An alternative to method overloading

One prominent feature of many object-oriented programming languages is a tool called method overloading. Method overloading simply refers to having multiple methods with the same name that accept different sets of arguments. In statically typed languages, this is useful if we want to have a method that accepts either an integer or a string, for example. In non-object-oriented languages, we might need two functions, called add_s and add_i, to accommodate such situations. In statically typed object-oriented languages, we'd need two methods, both called add, one that accepts strings, and one that accepts integers.

In Python, we only need one method, which accepts any type of object. It may have to do some testing on the object type (for example, if it is a string, convert it to an integer), but only one method is required.

However, method overloading is also useful when we want a method with the same name to accept different numbers or sets of arguments. For example, an e-mail message method might come in two versions, one of which accepts an argument for the "from" e-mail address. The other method might look up a default "from" e-mail address instead. Python doesn't permit multiple methods with the same name, but it does provide a different, equally flexible, interface.

We've seen some of the possible ways to send arguments to methods and functions in previous examples, but now we'll cover all the details. The simplest function accepts no arguments. We probably don't need an example, but here's one for completeness:

def no_args():

Here's how it's called:


A function that does accept arguments will provide the names of those arguments in a comma-separated list. Only the name of each argument needs to be supplied.

When calling the function, these positional arguments must be specified in order, and none can be missed or skipped. This is the most common way we've specified arguments in our previous examples:

def mandatory_args(x, y, z):

To call it:

mandatory_args("a string", a_variable, 5)

Any type of object can be passed as an argument: an object, a container, a primitive, even functions and classes. The preceding call shows a hardcoded string, an unknown variable, and an integer passed into the function.

Default arguments

If we want to make an argument optional, rather than creating a second method with a different set of arguments, we can specify a default value in a single method, using an equals sign. If the calling code does not supply this argument, it will be assigned a default value. However, the calling code can still choose to override the default by passing in a different value. Often, a default value of None, or an empty string or list is suitable.

Here's a function definition with default arguments:

def default_arguments(x, y, z, a="Some String", b=False):

The first three arguments are still mandatory and must be passed by the calling code. The last two parameters have default arguments supplied.

There are several ways we can call this function. We can supply all arguments in order as though all the arguments were positional arguments:

default_arguments("a string", variable, 8, "", True)

Alternatively, we can supply just the mandatory arguments in order, leaving the keyword arguments to be assigned their default values:

default_arguments("a longer string", some_variable, 14)

We can also use the equals sign syntax when calling a function to provide values in a different order, or to skip default values that we aren't interested in. For example, we can skip the first keyword arguments and supply the second one:

default_arguments("a string", variable, 14, b=True)

Surprisingly, we can even use the equals sign syntax to mix up the order of positional arguments, so long as all of them are supplied:

>>> default_arguments(y=1,z=2,x=3,a="hi")
3 1 2 hi False

With so many options, it may seem hard to pick one, but if you think of the positional arguments as an ordered list, and keyword arguments as sort of like a dictionary, you'll find that the correct layout tends to fall into place. If you need to require the caller to specify an argument, make it mandatory; if you have a sensible default, then make it a keyword argument. Choosing how to call the method normally takes care of itself, depending on which values need to be supplied, and which can be left at their defaults.

One thing to take note of with keyword arguments is that anything we provide as a default argument is evaluated when the function is first interpreted, not when it is called. This means we can't have dynamically generated default values. For example, the following code won't behave quite as expected:

number = 5
def funky_function(number=number):


If we run this code, it outputs the number 8 first, but then it outputs the number 5 for the call with no arguments. We had set the variable to the number 6, as evidenced by the last line of output, but when the function is called, the number 5 is printed; the default value was calculated when the function was defined, not when it was called.

This is tricky with empty containers such as lists, sets, and dictionaries. For example, it is common to ask calling code to supply a list that our function is going to manipulate, but the list is optional. We'd like to make an empty list as a default argument. We can't do this; it will create only one list, when the code is first constructed:

>>> def hello(b=[]):
...     b.append('a')
...     print(b)
>>> hello()
>>> hello()
['a', 'a']

Whoops, that's not quite what we expected! The usual way to get around this is to make the default value None, and then use the idiom iargument = argument if argument else [] inside the method. Pay close attention!

Variable argument lists

Default values alone do not allow us all the flexible benefits of method overloading. The thing that makes Python really slick is the ability to write methods that accept an arbitrary number of positional or keyword arguments without explicitly naming them. We can also pass arbitrary lists and dictionaries into such functions.

For example, a function to accept a link or list of links and download the web pages could use such variadic arguments, or varargs. Instead of accepting a single value that is expected to be a list of links, we can accept an arbitrary number of arguments, where each argument is a different link. We do this by specifying the * operator in the function definition:

def get_pages(*links):
    for link in links:
        #download the link with urllib

The *links parameter says "I'll accept any number of arguments and put them all in a list named links". If we supply only one argument, it'll be a list with one element; if we supply no arguments, it'll be an empty list. Thus, all these function calls are valid:


We can also accept arbitrary keyword arguments. These arrive into the function as a dictionary. They are specified with two asterisks (as in **kwargs) in the function declaration. This tool is commonly used in configuration setups. The following class allows us to specify a set of options with default values:

class Options:
    default_options = {
            'port': 21,
            'host': 'localhost',
            'username': None,
            'password': None,
            'debug': False,
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.options = dict(Options.default_options)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.options[key]

All the interesting stuff in this class happens in the __init__ method. We have a dictionary of default options and values at the class level. The first thing the __init__ method does is make a copy of this dictionary. We do that instead of modifying the dictionary directly in case we instantiate two separate sets of options. (Remember, class-level variables are shared between instances of the class.) Then, __init__ uses the update method on the new dictionary to change any non-default values to those supplied as keyword arguments. The __getitem__ method simply allows us to use the new class using indexing syntax. Here's a session demonstrating the class in action:

>>> options = Options(username="dusty", password="drowssap",
>>> options['debug']
>>> options['port']
>>> options['username']

We're able to access our options instance using dictionary indexing syntax, and the dictionary includes both default values and the ones we set using keyword arguments.

