Regular expressions

You know what's really hard to do using object-oriented principles? Parsing strings to match arbitrary patterns, that's what. There have been a fair number of academic papers written in which object-oriented design is used to set up string parsing, but the result is always very verbose and hard to read, and they are not widely used in practice.

In the real world, string parsing in most programming languages is handled by regular expressions. These are not verbose, but, boy, are they ever hard to read, at least until you learn the syntax. Even though regular expressions are not object oriented, the Python regular expression library provides a few classes and objects that you can use to construct and run regular expressions.

Regular expressions are used to solve a common problem: Given a string, determine whether that string matches a given pattern and, optionally, collect substrings that contain relevant information. They can be used to answer questions like:

  • Is this string a valid URL?
  • What is the date and time of all warning messages in a log file?
  • Which users in /etc/passwd are in a given group?
  • What username and document were requested by the URL a visitor typed?

There are many similar scenarios where regular expressions are the correct answer. Many programmers have made the mistake of implementing complicated and fragile string parsing libraries because they didn't know or wouldn't learn regular expressions. In this section, we'll gain enough knowledge of regular expressions to not make such mistakes!

Matching patterns

Regular expressions are a complicated mini-language. They rely on special characters to match unknown strings, but let's start with literal characters, such as letters, numbers, and the space character, which always match themselves. Let's see a basic example:

import re

search_string = "hello world"
pattern = "hello world"

match = re.match(pattern, search_string)

if match:
    print("regex matches")

The Python Standard Library module for regular expressions is called re. We import it and set up a search string and pattern to search for; in this case, they are the same string. Since the search string matches the given pattern, the conditional passes and the print statement executes.

Bear in mind that the match function matches the pattern to the beginning of the string. Thus, if the pattern were "ello world", no match would be found. With confusing asymmetry, the parser stops searching as soon as it finds a match, so the pattern "hello wo" matches successfully. Let's build a small example program to demonstrate these differences and help us learn other regular expression syntax:

import sys
import re

pattern = sys.argv[1]
search_string = sys.argv[2]
match = re.match(pattern, search_string)

if match:
    template = "'{}' matches pattern '{}'"
    template = "'{}' does not match pattern '{}'"

print(template.format(search_string, pattern))

This is just a generic version of the earlier example that accepts the pattern and search string from the command line. We can see how the start of the pattern must match, but a value is returned as soon as a match is found in the following command-line interaction:

$ python "hello worl" "hello world"
'hello world' matches pattern 'hello worl'
$ python "ello world" "hello world"
'hello world' does not match pattern 'ello world'

We'll be using this script throughout the next few sections. While the script is always invoked with the command line python "<pattern>" "<string>", we'll only see the output in the following examples, to conserve space.

If you need control over whether items happen at the beginning or end of a line (or if there are no newlines in the string, at the beginning and end of the string), you can use the ^ and $ characters to represent the start and end of the string respectively. If you want a pattern to match an entire string, it's a good idea to include both of these:

'hello world' matches pattern '^hello world$'
'hello worl' does not match pattern '^hello world$'

Matching a selection of characters

Let's start with matching an arbitrary character. The period character, when used in a regular expression pattern, can match any single character. Using a period in the string means you don't care what the character is, just that there is a character there. For example:

'hello world' matches pattern 'hel.o world'
'helpo world' matches pattern 'hel.o world'
'hel o world' matches pattern 'hel.o world'
'helo world' does not match pattern 'hel.o world'

Notice how the last example does not match because there is no character at the period's position in the pattern.

That's all well and good, but what if we only want a few specific characters to match? We can put a set of characters inside square brackets to match any one of those characters. So if we encounter the string [abc] in a regular expression pattern, we know that those five (including the two square brackets) characters will only match one character in the string being searched, and further, that this one character will be either an a, a b, or a c. See a few examples:

'hello world' matches pattern 'hel[lp]o world'
'helpo world' matches pattern 'hel[lp]o world'
'helPo world' does not match pattern 'hel[lp]o world'

These square bracket sets should be named character sets, but they are more often referred to as character classes. Often, we want to include a large range of characters inside these sets, and typing them all out can be monotonous and error-prone. Fortunately, the regular expression designers thought of this and gave us a shortcut. The dash character, in a character set, will create a range. This is especially useful if you want to match "all lower case letters", "all letters", or "all numbers" as follows:

'hello   world' does not match pattern 'hello [a-z] world'
'hello b world' matches pattern 'hello [a-z] world'
'hello B world' matches pattern 'hello [a-zA-Z] world'
'hello 2 world' matches pattern 'hello [a-zA-Z0-9] world'

There are other ways to match or exclude individual characters, but you'll need to find a more comprehensive tutorial via a web search if you want to find out what they are!

