Abstract base classes

While duck typing is useful, it is not always easy to tell in advance if a class is going to fulfill the protocol you require. Therefore, Python introduced the idea of abstract base classes. Abstract base classes, or ABCs, define a set of methods and properties that a class must implement in order to be considered a duck-type instance of that class. The class can extend the abstract base class itself in order to be used as an instance of that class, but it must supply all the appropriate methods.

In practice, it's rarely necessary to create new abstract base classes, but we may find occasions to implement instances of existing ABCs. We'll cover implementing ABCs first, and then briefly see how to create your own if you should ever need to.

Using an abstract base class

Most of the abstract base classes that exist in the Python Standard Library live in the collections module. One of the simplest ones is the Container class. Let's inspect it in the Python interpreter to see what methods this class requires:

>>> from collections import Container
>>> Container.__abstractmethods__

So, the Container class has exactly one abstract method that needs to be implemented, __contains__. You can issue help(Container.__contains__) to see what the function signature should look like:

Help on method __contains__ in module _abcoll:__contains__(self, x) unbound _abcoll.Container method

So, we see that __contains__ needs to take a single argument. Unfortunately, the help file doesn't tell us much about what that argument should be, but it's pretty obvious from the name of the ABC and the single method it implements that this argument is the value the user is checking to see if the container holds.

This method is implemented by list, str, and dict to indicate whether or not a given value is in that data structure. However, we can also define a silly container that tells us whether a given value is in the set of odd integers:

class OddContainer:
    def __contains__(self, x):
        if not isinstance(x, int) or not x % 2:
            return False
        return True

Now, we can instantiate an OddContainer object and determine that, even though we did not extend Container, the class is a Container object:

>>> from collections import Container
>>> odd_container = OddContainer()
>>> isinstance(odd_container, Container)
>>> issubclass(OddContainer, Container)

And that is why duck typing is way more awesome than classical polymorphism. We can create is a relationships without the overhead of using inheritance (or worse, multiple inheritance).

The interesting thing about the Container ABC is that any class that implements it gets to use the in keyword for free. In fact, in is just syntax sugar that delegates to the __contains__ method. Any class that has a __contains__ method is a Container and can therefore be queried by the in keyword, for example:

>>> 1 in odd_container
>>> 2 in odd_container
>>> 3 in odd_container
>>> "a string" in odd_container

Creating an abstract base class

As we saw earlier, it's not necessary to have an abstract base class to enable duck typing. However, imagine we were creating a media player with third-party plugins. It is advisable to create an abstract base class in this case to document what API the third-party plugins should provide. The abc module provides the tools you need to do this, but I'll warn you in advance, this requires some of Python's most arcane concepts:

import abc

class MediaLoader(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    def play(self):

    def ext(self):

    def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
        if cls is MediaLoader:
            attrs = set(dir(C))
            if set(cls.__abstractmethods__) <= attrs:
                return True

        return NotImplemented

This is a complicated example that includes several Python features that won't be explained until later in this module. It is included here for completeness, but you don't need to understand all of it to get the gist of how to create your own ABC.

The first weird thing is the metaclass keyword argument that is passed into the class where you would normally see the list of parent classes. This is a rarely used construct from the mystic art of metaclass programming. We won't be covering metaclasses in this module, so all you need to know is that by assigning the ABCMeta metaclass, you are giving your class superpower (or at least superclass) abilities.

Next, we see the @abc.abstractmethod and @abc.abstractproperty constructs. These are Python decorators. We'll discuss those in Chapter 5, When to Use Object-oriented Programming. For now, just know that by marking a method or property as being abstract, you are stating that any subclass of this class must implement that method or supply that property in order to be considered a proper member of the class.

See what happens if you implement subclasses that do or don't supply those properties:

>>> class Wav(MediaLoader):
...     pass
>>> x = Wav()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Wav with abstract methods ext, play
>>> class Ogg(MediaLoader):
...     ext = '.ogg'
...     def play(self):
...         pass
>>> o = Ogg()

Since the Wav class fails to implement the abstract attributes, it is not possible to instantiate that class. The class is still a legal abstract class, but you'd have to subclass it to actually do anything. The Ogg class supplies both attributes, so it instantiates cleanly.

Going back to the MediaLoader ABC, let's dissect that __subclasshook__ method. It is basically saying that any class that supplies concrete implementations of all the abstract attributes of this ABC should be considered a subclass of MediaLoader, even if it doesn't actually inherit from the MediaLoader class.

More common object-oriented languages have a clear separation between the interface and the implementation of a class. For example, some languages provide an explicit interface keyword that allows us to define the methods that a class must have without any implementation. In such an environment, an abstract class is one that provides both an interface and a concrete implementation of some but not all methods. Any class can explicitly state that it implements a given interface.

Python's ABCs help to supply the functionality of interfaces without compromising on the benefits of duck typing.

Demystifying the magic

You can copy and paste the subclass code without understanding it if you want to make abstract classes that fulfill this particular contract. We'll cover most of the unusual syntaxes throughout the module, but let's go over it line by line to get an overview.


This decorator marks the method as a class method. It essentially says that the method can be called on a class instead of an instantiated object:

    def __subclasshook__(cls, C):

This defines the __subclasshook__ class method. This special method is called by the Python interpreter to answer the question, Is the class C a subclass of this class?

        if cls is MediaLoader:

We check to see if the method was called specifically on this class, rather than, say a subclass of this class. This prevents, for example, the Wav class from being thought of as a parent class of the Ogg class:

            attrs = set(dir(C))

All this line does is get the set of methods and properties that the class has, including any parent classes in its class hierarchy:

            if set(cls.__abstractmethods__) <= attrs:

This line uses set notation to see whether the set of abstract methods in this class have been supplied in the candidate class. Note that it doesn't check to see whether the methods have been implemented, just if they are there. Thus, it's possible for a class to be a subclass and yet still be an abstract class itself.

                return True

If all the abstract methods have been supplied, then the candidate class is a subclass of this class and we return True. The method can legally return one of the three values: True, False, or NotImplemented. True and False indicate that the class is or is not definitively a subclass of this class:

        return NotImplemented

If any of the conditionals have not been met (that is, the class is not MediaLoader or not all abstract methods have been supplied), then return NotImplemented. This tells the Python machinery to use the default mechanism (does the candidate class explicitly extend this class?) for subclass detection.

In short, we can now define the Ogg class as a subclass of the MediaLoader class without actually extending the MediaLoader class:

>>> class Ogg():
...     ext = '.ogg'
...     def play(self):
...         print("this will play an ogg file")
>>> issubclass(Ogg, MediaLoader)
>>> isinstance(Ogg(), MediaLoader)
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