Training and classifying

We are now going to build a neural network that will take an image as input and try to predict which (single) letter is in the image.

We will use the training set of single letters we created earlier. The dataset itself is quite simple. We have a 20 by 20 pixel image, each pixel 1 (black) or 0 (white). These represent the 400 features that we will use as inputs into the neural network. The outputs will be 26 values between 0 and 1, where higher values indicate a higher likelihood that the associated letter (the first neuron is A, the second is B, and so on) is the letter represented by the input image.

We are going to use the PyBrain library for our neural network.


As with all the libraries we have seen so far, PyBrain can be installed from pip: pip install pybrain.

The PyBrain library uses its own dataset format, but luckily it isn't too difficult to create training and testing datasets using this format. The code is as follows:

from pybrain.datasets import SupervisedDataSet

First, we iterate over our training dataset and add each as a sample into a new SupervisedDataSet instance. The code is as follows:

training = SupervisedDataSet(X.shape[1], y.shape[1])
for i in range(X_train.shape[0]):
    training.addSample(X_train[i], y_train[i])

Then we iterate over our testing dataset and add each as a sample into a new SupervisedDataSet instance for testing. The code is as follows:

testing = SupervisedDataSet(X.shape[1], y.shape[1])
for i in range(X_test.shape[0]):
    testing.addSample(X_test[i], y_test[i])

Now we can build a neural network. We will create a basic three-layer network that consists of an input layer, an output layer, and a single hidden layer between them. The number of neurons in the input and output layers is fixed. 400 features in our dataset dictates that we need 400 neurons in the first layer, and 26 possible targets dictate that we need 26 output neurons.

Determining the number of neurons in the hidden layers can be quite difficult. Having too many results in a sparse network and means it is difficult to train enough neurons to properly represent the data. This usually results in overfitting the training data. If there are too few results in neurons that try to do too much of the classification each and again don't train properly, underfitting the data is the problem. I have found that creating a funnel shape, where the middle layer is between the size of the inputs and the size of the outputs, is a good starting place. For this chapter, we will use 100 neurons in the hidden layer, but playing with this value may yield better results.

We import the buildNetwork function and tell it to build a network based on our necessary dimensions. The first value, X.shape[1], is the number of neurons in the input layer and it is set to the number of features (which is the number of columns in X). The second feature is our decided value of 100 neurons in the hidden layer. The third value is the number of outputs, which is based on the shape of the target array y. Finally, we set network to use a bias neuron to each layer (except for the output layer), effectively a neuron that always activates (but still has connections with a weight that are trained). The code is as follows:

from import buildNetwork
net = buildNetwork(X.shape[1], 100, y.shape[1], bias=True)

From here, we can now train the network and determine good values for the weights. But how do we train a neural network?

Back propagation

The back propagation (backprop) algorithm is a way of assigning blame to each neuron for incorrect predictions. Starting from the output layer, we compute which neurons were incorrect in their prediction, and adjust the weights into those neurons by a small amount to attempt to fix the incorrect prediction.

These neurons made their mistake because of the neurons giving them input, but more specifically due to the weights on the connections between the neuron and its inputs. We then alter these weights by altering them by a small amount. The amount of change is based on two aspects: the partial derivative of the error function of the neuron's individual weights and the learning rate, which is a parameter to the algorithm (usually set at a very low value). We compute the gradient of the error of the function, multiply it by the learning rate, and subtract that from our weights. This is shown in the following example. The gradient will be positive or negative, depending on the error, and subtracting the weight will always attempt to correct the weight towards the correct prediction. In some cases, though, the correction will move towards something called a local optima, which is better than similar weights but not the best possible set of weights.

This process starts at the output layer and goes back each layer until we reach the input layer. At this point, the weights on all connections have been updated.

PyBrain contains an implementation of the backprop algorithm, which is called on the neural network through a trainer class. The code is as follows:

from pybrain.supervised.trainers import BackpropTrainer
trainer = BackpropTrainer(net, training, learningrate=0.01, weightdecay=0.01)

The backprop algorithm is run iteratively using the training dataset, and each time the weights are adjusted a little. We can stop running backprop when the error reduces by a very small amount, indicating that the algorithm isn't improving the error much more and it isn't worth continuing the training. In theory, we would run the algorithm until the error doesn't change at all. This is called convergence, but in practice this takes a very long time for little gain.

Alternatively, and much more simply, we can just run the algorithm a fixed number of times, called epochs. The higher the number of epochs, the longer the algorithm will take and the better the results will be (with a declining improvement for each epoch). We will train for 20 epochs for this code, but trying larger values will increase the performance (if only slightly). The code is as follows:


After running the previous code, which may take a number of minutes depending on the hardware, we can then perform predictions of samples in our testing dataset. PyBrain contains a function for this, and it is called on the trainer instance:

predictions = trainer.testOnClassData(dataset=testing)

From these predictions, we can use scikit-learn to compute the F1 score:

from sklearn.metrics import f1_score 
print("F-score: {0:.2f}".format(f1_score(predictions,
                                         y_test.argmax(axis=1) )))

The score here is 0.97, which is a great result for such a relatively simple model. Recall that our features were simple pixel values only; the neural network worked out how to use them.

Now that we have a classifier with good accuracy on letter prediction, we can start putting together words for our CAPTCHAs.

