline is univariate normal for any nonzero vector Inline, then Inline is multivariate normal.

2. The marginal distribution of Inline is normal. In fact, Inline for i = 1 and 2, where k1 = p and k2 = kp.

3. Inline if and only if Inline and Inline are independent.

4. The random variable Inline follows a chi-squared distribution with m degrees of freedom.

5. The conditional distribution of Inline given Inline = Inline is also normally distributed as


The last property is useful in many scientific areas. For instance, it forms the basis for time series forecasting under the normality assumption and for recursive least-squares estimation.

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