Qualifying a Consultant

So how do you pick the very best consultant to work with you on your social media projects? Treat the process like you would if you were evaluating a new business partner. Here are some things to take into consideration:

Look at their previous clients.

Ask them about their biggest success.

Check them out via references.

Review the sites they have worked on.

All you need to do is visit the social media sites that the consultant has worked on. The great thing about social media is that all the artwork and content are present for everyone to see, so you can see how the site is set up, how the Facebook posts are written, and how the engagement is working.


If you have ever hired a company to build you a website, you probably asked them for some links to sites they have built. You got the links, took a look at the sites, and formed an opinion. You either liked the sites or you didn’t. Use the same tactic when evaluating social media consultants.

Here is a list of some topics you should ask social media professionals to supply you with in a reply back to your request for a proposal:

Years in business

Number of employees working on social media projects

Number of total social media clients

Range of costs from former clients

References from former clients

Greatest social success

Greatest opportunity missed

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