
We will now create a pipeline that takes a tweet and determines whether it is relevant or not, based only on the content of that tweet.

To perform the word extraction, we will be using the NLTK, a library that contains a large number of tools for performing analysis on natural language. We will use NLTK in future chapters as well.


To get NLTK on your computer, use pip to install the package: pip3 install nltk

If that doesn't work, see the NLTK installation instructions at

We are going to create a pipeline to extract the word features and classify the tweets using Naive Bayes. Our pipeline has the following steps:

  1. Transform the original text documents into a dictionary of counts using NLTK's word_tokenize function.
  2. Transform those dictionaries into a vector matrix using the DictVectorizer transformer in scikit-learn. This is necessary to enable the Naive Bayes classifier to read the feature values extracted in the first step.
  3. Train the Naive Bayes classifier, as we have seen in previous chapters.
  4. We will need to create another Notebook (last one for the chapter!) called ch6_classify_twitter for performing the classification.

Extracting word counts

We are going to use NLTK to extract our word counts. We still want to use it in a pipeline, but NLTK doesn't conform to our transformer interface. We will therefore need to create a basic transformer to do this to obtain both fit and transform methods, enabling us to use this in a pipeline.

First, set up the transformer class. We don't need to fit anything in this class, as this transformer simply extracts the words in the document. Therefore, our fit is an empty function, except that it returns self which is necessary for transformer objects.

Our transform is a little more complicated. We want to extract each word from each document and record True if it was discovered. We are only using the binary features here—True if in the document, False otherwise. If we wanted to use the frequency we would set up counting dictionaries, as we have done in several of the past chapters.

Let's take a look at the code:

from sklearn.base import TransformerMixin
class NLTKBOW(TransformerMixin):
    def fit(self, X, y=None):
        return self
    def transform(self, X):
        return [{word: True for word in word_tokenize(document)}
                 for document in X]

The result is a list of dictionaries, where the first dictionary is the list of words in the first tweet, and so on. Each dictionary has a word as key and the value true to indicate this word was discovered. Any word not in the dictionary will be assumed to have not occurred in the tweet. Explicitly stating that a word's occurrence is False will also work, but will take up needless space to store.

Converting dictionaries to a matrix

This step converts the dictionaries built as per the previous step into a matrix that can be used with a classifier. This step is made quite simple through the DictVectorizer transformer.

The DictVectorizer class simply takes a list of dictionaries and converts them into a matrix. The features in this matrix are the keys in each of the dictionaries, and the values correspond to the occurrence of those features in each sample. Dictionaries are easy to create in code, but many data algorithm implementations prefer matrices. This makes DictVectorizer a very useful class.

In our dataset, each dictionary has words as keys and only occurs if the word actually occurs in the tweet. Therefore, our matrix will have each word as a feature and a value of True in the cell if the word occurred in the tweet.

To use DictVectorizer, simply import it using the following command:

from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer

Training the Naive Bayes classifier

Finally, we need to set up a classifier and we are using Naive Bayes for this chapter. As our dataset contains only binary features, we use the BernoulliNB classifier that is designed for binary features. As a classifier, it is very easy to use. As with DictVectorizer, we simply import it and add it to our pipeline:

from sklearn.naive_bayes import BernoulliNB

Putting it all together

Now comes the moment to put all of these pieces together. In our IPython Notebook, set the filenames and load the dataset and classes as we have done before. Set the filenames for both the tweets themselves (not the IDs!) and the labels that we assigned to them. The code is as follows:

import os
input_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data", "twitter", "python_tweets.json")
labels_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data", "twitter", "python_classes.json")

Load the tweets themselves. We are only interested in the content of the tweets, so we extract the text value and store only that. The code is as follows:

tweets = []
with open(input_filename) as inf:
    for line in inf:
        if len(line.strip()) == 0:

Load the labels for each of the tweets:

with open(classes_filename) as inf:
    labels = json.load(inf)

Now, create a pipeline putting together the components from before. Our pipeline has three parts:

  • The NLTKBOW transformer we created
  • A DictVectorizer transformer
  • A BernoulliNB classifier

The code is as follows:

from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([('bag-of-words', NLTKBOW()),
                     ('vectorizer', DictVectorizer()),
                     ('naive-bayes', BernoulliNB())

We can nearly run our pipeline now, which we will do with cross_val_score as we have done many times before. Before that though, we will introduce a better evaluation metric than the accuracy metric we used before. As we will see, the use of accuracy is not adequate for datasets when the number of samples in each class is different.

Evaluation using the F1-score

When choosing an evaluation metric, it is always important to consider cases where that evaluation metric is not useful. Accuracy is a good evaluation metric in many cases, as it is easy to understand and simple to compute. However, it can be easily faked. In other words, in many cases you can create algorithms that have a high accuracy by poor utility.

While our dataset of tweets (typically, your results may vary) contains about 50 percent programming-related and 50 percent nonprogramming, many datasets aren't as balanced as this.

As an example, an e-mail spam filter may expect to see more than 80 percent of incoming e-mails be spam. A spam filter that simply labels everything as spam is quite useless; however, it will obtain an accuracy of 80 percent!

