Extracting association rules

After the Apriori algorithm has completed, we have a list of frequent itemsets. These aren't exactly association rules, but they are similar to it. A frequent itemset is a set of items with a minimum support, while an association rule has a premise and a conclusion.

We can make an association rule from a frequent itemset by taking one of the movies in the itemset and denoting it as the conclusion. The other movies in the itemset will be the premise. This will form rules of the following form: if a reviewer recommends all of the movies in the premise, they will also recommend the conclusion.

For each itemset, we can generate a number of association rules by setting each movie to be the conclusion and the remaining movies as the premise.

In code, we first generate a list of all of the rules from each of the frequent itemsets, by iterating over each of the discovered frequent itemsets of each length:

candidate_rules = []
for itemset_length, itemset_counts in frequent_itemsets.items():
    for itemset in itemset_counts.keys():

We then iterate over every movie in this itemset, using it as our conclusion. The remaining movies in the itemset are the premise. We save the premise and conclusion as our candidate rule:

        for conclusion in itemset:
            premise = itemset - set((conclusion,))
            candidate_rules.append((premise, conclusion))

This returns a very large number of candidate rules. We can see some by printing out the first few rules in the list:


The resulting output shows the rules that were obtained:

[(frozenset({79}), 258), (frozenset({258}), 79), (frozenset({50}), 64), (frozenset({64}), 50), (frozenset({127}), 181)]

In these rules, the first part (the frozenset) is the list of movies in the premise, while the number after it is the conclusion. In the first case, if a reviewer recommends movie 79, they are also likely to recommend movie 258.

Next, we compute the confidence of each of these rules. This is performed much like in Chapter 1, Getting Started with Data Mining, with the only changes being those necessary for computing using the new data format.

The process starts by creating dictionaries to store how many times we see the premise leading to the conclusion (a correct example of the rule) and how many times it doesn't (an incorrect example). Let's look at the code:

correct_counts = defaultdict(int)
incorrect_counts = defaultdict(int)

We iterate over all of the users, their favorable reviews, and over each candidate association rule:

for user, reviews in favorable_reviews_by_users.items():
    for candidate_rule in candidate_rules:
        premise, conclusion = candidate_rule

We then test to see if the premise is applicable to this user. In other words, did the user favorably review all of the movies in the premise? Let's look at the code:

        if premise.issubset(reviews):

If the premise applies, we see if the conclusion movie was also rated favorably. If so, the rule is correct in this instance. If not, it is incorrect. Let's look at the code:

        if premise.issubset(reviews):
            if conclusion in reviews:
                correct_counts[candidate_rule] += 1
                incorrect_counts[candidate_rule] += 1

We then compute the confidence for each rule by dividing the correct count by the total number of times the rule was seen:

rule_confidence = {candidate_rule: correct_counts[candidate_rule] / float(correct_counts[candidate_rule] + incorrect_counts[candidate_rule])
              for candidate_rule in candidate_rules}

Now we can print the top five rules by sorting this confidence dictionary and printing the results:

from operator import itemgetter
sorted_confidence = sorted(rule_confidence.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
for index in range(5):
    print("Rule #{0}".format(index + 1))
    (premise, conclusion) = sorted_confidence[index][0]
    print("Rule: If a person recommends {0} they will also recommend {1}".format(premise, conclusion))
    print(" - Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(rule_confidence[(premise, conclusion)]))

The result is as follows:

Rule #1
Rule: If a person recommends frozenset({64, 56, 98, 50, 7}) they will also recommend 174
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #2
Rule: If a person recommends frozenset({98, 100, 172, 79, 50, 56}) they will also recommend 7
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #3
Rule: If a person recommends frozenset({98, 172, 181, 174, 7}) they will also recommend 50
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #4
Rule: If a person recommends frozenset({64, 98, 100, 7, 172, 50}) they will also recommend 174
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #5
Rule: If a person recommends frozenset({64, 1, 7, 172, 79, 50}) they will also recommend 181
 - Confidence: 1.000

The resulting printout shows only the movie IDs, which isn't very helpful without the names of the movies also. The dataset came with a file called u.items, which stores the movie names and their corresponding MovieID (as well as other information, such as the genre).

We can load the titles from this file using pandas. Additional information about the file and categories is available in the README that came with the dataset. The data in the files is in CSV format, but with data separated by the | symbol; it has no header and the encoding is important to set. The column names were found in the README file.

movie_name_filename = os.path.join(data_folder, "u.item")
movie_name_data = pd.read_csv(movie_name_filename, delimiter="|", header=None, encoding = "mac-roman")
movie_name_data.columns = ["MovieID", "Title", "Release Date", "Video Release", "IMDB", "<UNK>", "Action", "Adventure",
    "Animation", "Children's", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir",
  "Horror", "Musical", "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-Fi", "Thriller","War", "Western"]

Getting the movie title is important, so we will create a function that will return a movie's title from its MovieID, saving us the trouble of looking it up each time. Let's look at the code:

def get_movie_name(movie_id):

We look up the movie_name_data DataFrame for the given MovieID and return only the title column:

    title_object = movie_name_data[movie_name_data["MovieID"] == movie_id]["Title"]

We use the values parameter to get the actual value (and not the pandas Series object that is currently stored in title_object). We are only interested in the first value—there should only be one title for a given MovieID anyway!

    title = title_object.values[0]

