
Let's start looking at a more asynchronous way of doing concurrency. Futures wrap either multiprocessing or threading depending on what kind of concurrency we need (tending towards I/O versus tending towards CPU). They don't completely solve the problem of accidentally altering shared state, but they allow us to structure our code such that it is easier to track down when we do so. Futures provide distinct boundaries between the different threads or processes. Similar to the multiprocessing pool, they are useful for "call and answer" type interactions in which processing can happen in another thread and then at some point in the future (they are aptly named, after all), you can ask it for the result. It's really just a wrapper around multiprocessing pools and thread pools, but it provides a cleaner API and encourages nicer code.

A future is an object that basically wraps a function call. That function call is run in the background in a thread or process. The future object has methods to check if the future has completed and to get the results after it has completed.

Let's do another file search example. In the last section, we implemented a version of the unix grep command. This time, let's do a simple version of the find command. The example will search the entire filesystem for paths that contain a given string of characters:

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import sep as pathsep
from collections import deque

def find_files(path, query_string):
    subdirs = []
    for p in path.iterdir():
        full_path = str(p.absolute())
        if p.is_dir() and not p.is_symlink():
        if query_string in full_path:

    return subdirs

query = '.py'
futures = deque()
basedir = Path(pathsep).absolute()

with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as executor:
        executor.submit(find_files, basedir, query))
    while futures:
        future = futures.popleft()
        if future.exception():
        elif future.done():
            subdirs = future.result()
            for subdir in subdirs:
                    find_files, subdir, query))

This code consists of a function named find_files that is run in a separate thread (or process, if we used ProcessPoolExecutor). There isn't anything particularly special about this function, but note how it does not access any global variables. All interaction with the external environment is passed into the function or returned from it. This is not a technical requirement, but it is the best way to keep your brain inside your skull when programming with futures.


Accessing outside variables without proper synchronization results in something called a race condition. For example, imagine two concurrent writes trying to increment an integer counter. They start at the same time and both read the value as 5. Then they both increment the value and write back the result as 6. But if two processes are trying to increment a variable, the expected result would be that it gets incremented by two, so the result should be 7. Modern wisdom is that the easiest way to avoid doing this is to keep as much state as possible private and share them through known-safe constructs, such as queues.

We set up a couple variables before we get started; we'll be searching for all files that contain the characters '.py' for this example. We have a queue of futures that we'll discuss shortly. The basedir variable points to the root of the filesystem; '/' on Unix machines and probably C: on Windows.

First, let's have a short course on search theory. This algorithm implements breadth first search in parallel. Rather than recursively searching every directory using a depth first search, it adds all the subdirectories in the current folder to the queue, then all the subdirectories of each of those folders and so on.

The meat of the program is known as an event loop. We can construct a ThreadPoolExecutor as a context manager so that it is automatically cleaned up and its threads closed when it is done. It requires a max_workers argument to indicate the number of threads running at a time; if more than this many jobs are submitted, it queues up the rest until a worker thread becomes available. When using ProcessPoolExecutor, this is normally constrained to the number of CPUs on the machine, but with threads, it can be much higher, depending how many are waiting on I/O at a time. Each thread takes up a certain amount of memory, so it shouldn't be too high; it doesn't take all that many threads before the speed of the disk, rather than number of parallel requests, is the bottleneck.

Once the executor has been constructed, we submit a job to it using the root directory. The submit() method immediately returns a Future object, which promises to give us a result eventually. The future is placed on the queue. The loop then repeatedly removes the first future from the queue and inspects it. If it is still running, it gets added back to the end of the queue. Otherwise, we check if the function raised an exception with a call to future.exception(). If it did, we just ignore it (it's usually a permission error, although a real app would need to be more careful about what the exception was). If we didn't check this exception here, it would be raised when we called result() and could be handled through the normal try...except mechanism.

Assuming no exception occurred, we can call result() to get the return value of the function call. Since the function returns a list of subdirectories that are not symbolic links (my lazy way of preventing an infinite loop), result() returns the same thing. These new subdirectories are submitted to the executor and the resulting futures are tossed onto the queue to have their contents searched in a later iteration.

So that's all that is required to develop a future-based I/O-bound application. Under the hood, it's using the same thread or process APIs we've already discussed, but it provides a more understandable interface and makes it easier to see the boundaries between concurrently running functions (just don't try to access global variables from inside the future!).

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