The keyword argument syntax can be dangerous, as it may break the "explicit is better than implicit" rule. In the preceding example, it's possible to pass arbitrary keyword arguments to the Options initializer to represent options that don't exist in the default dictionary. This may not be a bad thing, depending on the purpose of the class, but it makes it hard for someone using the class to discover what valid options are available. It also makes it easy to enter a confusing typo ("Debug" instead of "debug", for example) that adds two options where only one should have existed.

Keyword arguments are also very useful when we need to accept arbitrary arguments to pass to a second function, but we don't know what those arguments will be. We can, of course, combine the variable argument and variable keyword argument syntax in one function call, and we can use normal positional and default arguments as well. The following example is somewhat contrived, but demonstrates the four types in action:

import shutil
import os.path
def augmented_move(target_folder, *filenames,
        verbose=False, **specific):
    '''Move all filenames into the target_folder, allowing
    specific treatment of certain files.'''

    def print_verbose(message, filename):
        '''print the message only if verbose is enabled'''
        if verbose:

    for filename in filenames:
        target_path = os.path.join(target_folder, filename)
        if filename in specific:
            if specific[filename] == 'ignore':
                print_verbose("Ignoring {0}", filename)
            elif specific[filename] == 'copy':
                print_verbose("Copying {0}", filename)
                shutil.copyfile(filename, target_path)
            print_verbose("Moving {0}", filename)
            shutil.move(filename, target_path)

This example will process an arbitrary list of files. The first argument is a target folder, and the default behavior is to move all remaining non-keyword argument files into that folder. Then there is a keyword-only argument, verbose, which tells us whether to print information on each file processed. Finally, we can supply a dictionary containing actions to perform on specific filenames; the default behavior is to move the file, but if a valid string action has been specified in the keyword arguments, it can be ignored or copied instead. Notice the ordering of the parameters in the function; first the positional argument is specified, then the *filenames list, then any specific keyword-only arguments, and finally, a **specific dictionary to hold remaining keyword arguments.

We create an inner helper function, print_verbose, which will print messages only if the verbose key has been set. This function keeps code readable by encapsulating this functionality into a single location.

In common cases, assuming the files in question exist, this function could be called as:

>>> augmented_move("move_here", "one", "two")

This command would move the files one and two into the move_here directory, assuming they exist (there's no error checking or exception handling in the function, so it would fail spectacularly if the files or target directory didn't exist). The move would occur without any output, since verbose is False by default.

If we want to see the output, we can call it with:

>>> augmented_move("move_here", "three", verbose=True)
Moving three

This moves one file named three, and tells us what it's doing. Notice that it is impossible to specify verbose as a positional argument in this example; we must pass a keyword argument. Otherwise, Python would think it was another filename in the *filenames list.

If we want to copy or ignore some of the files in the list, instead of moving them, we can pass additional keyword arguments:

>>> augmented_move("move_here", "four", "five", "six",
        four="copy", five="ignore")

This will move the sixth file and copy the fourth, but won't display any output, since we didn't specify verbose. Of course, we can do that too, and keyword arguments can be supplied in any order:

>>> augmented_move("move_here", "seven", "eight", "nine",
        seven="copy", verbose=True, eight="ignore")
Copying seven
Ignoring eight
Moving nine

Unpacking arguments

There's one more nifty trick involving variable arguments and keyword arguments. We've used it in some of our previous examples, but it's never too late for an explanation. Given a list or dictionary of values, we can pass those values into a function as if they were normal positional or keyword arguments. Have a look at this code:

def show_args(arg1, arg2, arg3="THREE"):
    print(arg1, arg2, arg3)

some_args = range(3)
more_args = {
        "arg1": "ONE",
        "arg2": "TWO"}

print("Unpacking a sequence:", end=" ")

print("Unpacking a dict:", end=" ")


Here's what it looks like when we run it:

Unpacking a sequence: 0 1 2
Unpacking a dict: ONE TWO THREE

The function accepts three arguments, one of which has a default value. But when we have a list of three arguments, we can use the * operator inside a function call to unpack it into the three arguments. If we have a dictionary of arguments, we can use the ** syntax to unpack it as a collection of keyword arguments.

This is most often useful when mapping information that has been collected from user input or from an outside source (for example, an Internet page or a text file) to a function or method call.

Remember our earlier example that used headers and lines in a text file to create a list of dictionaries with contact information? Instead of just adding the dictionaries to a list, we could use keyword unpacking to pass the arguments to the __init__ method on a specially built Contact object that accepts the same set of arguments. See if you can adapt the example to make this work.

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