Grouping news articles

The aim of this chapter is to discover trends in news articles by clustering, or grouping, them together. To do that, we will use the k-means algorithm, a classic machine-learning algorithm originally developed in 1957.

Clustering is an unsupervised learning technique and we use clustering algorithms for exploring data. Our dataset contains approximately 500 stories, and it would be quite arduous to examine each of those stories individually. Even if we used summary statistics, that is still a lot of data. Using clustering allows us to group similar stories together, and we can explore the themes in each cluster independently.

We use clustering techniques when we don't have a clear set of target classes for our data. In that sense, clustering algorithms have little direction in their learning. They learn according to some function, regardless of the underlying meaning of the data. For this reason, it is critical to choose good features. In supervised learning, if you choose poor features, the learning algorithm can choose to not use those features. For instance, support vector machines will give little weight to features that aren't useful in classification. However, with clustering, all features are used in the final result—even if those features don't provide us with the answer we were looking for.

When performing cluster analysis on real-world data, it is always a good idea to have a sense of what sorts of features will work for your scenario. In this chapter, we will use the bag-of-words model. We are looking for topic-based groups, so we will use topic-based features to model the documents. We know those features work because of the work others have done in supervised versions of our problem. In contrast, if we were to perform an authorship-based clustering, we would use features such as those found in the Chapter 9, Authorship Attribution experiment.

The k-means algorithm

The k-means clustering algorithm finds centroids that best represent the data using an iterative process. The algorithm starts with a predefined set of centroids, which are normally data points taken from the training data. The k in k-means is the number of centroids to look for and how many clusters the algorithm will find. For instance, setting k to 3 will find three clusters in the dataset.

There are two phases to the k-means: assignment and updating.

In the assignment step, we set a label to every sample in the dataset linking it to the nearest centroid. For each sample nearest to centroid 1, we assign the label 1. For each sample nearest to centroid 2, we assign a label 2 and so on for each of the k centroids. These labels form the clusters, so we say that each data point with the label 1 is in cluster 1 (at this time only, as assignments can change as the algorithm runs).

In the updating step, we take each of the clusters and compute the centroid, which is the mean of all of the samples in that cluster.

The algorithm then iterates between the assignment step and the updating step; each time the updating step occurs, each of the centroids moves a small amount. This causes the assignments to change slightly, causing the centroids to move a small amount in the next iteration. This repeats until some stopping criterion is reached. It is common to stop after a certain number of iterations, or when the total movement of the centroids is very low. The algorithm can also complete in some scenarios, which means that the clusters are stable—the assignments do not change and neither do the centroids.

In the following figure, k-means was performed over a dataset created randomly, but with three clusters in the data. The stars represent the starting location of the centroids, which were chosen randomly by picking a random sample from the dataset. Over 5 iterations of the k-means algorithm, the centroids move to the locations represented by the triangles.

The k-means algorithm

The k-means algorithm is fascinating for its mathematical properties and historical significance. It is an algorithm that (roughly) only has a single parameter, and is quite effective and frequently used, even more than 50 years after its discovery.

There is a k-means algorithm in scikit-learn, which we import from the cluster subpackage:

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

We also import the CountVectorizer class's close cousin, TfidfVectorizer. This vectorizer applies a weighting to each term's counts, depending on how many documents it appears in. Terms that appear in many documents are weighted lower (by dividing the value by the log of the number of documents it appears in). For many text mining applications, using this type of weighting scheme can improve performance quite reliably. The code is as follows:

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

We then set up our pipeline for our analysis. This has two steps. The first is to apply our vectorizer, and the second is to apply our k-means algorithm. The code is as follows:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
n_clusters = 10
pipeline = Pipeline([('feature_extraction', TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.4)),
                     ('clusterer', KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters))

The max_df parameter is set to a low value of 0.4, which says ignore any word that occurs in more than 40 percent of documents. This parameter is invaluable for removing function words that give little topic-based meaning on their own.


Removing any word that occurs in more than 40 percent of documents will remove function words, making this type of preprocessing quite useless for the work we saw in Chapter 9, Authorship Attribution.

We then fit and predict this pipeline. We have followed this process a number of times in this module so far for classification tasks, but there is a difference here—we do not give the target classes for our dataset to the fit function. This is what makes this an unsupervised learning task! The code is as follows:
labels = pipeline.predict(documents)

The labels variable now contains the cluster numbers for each sample. Samples with the same label are said to belong in the same cluster. It should be noted that the cluster labels themselves are meaningless: clusters 1 and 2 are no more similar than clusters 1 and 3.

We can see how many samples were placed in each cluster using the Counter class:

from collections import Counter
c = Counter(labels)
for cluster_number in range(n_clusters):
    print("Cluster {} contains {} samples".format(cluster_number, c[cluster_number]))

Many of the results (keeping in mind that your dataset will be quite different to mine) consist of a large cluster with the majority of instances, several medium clusters, and some clusters with only one or two instances. This imbalance is quite normal in many clustering applications.