Predicting words

We want to predict each letter from each of these segments, and put those predictions together to form the predicted word from a given CAPTCHA.

Our function will accept a CAPTCHA and the trained neural network, and it will return the predicted word:

def predict_captcha(captcha_image, neural_network):

We first extract the sub-images using the segment_image function we created earlier:

    subimages = segment_image(captcha_image)

We will be building our word from each of the letters. The sub-images are ordered according to their location, so usually this will place the letters in the correct order:

    predicted_word = ""

Next we iterate over the sub-images:

    for subimage in subimages:

Each sub-image is unlikely to be exactly 20 pixels by 20 pixels, so we will need to resize it in order to have the correct size for our neural network.

        subimage = resize(subimage, (20, 20))

We will activate our neural network by sending the sub-image data into the input layer. This propagates through our neural network and returns the given output. All this happened in our testing of the neural network earlier, but we didn't have to explicitly call it. The code is as follows:

        outputs = net.activate(subimage.flatten())

The output of the neural network is 26 numbers, each relative to the likelihood that the letter at the given index is the predicted letter. To get the actual prediction, we get the index of the maximum value of these outputs and look up our letters list from before for the actual letter. For example, if the value is highest for the fifth output, the predicted letter will be E. The code is as follows:

        prediction = np.argmax(outputs)

We then append the predicted letter to the predicted word we are building:

        predicted_word += letters[prediction]

After the loop completes, we have gone through each of the letters and formed our predicted word:

    return predicted_word

We can now test on a word using the following code. Try different words and see what sorts of errors you get, but keep in mind that our neural network only knows about capital letters.

word = "GENE"
captcha = create_captcha(word, shear=0.2)
print(predict_captcha(captcha, net))

We can codify this into a function, allowing us to perform predictions more easily. We also leverage our assumption that the words will be only four-characters long to make prediction a little easier. Try it without the prediction = prediction[:4] line and see what types of errors you get. The code is as follows:

def test_prediction(word, net, shear=0.2):
    captcha = create_captcha(word, shear=shear)
    prediction = predict_captcha(captcha, net)
    prediction = prediction[:4]
    return word == prediction, word, prediction

The returned results specify whether the prediction is correct, the original word, and the predicted word.

This code correctly predicts the word GENE, but makes mistakes with other words. How accurate is it? To test, we will create a dataset with a whole bunch of four-letter English words from NLTK. The code is as follows:

from nltk.corpus import words

The words instance here is actually a corpus object, so we need to call words() on it to extract the individual words from this corpus. We also filter to get only four-letter words from this list. The code is as follows:

valid_words = [word.upper() for word in words.words() if len(word) == 4]

We can then iterate over all of the words to see how many we get correct by simply counting the correct and incorrect predictions:

num_correct = 0
num_incorrect = 0
for word in valid_words:
    correct, word, prediction = test_prediction(word, net,
if correct:
        num_correct += 1
        num_incorrect += 1
print("Number correct is {0}".format(num_correct))
print("Number incorrect is {0}".format(num_incorrect))

The results we get are 2,832 correct and 2,681 incorrect for an accuracy of just over 51 percent. From our original 97 percent per-letter accuracy, this is a big decline. What happened?

The first factor to impact is our accuracy. All other things being equal, if we have four letters, and 97 percent accuracy per-letter, then we can expect about an 88 percent success rate (all other things being equal) getting four letters in a row (0.88≈0.974). A single error in a single letter's prediction results in the wrong word being predicted.

The second impact is the shear value. Our dataset chose randomly between shear values of 0 to 0.5. The previous test used a shear of 0.2. For a value of 0, I get 75 percent accuracy; for a shear of 0.5, the result is much worse at 2.5 percent. The higher the shear, the lower the performance.

The next impact is that our letters were randomly chosen for the dataset. In reality, this is not true at all. Letters, such as E, appear much more frequently than other letters, such as Q. Letters that appear reasonably commonly but are frequently mistaken for each other, will also contribute to the error.

We can table which letters are frequently mistaken for each other using a confusion matrix, which is a two-dimensional array. Its rows and columns each represent an individual class.

Each cell represents the number of times that a sample is actually from one class (represented by the row) and predicted to be in the second class (represented by the column). For example, if the value of the cell (4,2) is 6, it means that there were six cases where a sample with the letter D was predicted as being a letter B.

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(np.argmax(y_test, axis=1), predictions)

Ideally, a confusion matrix should only have values along the diagonal. The cells (i, i) have values, but any other cell has a value of zero. This indicates that the predicted classes are exactly the same as the actual classes. Values that aren't on the diagonal represent errors in the classification.

We can also plot this using pyplot, showing graphically which letters are confused with each other. The code is as follows:

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

We set the axis and tick marks to easily reference the letters each index corresponds to:

tick_marks = np.arange(len(letters))
plt.xticks(tick_marks, letters)
plt.yticks(tick_marks, letters)

The result is shown in the next graph. It can be quite clearly seen that the main source of error is U being mistaken for an H nearly every single time!

Predicting words

The letter U appears in 17 percent of words in our list. For each word that a U appears in, we can expect this to be wrong. U actually appears more often than H (which is in around 11 percent of words), indicating we could get a cheap (although possibly not a robust) boost in accuracy by changing any H prediction into a U.

In the next section, we will do something a bit smarter and actually use the dictionary to search for similar words.

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