Escaping characters

If putting a period character in a pattern matches any arbitrary character, how do we match just a period in a string? One way might be to put the period inside square brackets to make a character class, but a more generic method is to use backslashes to escape it. Here's a regular expression to match two digit decimal numbers between 0.00 and 0.99:

'0.05' matches pattern '0.[0-9][0-9]'
'005' does not match pattern '0.[0-9][0-9]'
'0,05' does not match pattern '0.[0-9][0-9]'

For this pattern, the two characters . match the single . character. If the period character is missing or is a different character, it does not match.

This backslash escape sequence is used for a variety of special characters in regular expressions. You can use [ to insert a square bracket without starting a character class, and ( to insert a parenthesis, which we'll later see is also a special character.

More interestingly, we can also use the escape symbol followed by a character to represent special characters such as newlines ( ), and tabs ( ). Further, some character classes can be represented more succinctly using escape strings; s represents whitespace characters, w represents letters, numbers, and underscore, and d represents a digit:

'(abc]' matches pattern '(abc]'
' 1a' matches pattern 'sdw'
'	5n' does not match pattern 'sdw'
'5n' matches pattern 'sdw'

Matching multiple characters

With this information, we can match most strings of a known length, but most of the time we don't know how many characters to match inside a pattern. Regular expressions can take care of this, too. We can modify a pattern by appending one of several hard-to-remember punctuation symbols to match multiple characters.

The asterisk (*) character says that the previous pattern can be matched zero or more times. This probably sounds silly, but it's one of the most useful repetition characters. Before we explore why, consider some silly examples to make sure we understand what it does:

'hello' matches pattern 'hel*o'
'heo' matches pattern 'hel*o'
'helllllo' matches pattern 'hel*o'

So, the * character in the pattern says that the previous pattern (the l character) is optional, and if present, can be repeated as many times as possible to match the pattern. The rest of the characters (h, e, and o) have to appear exactly once.

It's pretty rare to want to match a single letter multiple times, but it gets more interesting if we combine the asterisk with patterns that match multiple characters. .*, for example, will match any string, whereas [a-z]* matches any collection of lowercase words, including the empty string.

For example:

'A string.' matches pattern '[A-Z][a-z]* [a-z]*.'
'No .' matches pattern '[A-Z][a-z]* [a-z]*.'
'' matches pattern '[a-z]*.*'

The plus (+) sign in a pattern behaves similarly to an asterisk; it states that the previous pattern can be repeated one or more times, but, unlike the asterisk is not optional. The question mark (?) ensures a pattern shows up exactly zero or one times, but not more. Let's explore some of these by playing with numbers (remember that d matches the same character class as [0-9]:

'0.4' matches pattern 'd+.d+'
'1.002' matches pattern 'd+.d+'
'1.' does not match pattern 'd+.d+'
'1%' matches pattern 'd?d%'
'99%' matches pattern 'd?d%'
'999%' does not match pattern 'd?d%'

Grouping patterns together

So far we've seen how we can repeat a pattern multiple times, but we are restricted in what patterns we can repeat. If we want to repeat individual characters, we're covered, but what if we want a repeating sequence of characters? Enclosing any set of patterns in parenthesis allows them to be treated as a single pattern when applying repetition operations. Compare these patterns:

'abccc' matches pattern 'abc{3}'
'abccc' does not match pattern '(abc){3}'
'abcabcabc' matches pattern '(abc){3}'

Combined with complex patterns, this grouping feature greatly expands our pattern-matching repertoire. Here's a regular expression that matches simple English sentences:

'Eat.' matches pattern '[A-Z][a-z]*( [a-z]+)*.$'
'Eat more good food.' matches pattern '[A-Z][a-z]*( [a-z]+)*.$'
'A good meal.' matches pattern '[A-Z][a-z]*( [a-z]+)*.$'

The first word starts with a capital, followed by zero or more lowercase letters. Then, we enter a parenthetical that matches a single space followed by a word of one or more lowercase letters. This entire parenthetical is repeated zero or more times, and the pattern is terminated with a period. There cannot be any other characters after the period, as indicated by the $ matching the end of string.

We've seen many of the most basic patterns, but the regular expression language supports many more. I spent my first few years using regular expressions looking up the syntax every time I needed to do something. It is worth bookmarking Python's documentation for the re module and reviewing it frequently. There are very few things that regular expressions cannot match, and they should be the first tool you reach for when parsing strings.

