The flyweight pattern

The flyweight pattern is a memory optimization pattern. Novice Python programmers tend to ignore memory optimization, assuming the built-in garbage collector will take care of them. This is often perfectly acceptable, but when developing larger applications with many related objects, paying attention to memory concerns can have a huge payoff.

The flyweight pattern basically ensures that objects that share a state can use the same memory for that shared state. It is often implemented only after a program has demonstrated memory problems. It may make sense to design an optimal configuration from the beginning in some situations, but bear in mind that premature optimization is the most effective way to create a program that is too complicated to maintain.

Let's have a look at the UML diagram for the flyweight pattern:

The flyweight pattern

Each Flyweight has no specific state; any time it needs to perform an operation on SpecificState, that state needs to be passed into the Flyweight by the calling code. Traditionally, the factory that returns a flyweight is a separate object; its purpose is to return a flyweight for a given key identifying that flyweight. It works like the singleton pattern we discussed in Chapter 10, Python Design Patterns I; if the flyweight exists, we return it; otherwise, we create a new one. In many languages, the factory is implemented, not as a separate object, but as a static method on the Flyweight class itself.

Think of an inventory system for car sales. Each individual car has a specific serial number and is a specific color. But most of the details about that car are the same for all cars of a particular model. For example, the Honda Fit DX model is a bare-bones car with few features. The LX model has A/C, tilt, cruise, and power windows and locks. The Sport model has fancy wheels, a USB charger, and a spoiler. Without the flyweight pattern, each individual car object would have to store a long list of which features it did and did not have. Considering the number of cars Honda sells in a year, this would add up to a huge amount of wasted memory. Using the flyweight pattern, we can instead have shared objects for the list of features associated with a model, and then simply reference that model, along with a serial number and color, for individual vehicles. In Python, the flyweight factory is often implemented using that funky __new__ constructor, similar to what we did with the singleton pattern. Unlike singleton, which only needs to return one instance of the class, we need to be able to return different instances depending on the keys. We could store the items in a dictionary and look them up based on the key. This solution is problematic, however, because the item will remain in memory as long as it is in the dictionary. If we sold out of LX model Fits, the Fit flyweight is no longer necessary, yet it will still be in the dictionary. We could, of course, clean this up whenever we sell a car, but isn't that what a garbage collector is for?

We can solve this by taking advantage of Python's weakref module. This module provides a WeakValueDictionary object, which basically allows us to store items in a dictionary without the garbage collector caring about them. If a value is in a weak referenced dictionary and there are no other references to that object stored anywhere in the application (that is, we sold out of LX models), the garbage collector will eventually clean up for us.

Let's build the factory for our car flyweights first:

import weakref

class CarModel:
    _models = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()

    def __new__(cls, model_name, *args, **kwargs):
        model = cls._models.get(model_name)
        if not model:
            model = super().__new__(cls)
            cls._models[model_name] = model

        return model

Basically, whenever we construct a new flyweight with a given name, we first look up that name in the weak referenced dictionary; if it exists, we return that model; if not, we create a new one. Either way, we know the __init__ method on the flyweight will be called every time, regardless of whether it is a new or existing object. Our __init__ method can therefore look like this:

    def __init__(self, model_name, air=False, tilt=False,
            cruise_control=False, power_locks=False,
            alloy_wheels=False, usb_charger=False):
        if not hasattr(self, "initted"):
            self.model_name = model_name
            self.air = air
            self.tilt = tilt
            self.cruise_control = cruise_control
            self.power_locks = power_locks
            self.alloy_wheels = alloy_wheels
            self.usb_charger = usb_charger

The if statement ensures that we only initialize the object the first time __init__ is called. This means we can call the factory later with just the model name and get the same flyweight object back. However, because the flyweight will be garbage-collected if no external references to it exist, we have to be careful not to accidentally create a new flyweight with null values.

Let's add a method to our flyweight that hypothetically looks up a serial number on a specific model of vehicle, and determines if it has been involved in any accidents. This method needs access to the car's serial number, which varies from car to car; it cannot be stored with the flyweight. Therefore, this data must be passed into the method by the calling code:

    def check_serial(self, serial_number):
        print("Sorry, we are unable to check "
                "the serial number {0} on the {1} "
                "at this time".format(
                    serial_number, self.model_name))

We can define a class that stores the additional information, as well as a reference to the flyweight:

class Car:
    def __init__(self, model, color, serial):
        self.model = model
        self.color = color
        self.serial = serial

    def check_serial(self):
        return self.model.check_serial(self.serial)

We can also keep track of the available models as well as the individual cars on the lot:

>>> dx = CarModel("FIT DX")
>>> lx = CarModel("FIT LX", air=True, cruise_control=True,
... power_locks=True, tilt=True)
>>> car1 = Car(dx, "blue", "12345")
>>> car2 = Car(dx, "black", "12346")
>>> car3 = Car(lx, "red", "12347")

Now, let's demonstrate the weak referencing at work:

>>> id(lx)
>>> del lx
>>> del car3
>>> import gc
>>> gc.collect()
>>> lx = CarModel("FIT LX", air=True, cruise_control=True,
... power_locks=True, tilt=True)
>>> id(lx)
>>> lx = CarModel("FIT LX")
>>> id(lx)
>>> lx.air

The id function tells us the unique identifier for an object. When we call it a second time, after deleting all references to the LX model and forcing garbage collection, we see that the ID has changed. The value in the CarModel __new__ factory dictionary was deleted and a fresh one created. If we then try to construct a second CarModel instance, however, it returns the same object (the IDs are the same), and, even though we did not supply any arguments in the second call, the air variable is still set to True. This means the object was not initialized the second time, just as we designed.

Obviously, using the flyweight pattern can be more complicated than just storing features on a single car class. When should we choose to use it? The flyweight pattern is designed for conserving memory; if we have hundreds of thousands of similar objects, combining similar properties into a flyweight can have an enormous impact on memory consumption. It is common for programming solutions that optimize CPU, memory, or disk space result in more complicated code than their unoptimized brethren. It is therefore important to weigh up the tradeoffs when deciding between code maintainability and optimization. When choosing optimization, try to use patterns such as flyweight to ensure that the complexity introduced by optimization is confined to a single (well documented) section of the code.

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