
We were introduced to polymorphism in Chapter 1, Object-oriented Design. It is a fancy name describing a simple concept: different behaviors happen depending on which subclass is being used, without having to explicitly know what the subclass actually is. As an example, imagine a program that plays audio files. A media player might need to load an AudioFile object and then play it. We'd put a play() method on the object, which is responsible for decompressing or extracting the audio and routing it to the sound card and speakers. The act of playing an AudioFile could feasibly be as simple as:


However, the process of decompressing and extracting an audio file is very different for different types of files. The .wav files are stored uncompressed, while .mp3, .wma, and .ogg files all have totally different compression algorithms.

We can use inheritance with polymorphism to simplify the design. Each type of file can be represented by a different subclass of AudioFile, for example, WavFile, MP3File. Each of these would have a play() method, but that method would be implemented differently for each file to ensure the correct extraction procedure is followed. The media player object would never need to know which subclass of AudioFile it is referring to; it just calls play() and polymorphically lets the object take care of the actual details of playing. Let's look at a quick skeleton showing how this might look:

class AudioFile:
    def __init__(self, filename):
        if not filename.endswith(self.ext):
            raise Exception("Invalid file format")

        self.filename = filename

class MP3File(AudioFile):
    ext = "mp3"
    def play(self):
        print("playing {} as mp3".format(self.filename))

class WavFile(AudioFile):
    ext = "wav"
    def play(self):
        print("playing {} as wav".format(self.filename))

class OggFile(AudioFile):
    ext = "ogg"
    def play(self):
        print("playing {} as ogg".format(self.filename))

All audio files check to ensure that a valid extension was given upon initialization. But did you notice how the __init__ method in the parent class is able to access the ext class variable from different subclasses? That's polymorphism at work. If the filename doesn't end with the correct name, it raises an exception (exceptions will be covered in detail in the next chapter). The fact that AudioFile doesn't actually store a reference to the ext variable doesn't stop it from being able to access it on the subclass.

In addition, each subclass of AudioFile implements play() in a different way (this example doesn't actually play the music; audio compression algorithms really deserve a separate module!). This is also polymorphism in action. The media player can use the exact same code to play a file, no matter what type it is; it doesn't care what subclass of AudioFile it is looking at. The details of decompressing the audio file are encapsulated. If we test this example, it works as we would hope:

>>> ogg = OggFile("myfile.ogg")
>>> ogg.play()
playing myfile.ogg as ogg
>>> mp3 = MP3File("myfile.mp3")
>>> mp3.play()
playing myfile.mp3 as mp3
>>> not_an_mp3 = MP3File("myfile.ogg")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "polymorphic_audio.py", line 4, in __init__
    raise Exception("Invalid file format")
Exception: Invalid file format

See how AudioFile.__init__ is able to check the file type without actually knowing what subclass it is referring to?

Polymorphism is actually one of the coolest things about object-oriented programming, and it makes some programming designs obvious that weren't possible in earlier paradigms. However, Python makes polymorphism less cool because of duck typing. Duck typing in Python allows us to use any object that provides the required behavior without forcing it to be a subclass. The dynamic nature of Python makes this trivial. The following example does not extend AudioFile, but it can be interacted with in Python using the exact same interface:

class FlacFile:
    def __init__(self, filename):
        if not filename.endswith(".flac"):
            raise Exception("Invalid file format")

        self.filename = filename

    def play(self):
        print("playing {} as flac".format(self.filename))

Our media player can play this object just as easily as one that extends AudioFile.

Polymorphism is one of the most important reasons to use inheritance in many object-oriented contexts. Because any objects that supply the correct interface can be used interchangeably in Python, it reduces the need for polymorphic common superclasses. Inheritance can still be useful for sharing code but, if all that is being shared is the public interface, duck typing is all that is required. This reduced need for inheritance also reduces the need for multiple inheritance; often, when multiple inheritance appears to be a valid solution, we can just use duck typing to mimic one of the multiple superclasses.

Of course, just because an object satisfies a particular interface (by providing required methods or attributes) does not mean it will simply work in all situations. It has to fulfill that interface in a way that makes sense in the overall system. Just because an object provides a play() method does not mean it will automatically work with a media player. For example, our chess AI object from Chapter 1, Object-oriented Design, may have a play() method that moves a chess piece. Even though it satisfies the interface, this class would likely break in spectacular ways if we tried to plug it into a media player!

Another useful feature of duck typing is that the duck-typed object only needs to provide those methods and attributes that are actually being accessed. For example, if we needed to create a fake file object to read data from, we can create a new object that has a read() method; we don't have to override the write method if the code that is going to interact with the object will only be reading from the file. More succinctly, duck typing doesn't need to provide the entire interface of an object that is available, it only needs to fulfill the interface that is actually accessed.

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