Getting information from regular expressions

Let's now focus on the Python side of things. The regular expression syntax is the furthest thing from object-oriented programming. However, Python's re module provides an object-oriented interface to enter the regular expression engine.

We've been checking whether the re.match function returns a valid object or not. If a pattern does not match, that function returns None. If it does match, however, it returns a useful object that we can introspect for information about the pattern.

So far, our regular expressions have answered questions such as "Does this string match this pattern?" Matching patterns is useful, but in many cases, a more interesting question is, "If this string matches this pattern, what is the value of a relevant substring?" If you use groups to identify parts of the pattern that you want to reference later, you can get them out of the match return value as illustrated in the next example:

pattern = "^[a-zA-Z.]+@([a-z.]*.[a-z]+)$"
search_string = "[email protected]"
match = re.match(pattern, search_string)

if match:
    domain = match.groups()[0]

The specification describing valid e-mail addresses is extremely complicated, and the regular expression that accurately matches all possibilities is obscenely long. So we cheated and made a simple regular expression that matches some common e-mail addresses; the point is that we want to access the domain name (after the @ sign) so we can connect to that address. This is done easily by wrapping that part of the pattern in parenthesis and calling the groups() method on the object returned by match.

The groups method returns a tuple of all the groups matched inside the pattern, which you can index to access a specific value. The groups are ordered from left to right. However, bear in mind that groups can be nested, meaning you can have one or more groups inside another group. In this case, the groups are returned in the order of their left-most brackets, so the outermost group will be returned before its inner matching groups.

In addition to the match function, the re module provides a couple other useful functions, search, and findall. The search function finds the first instance of a matching pattern, relaxing the restriction that the pattern start at the first letter of the string. Note that you can get a similar effect by using match and putting a ^.* character at the front of the pattern to match any characters between the start of the string and the pattern you are looking for.

The findall function behaves similarly to search, except that it finds all non-overlapping instances of the matching pattern, not just the first one. Basically, it finds the first match, then it resets the search to the end of that matching string and finds the next one.

Instead of returning a list of match objects, as you would expect, it returns a list of matching strings. Or tuples. Sometimes it's strings, sometimes it's tuples. It's not a very good API at all! As with all bad APIs, you'll have to memorize the differences and not rely on intuition. The type of the return value depends on the number of bracketed groups inside the regular expression:

  • If there are no groups in the pattern, re.findall will return a list of strings, where each value is a complete substring from the source string that matches the pattern
  • If there is exactly one group in the pattern, re.findall will return a list of strings where each value is the contents of that group
  • If there are multiple groups in the pattern, then re.findall will return a list of tuples where each tuple contains a value from a matching group, in order


When you are designing function calls in your own Python libraries, try to make the function always return a consistent data structure. It is often good to design functions that can take arbitrary inputs and process them, but the return value should not switch from single value to a list, or a list of values to a list of tuples depending on the input. Let re.findall be a lesson!

The examples in the following interactive session will hopefully clarify the differences:

>>> import re
>>> re.findall('a.', 'abacadefagah')
['ab', 'ac', 'ad', 'ag', 'ah']
>>> re.findall('a(.)', 'abacadefagah')
['b', 'c', 'd', 'g', 'h']
>>> re.findall('(a)(.)', 'abacadefagah')
[('a', 'b'), ('a', 'c'), ('a', 'd'), ('a', 'g'), ('a', 'h')]
>>> re.findall('((a)(.))', 'abacadefagah')
[('ab', 'a', 'b'), ('ac', 'a', 'c'), ('ad', 'a', 'd'), ('ag', 'a', 'g'), ('ah', 'a', 'h')]

Making repeated regular expressions efficient

Whenever you call one of the regular expression methods, the engine has to convert the pattern string into an internal structure that makes searching strings fast. This conversion takes a non-trivial amount of time. If a regular expression pattern is going to be reused multiple times (for example, inside a for or while loop), it would be better if this conversion step could be done only once.

This is possible with the re.compile method. It returns an object-oriented version of the regular expression that has been compiled down and has the methods we've explored (match, search, findall) already, among others. We'll see examples of this in the case study.

This has definitely been a condensed introduction to regular expressions. At this point, we have a good feel for the basics and will recognize when we need to do further research. If we have a string pattern matching problem, regular expressions will almost certainly be able to solve them for us. However, we may need to look up new syntaxes in a more comprehensive coverage of the topic. But now we know what to look for! Let's move on to a completely different topic: serializing data for storage.

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