We end the function by returning the title as needed. Let's look at the code:

    return title

In a new IPython Notebook cell, we adjust our previous code for printing out the top rules to also include the titles:

for index in range(5):
    print("Rule #{0}".format(index + 1))
    (premise, conclusion) = sorted_confidence[index][0]
    premise_names = ", ".join(get_movie_name(idx) for idx in premise)
    conclusion_name = get_movie_name(conclusion)
    print("Rule: If a person recommends {0} they will also recommend {1}".format(premise_names, conclusion_name))
    print(" - Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(confidence[(premise, conclusion)]))

The result is much more readable (there are still some issues, but we can ignore them for now):

Rule #1
Rule: If a person recommends Shawshank Redemption, The (1994), Pulp Fiction (1994), Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Star Wars (1977), Twelve Monkeys (1995) they will also recommend Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #2
Rule: If a person recommends Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Fargo (1996), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Fugitive, The (1993), Star Wars (1977), Pulp Fiction (1994) they will also recommend Twelve Monkeys (1995)
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #3
Rule: If a person recommends Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Return of the Jedi (1983), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Twelve Monkeys (1995) they will also recommend Star Wars (1977)
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #4
Rule: If a person recommends Shawshank Redemption, The (1994), Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Fargo (1996), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Star Wars (1977) they will also recommend Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
 - Confidence: 1.000

Rule #5
Rule: If a person recommends Shawshank Redemption, The (1994), Toy Story (1995), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Fugitive, The (1993), Star Wars (1977) they will also recommend Return of the Jedi (1983)
 - Confidence: 1.000


In a broad sense, we can evaluate the association rules using the same concept as for classification. We use a test set of data that was not used for training, and evaluate our discovered rules based on their performance in this test set.

To do this, we will compute the test set confidence, that is, the confidence of each rule on the testing set.

We won't apply a formal evaluation metric in this case; we simply examine the rules and look for good examples.

First, we extract the test dataset, which is all of the records we didn't use in the training set. We used the first 200 users (by ID value) for the training set, and we will use all of the rest for the testing dataset. As with the training set, we will also get the favorable reviews for each of the users in this dataset as well. Let's look at the code:

test_dataset = all_ratings[~all_ratings['UserID'].isin(range(200))]
test_favorable = test_dataset[test_dataset["Favorable"]]
test_favorable_by_users = dict((k, frozenset(v.values)) for k, v in test_favorable.groupby("UserID")["MovieID"])

We then count the correct instances where the premise leads to the conclusion, in the same way we did before. The only change here is the use of the test data instead of the training data. Let's look at the code:

correct_counts = defaultdict(int)
incorrect_counts = defaultdict(int)
for user, reviews in test_favorable_by_users.items():
    for candidate_rule in candidate_rules:
        premise, conclusion = candidate_rule
        if premise.issubset(reviews):
            if conclusion in reviews:
                correct_counts[candidate_rule] += 1
                incorrect_counts[candidate_rule] += 1

Next, we compute the confidence of each rule from the correct counts. Let's look at the code:

test_confidence = {candidate_rule: correct_counts[candidate_rule]/ float(correct_counts[candidate_rule] + incorrect_counts[candidate_rule])
  for candidate_rule in rule_confidence}

Finally, we print out the best association rules with the titles instead of the movie IDs.

for index in range(5):
    print("Rule #{0}".format(index + 1))
    (premise, conclusion) = sorted_confidence[index][0]
    premise_names = ", ".join(get_movie_name(idx) for idx in premise)
    conclusion_name = get_movie_name(conclusion)
    print("Rule: If a person recommends {0} they will also recommend {1}".format(premise_names, conclusion_name))
    print(" - Train Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(rule_confidence.get((premise, conclusion), -1)))
    print(" - Test Confidence: {0:.3f}".format(test_confidence.get((premise, conclusion), -1)))

We can now see which rules are most applicable in new unseen data:

Rule #1
Rule: If a person recommends Shawshank Redemption, The (1994), Pulp Fiction (1994), Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Star Wars (1977), Twelve Monkeys (1995) they will also recommend Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
 - Train Confidence: 1.000
 - Test Confidence: 0.909

Rule #2
Rule: If a person recommends Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Fargo (1996), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Fugitive, The (1993), Star Wars (1977), Pulp Fiction (1994) they will also recommend Twelve Monkeys (1995)
 - Train Confidence: 1.000
 - Test Confidence: 0.609

Rule #3
Rule: If a person recommends Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Return of the Jedi (1983), Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Twelve Monkeys (1995) they will also recommend Star Wars (1977)
 - Train Confidence: 1.000
 - Test Confidence: 0.946

Rule #4
Rule: If a person recommends Shawshank Redemption, The (1994), Silence of the Lambs, The (1991), Fargo (1996), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Star Wars (1977) they will also recommend Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
 - Train Confidence: 1.000
 - Test Confidence: 0.971

Rule #5
Rule: If a person recommends Shawshank Redemption, The (1994), Toy Story (1995), Twelve Monkeys (1995), Empire Strikes Back, The (1980), Fugitive, The (1993), Star Wars (1977) they will also recommend Return of the Jedi (1983)
 - Train Confidence: 1.000
 - Test Confidence: 0.900

The second rule, for instance, has a perfect confidence in the training data, but it is only accurate in 60 percent of cases for the test data. Many of the other rules in the top 10 have high confidences in test data though, making them good rules for making recommendations.


If you are looking through the rest of the rules, some will have a test confidence of -1. Confidence values are always between 0 and 1. This value indicates that the particular rule wasn't found in the test dataset at all.

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