Evaluating the results

Clustering is mainly an exploratory analysis, and therefore it is difficult to evaluate a clustering algorithm's results effectively. A straightforward way is to evaluate the algorithm based on the criteria the algorithm tries to learn from.


If you have a test set, you can evaluate clustering against it. For more details, visit

In the case of the k-means algorithm, the criterion that it uses when developing the centroids is to minimize the distance from each sample to its nearest centroid. This is called the inertia of the algorithm and can be retrieved from any KMeans instance that has had fit called on it:


The result on my dataset was 343.94. Unfortunately, this value is quite meaningless by itself, but we can use it to determine how many clusters we should use. In the preceding example, we set n_clusters to 10, but is this the best value? The following code runs the k-means algorithm 10 times with each value of n_clusters from 2 to 20. For each run, it records the inertia of the result.

We only fit the X matrix once per value of n_clusters to (drastically) improve the speed of this code:

inertia_scores = []
n_cluster_values = list(range(2, 20))
for n_clusters in n_cluster_values:
    cur_inertia_scores = []
    X = TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.4).fit_transform(documents)
    for i in range(10):
        km = KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters).fit(X)

The inertia_scores variable now contains a list of inertia scores for each n_clusters value between 2 and 20. We can plot this to get a sense of how this value interacts with n_clusters:

Evaluating the results

Overall, the value of the inertia should decrease with reducing improvement as the number of clusters improves, which we can broadly see from these results. The increase between values of 6 to 7 is due only to the randomness in selecting the centroids, which directly affect how good the final results are. Despite this, there is a general trend (in these results; your results may vary) that about 6 clusters is the last time a major improvement in the inertia occurred.

After this point, only slight improvements are made to the inertia, although it is hard to be specific about vague criteria such as this. Looking for this type of pattern is called the elbow rule, in that we are looking for an elbow-esque bend in the graph. Some datasets have more pronounced elbows, but this feature isn't guaranteed to even appear (some graphs may be smooth!).

Based on this analysis, we set n_clusters to be 6 and then rerun the algorithm:

n_clusters = 6
pipeline = Pipeline([('feature_extraction', TfidfVectorizer(max_df=0.4)),
                     ('clusterer', KMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters))
labels = pipeline.predict(documents)

Extracting topic information from clusters

Now we set our sights on the clusters in an attempt to discover the topics in each. We first extract the term list from our feature extraction step:

terms = pipeline.named_steps['feature_extraction'].get_feature_names()

We also set up another counter for counting the size of each of our classes:

c = Counter(labels)

Iterating over each cluster, we print the size of the cluster as before. It is important to keep in mind the sizes of the clusters when evaluating the results—some of the clusters will only have one sample, and are therefore not indicative of a general trend. The code is as follows:

for cluster_number in range(n_clusters):
    print("Cluster {} contains {} samples".format(cluster_number, c[cluster_number]))

Next (and still in the loop), we iterate over the most important terms for this cluster. To do this, we take the five largest values from the centroid, which we get by finding the features that have the highest values in the centroid itself. The code is as follows:

    print("  Most important terms")
    centroid = pipeline.named_steps['clusterer'].cluster_centers_[cluster_number]
    most_important = centroid.argsort()

We then print out the most important five terms:

    for i in range(5):

We use the negation of i in this line, as our most_important array is sorted with lowest values first:

        term_index = most_important[-(i+1)]

We then print the rank, term, and score for this value:

        print("  {0}) {1} (score: {2:.4f})".format(i+1, terms[term_index], centroid[term_index]))

The results can be quite indicative of current trends. In my results (March 2015), the clusters correspond to health matters, Middle East tensions, Korean tensions, and Russian affairs. These were the main topics frequenting news around this time—although this has hardly changed for a number of years!

Using clustering algorithms as transformers

As a side note, one interesting property about the k-means algorithm (and any clustering algorithm) is that you can use it for feature reduction. There are many methods to reduce the number of features (or create new features to embed the dataset on), such as Principle Component Analysis, Latent Semantic Indexing, and many others. One issue with many of these algorithms is that they often need lots of computing power.

In the preceding example, the terms list had more than 14,000 entries in it—it is quite a large dataset. Our k-means algorithm transformed these into just six clusters. We can then create a dataset with a much lower number of features by taking the distance to each centroid as a feature. The code is as follows:

To do this, we call the transform function on a KMeans instance. Our pipeline is fit for this purpose, as it has a k-means instance at the end:

X = pipeline.transform(documents)

This calls the transform method on the final step of the pipeline, which is an instance of k-means. This results in a matrix that has six features and the number of samples is the same as the length of documents.

You can then perform your own second-level clustering on the result, or use it for classification if you have the target values. A possible workflow for this would be to perform some feature selection using the supervised data, use clustering to reduce the number of features to a more manageable number, and then use the results in a classification algorithm such as SVMs.

Using clustering algorithms as transformers
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