To get around this problem, we can use other evaluation metrics. One of the most commonly employed is called an f1-score (also called f-score, f-measure, or one of many other variations on this term).

The f1-score is defined on a per-class basis and is based on two concepts: the precision and recall. The precision is the percentage of all the samples that were predicted as belonging to a specific class that were actually from that class. The recall is the percentage of samples in the dataset that are in a class and actually labeled as belonging to that class.

In the case of our application, we could compute the value for both classes (relevant and not relevant). However, we are really interested in the spam. Therefore, our precision computation becomes the question: of all the tweets that were predicted as being relevant, what percentage were actually relevant? Likewise, the recall becomes the question: of all the relevant tweets in the dataset, how many were predicted as being relevant?

After you compute both the precision and recall, the f1-score is the harmonic mean of the precision and recall:

Evaluation using the F1-score

To use the f1-score in scikit-learn methods, simply set the scoring parameter to f1. By default, this will return the f1-score of the class with label 1. Running the code on our dataset, we simply use the following line of code:

scores = cross_val_score(pipeline, tweets, labels, scoring='f1')

We then print out the average of the scores:

import numpy as np
print("Score: {:.3f}".format(np.mean(scores)))

The result is 0.798, which means we can accurately determine if a tweet using Python relates to the programing language nearly 80 percent of the time. This is using a dataset with only 200 tweets in it. Go back and collect more data and you will find that the results increase!


More data usually means a better accuracy, but it is not guaranteed!

Getting useful features from models

One question you may ask is what are the best features for determining if a tweet is relevant or not? We can extract this information from of our Naive Bayes model and find out which features are the best individually, according to Naive Bayes.

First we fit a new model. While the cross_val_score gives us a score across different folds of cross-validated testing data, it doesn't easily give us the trained models themselves. To do this, we simply fit our pipeline with the tweets, creating a new model. The code is as follows:

model =, labels)


Note that we aren't really evaluating the model here, so we don't need to be as careful with the training/testing split. However, before you put these features into practice, you should evaluate on a separate test split. We skip over that here for the sake of clarity.

A pipeline gives you access to the individual steps through the named_steps attribute and the name of the step (we defined these names ourselves when we created the pipeline object itself). For instance, we can get the Naive Bayes model:

nb = model.named_steps['naive-bayes']

From this model, we can extract the probabilities for each word. These are stored as log probabilities, which is simply log(P(A|f)), where f is a given feature.

The reason these are stored as log probabilities is because the actual values are very low. For instance, the first value is -3.486, which correlates to a probability under 0.03 percent. Logarithm probabilities are used in computation involving small probabilities like this as they stop underflow errors where very small values are just rounded to zeros. Given that all of the probabilities are multiplied together, a single value of 0 will result in the whole answer always being 0! Regardless, the relationship between values is still the same; the higher the value, the more useful that feature is.

We can get the most useful features by sorting the array of logarithm probabilities. We want descending order, so we simply negate the values first. The code is as follows:

top_features = np.argsort(-feature_probabilities[1])[:50]

The preceding code will just give us the indices and not the actual feature values. This isn't very useful, so we will map the feature's indices to the actual values. The key is the DictVectorizer step of the pipeline, which created the matrices for us. Luckily this also records the mapping, allowing us to find the feature names that correlate to different columns. We can extract the features from that part of the pipeline:

dv = model.named_steps['vectorizer']

From here, we can print out the names of the top features by looking them up in the feature_names_ attribute of DictVectorizer. Enter the following lines into a new cell and run it to print out a list of the top features:

for i, feature_index in enumerate(top_features):
    print(i, dv.feature_names_[feature_index], np.exp(feature_probabilities[1][feature_index]))

The first few features include :, http, # and @. These are likely to be noise (although the use of a colon is not very common outside programming), based on the data we collected. Collecting more data is critical to smoothing out these issues. Looking through the list though, we get a number of more obvious programming features:

7 for 0.188679245283
11 with 0.141509433962
28 installing 0.0660377358491
29 Top 0.0660377358491
34 Developer 0.0566037735849
35 library 0.0566037735849
36 ] 0.0566037735849
37 [ 0.0566037735849
41 version 0.0471698113208
43 error 0.0471698113208

There are some others too that refer to Python in a work context, and therefore might be referring to the programming language (although freelance snake handlers may also use similar terms, they are less common on Twitter):

22 jobs 0.0660377358491
30 looking 0.0566037735849
31 Job 0.0566037735849
34 Developer 0.0566037735849
38 Freelancer 0.0471698113208
40 projects 0.0471698113208
47 We're 0.0471698113208

That last one is usually in the format: We're looking for a candidate for this job.

Looking through these features gives us quite a few benefits. We could train people to recognize these tweets, look for commonalities (which give insight into a topic), or even get rid of features that make no sense. For example, the word RT appears quite high in this list; however, this is a common Twitter phrase for retweet (that is, forwarding on someone else's tweet). An expert could decide to remove this word from the list, making the classifier less prone to the noise we introduced by having a small dataset.

Getting useful features from models
Getting useful features from models
Getting useful features from models
Getting useful features from models
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