Extracting text from arbitrary websites

The links that we get from reddit go to arbitrary websites run by many different organizations. To make it harder, those pages were designed to be read by a human, not a computer program. This can cause a problem when trying to get the actual content/story of those results, as modern websites have a lot going on in the background. JavaScript libraries are called, style sheets are applied, advertisements are loaded using AJAX, extra content is added to sidebars, and various other things are done to make the modern webpage a complex document. These features make the modern Web what it is, but make it difficult to automatically get good information from!

Finding the stories in arbitrary websites

To start with, we will download the full webpage from each of these links and store them in our data folder, under a raw subfolder. We will process these to extract the useful information later on. This caching of results ensures that we don't have to continuously download the websites while we are working. First, we set up the data folder path:

import os
data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data", "websites", "raw")

We are going to use MD5 hashing to create unique filenames for our articles, so we will import hashlib to do that. A hash function is a function that converts some input (in our case a string containing the title) into a string that is seemingly random. The same input will always return the same output, but slightly different inputs will return drastically different outputs. It is also impossible to go from a hash value to the original value, making it a one-way function. The code is as follows:

import hashlib

We are going to simply skip any website downloads that fail. In order to make sure we don't lose too much information doing this, we maintain a simple counter of the number of errors that occur. We are going to suppress any error that occurs, which could result in a systematic problem prohibiting downloads. If this error counter is too high, we can look at what those errors were and try to fix them. For example, if the computer has no Internet access, all 500 of the downloads will fail and you should probably fix that before continuing!

If there is no error in the download, zero should be the output:

number_errors = 0

Next, we iterate through each of our stories:

for title, url, score in stories:

We then create a unique output filename for our article by hashing the title. Titles in reddit don't need to be unique, which means there is a possibility of two stories having the same title and, therefore, clashing in our dataset. To get our unique filename, we simply hash the URL of the article using the MD5 algorithm. While MD5 is known to have some problems, it is unlikely that a problem (a collision) will occur in our scenario, and we don't need to worry too much even if it does and we don't need to worry too much about collisions if they do occur.

    output_filename = hashlib.md5(url.encode()).hexdigest()
    fullpath = os.path.join(data_folder, output_filename + ".txt")

Next, we download the actual page and save it to our output folder:

        response = requests.get(url)
        data = response.text
        with open(fullpath, 'w') as outf:

If there is an error in obtaining the website, we simply skip this website and keep going. This code will work on 95 percent of websites and that is good enough for our application, as we are looking for general trends and not exactness. Note that sometimes you do care about getting 100 percent of responses, and you should adjust your code to accommodate more errors. The code to get those final 5 to 10 percent of websites will be significantly more complex. We then catch any error that could occur (it is the Internet, lots of things could go wrong), increment our error count, and continue.

    except Exception as e:
        number_errors += 1

If you find that too many errors occur, change the print(e) line to just type raise instead. This will cause the exception to be called, allowing you to debug the problem.

Now, we have a bunch of websites in our raw subfolder. After taking a look at these pages (open the created files in a text editor), you can see that the content is there but there are HTML, JavaScript, CSS code, as well as other content. As we are only interested in the story itself, we now need a way to extract this information from these different websites.

Putting it all together

After we get the raw data, we need to find the story in each. There are a few online sources that use data mining to achieve this. You can find them listed in Chapter 13. It is rarely needed to use such complex algorithms, although you can get better accuracy using them. This is part of data mining—knowing when to use it, and when not to.

First, we get a list of each of the filenames in our raw subfolder:

filenames = [os.path.join(data_folder, filename)
             for filename in os.listdir(data_folder)]

Next, we create an output folder for the text only versions that we will extract:

text_output_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data",
                                  "websites", "textonly")

Next, we develop the code that will extract the text from the files. We will use the lxml library to parse the HTML files, as it has a good HTML parser that deals with some badly formed expressions. The code is as follows:

from lxml import etree

The actual code for extracting text is based on three steps. First, we iterate through each of the nodes in the HTML file and extract the text in it. Second, we skip any node that is JavaScript, styling, or a comment, as this is unlikely to contain information of interest to us. Third, we ensure that the content has at least 100 characters. This is a good baseline, but it could be improved upon for more accurate results.

As we said before, we aren't interested in scripts, styles, or comments. So, we create a list to ignore nodes of those types. Any node that has a type in this list will not be considered as containing the story. The code is as follows:

skip_node_types = ["script", "head", "style", etree.Comment]

We will now create a function that parses an HTML file into an lxml etree, and then we will create another function that parses this tree looking for text. This first function is pretty straightforward; simply open the file and create a tree using the lxml library's parsing function for HTML files. The code is as follows:

def get_text_from_file(filename):
    with open(filename) as inf:
        html_tree = lxml.html.parse(inf)
    return get_text_from_node(html_tree.getroot())

In the last line of that function, we call the getroot() function to get the root node of the tree, rather than the full etree. This allows us to write our text extraction function to accept any node, and therefore write a recursive function.

This function will call itself on any child nodes to extract the text from them, and then return the concatenation of any child nodes text.

If the node this function is passed doesn't have any child nodes, we just return the text from it. If it doesn't have any text, we just return an empty string. Note that we also check here for our third condition—that the text is at least 100 characters long. The code is as follows:

def get_text_from_node(node):
    if len(node) == 0:
        # No children, just return text from this item
        if node.text and len(node.text) > 100:
            return node.text
            return ""

At this point, we know that the node has child nodes, so we recursively call this function on each of those child nodes and then join the results when they return. The code is as follows:

    results = (get_text_from_node(child) for child in node
                     if child.tag not in skip_node_types)
    return "
".join(r for r in results if len(r) > 1)

The final condition on the return result stops blank lines being returned (for example, when a node has no children and no text).

We can now run this code on all of the raw HTML pages by iterating through them, calling the text extraction function on each, and saving the results to the text-only subfolder:

for filename in os.listdir(data_folder):
    text = get_text_from_file(os.path.join(data_folder, filename))
    with open(os.path.join(text_output_folder, filename), 'w') as outf:

You can evaluate the results manually by opening each of the files in the text only subfolder and checking their content. If you find too many of the results have nonstory content, try increasing the minimum 100 character limit. If you still can't get good results, or need better results for your application, try the more complex methods listed in Chapter 13.

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