Interacting with data in Redis

Redis is an advanced kind of key-value store where the values can be of different types: string, list, set, sorted set or hash. Redis stores data in memory like memcached but it can be persisted on disk, unlike memcached, which has no such option. Redis supports fast reads and writes, in the order of 100,000 set or get operations per second.

To interact with Redis, we need to install the Redis-py module to Python, which is available on pypi and can be installed with pip:

$ pip install redis

Now, we can connect to Redis via the host and port of the DB server. We assume that we have already installed a Redis server, which is running with the default host (localhost) and port (6379) parameters:

>>> import redis
>>> r = redis.StrictRedis(host='', port=6379)
>>> r

As a first step to storing data in Redis, we need to define which kind of data structure is suitable for our requirements. In this section, we will introduce four commonly used data structures in Redis: simple value, list, set and ordered set. Though data is stored into Redis in many different data structures, each value must be associated with a key.

The simple value

This is the most basic kind of value in Redis. For every key in Redis, we also have a value that can have a data type, such as string, integer or double. Let's start with an example for setting and getting data to and from Redis:

>>> r.set('gender:An', 'male')
>>> r.get('gender:An')

In this example we want to store the gender info of a person, named An into Redis. Our key is gender:An and our value is male. Both of them are a type of string.

The set() function receives two parameters: the key and the value. The first parameter is the key and the second parameter is value. If we want to update the value of this key, we just call the function again and change the value of the second parameter. Redis automatically updates it.

The get() function will retrieve the value of our key, which is passed as the parameter. In this case, we want to get gender information of the key gender:An.

In the second example, we show you another kind of value type, an integer:

>>> r.set('visited_time:An', 12)
>>> r.get('visited_time:An')
>>> r.incr('visited_time:An', 1)
>>> r.get('visited_time:An')

We saw a new function, incr(), which used to increment the value of key by a given amount. If our key does not exist, RedisDB will create the key with the given increment as the value.

The simple value


We have a few methods for interacting with list values in Redis. The following example uses rpush() and lrange() functions to put and get list data to and from the DB:

>>> r.rpush('name_list', 'Tom')
>>> r.rpush('name_list', 'John')
>>> r.rpush('name_list', 'Mary')
>>> r.rpush('name_list', 'Jan')
>>> r.lrange('name_list', 0, -1)
[b'Tom', b'John', b'Mary', b'Jan']
>>> r.llen('name_list')
>>> r.lindex('name_list', 1)

Besides the rpush() and lrange() functions we used in the example, we also want to introduce two others functions. First, the llen() function is used to get the length of our list in the Redis for a given key. The lindex() function is another way to retrieve an item of the list. We need to pass two parameters into the function: a key and an index of item in the list. The following table lists some other powerful functions in processing list data structure with Redis:



rpushx(name, value)

Push value onto the tail of the list name if name exists


Remove and return the last item of the list name

lset(name, index, value)

Set item at the index position of the list name to input value


Push value on the head of the list name if name exists


Remove and return the first item of the list name


This data structure is also similar to the list type. However, in contrast to a list, we cannot store duplicate values in our set:

>>> r.sadd('country', 'USA')
>>> r.sadd('country', 'Italy')
>>> r.sadd('country', 'Singapore')
>>> r.sadd('country', 'Singapore')
>>> r.smembers('country')
{b'Italy', b'Singapore', b'USA'}
>>> r.srem('country', 'Singapore')
>>> r.smembers('country')
{b'Italy', b'USA'}

Corresponding to the list data structure, we also have a number of functions to get, set, update or delete items in the set. They are listed in the supported functions for set data structure, in the following table:



sadd(name, values)

Add value(s) to the set with key name


Return the number of element in the set with key name


Return all members of the set with key name

srem(name, values)

Remove value(s) from the set with key name

Ordered set

The ordered set data structure takes an extra attribute when we add data to a set called score. An ordered set will use the score to determine the order of the elements in the set:

>>> r.zadd('person:A', 10, 'sub:Math')
>>> r.zadd('person:A', 7, 'sub:Bio')
>>> r.zadd('person:A', 8, 'sub:Chem')
>>> r.zrange('person:A', 0, -1)
[b'sub:Bio', b'sub:Chem', b'sub:Math']
>>> r.zrange('person:A', 0, -1, withscores=True)
[(b'sub:Bio', 7.0), (b'sub:Chem', 8.0), (b'sub:Math', 10.0)]

By using the zrange(name, start, end) function, we can get a range of values from the sorted set between the start and end score sorted in ascending order by default. If we want to change the way method of sorting, we can set the desc parameter to True. The withscore parameter is used in case we want to get the scores along with the return values. The return type is a list of (value, score) pairs as you can see in the preceding example.

See the following table for more functions available on ordered sets:




Return the number of elements in the sorted set with key name

zincrby(name, value, amount=1)

Increment the score of value in the sorted set with key name by amount

zrangebyscore(name, min, max, withscores=False, start=None, num=None)

Return a range of values from the sorted set with key name with a score between min and max.

If withscores is true, return the scores along with the values.

If start and num are given, return a slice of the range

zrank(name, value)

Return a 0-based value indicating the rank of value in the sorted set with key name

zrem(name, values)

Remove member value(s) from the sorted set with key name

Ordered set
Ordered set
Ordered set
Ordered set
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