
Dictionaries are incredibly useful containers that allow us to map objects directly to other objects. An empty object with attributes to it is a sort of dictionary; the names of the properties map to the property values. This is actually closer to the truth than it sounds; internally, objects normally represent attributes as a dictionary, where the values are properties or methods on the objects (see the __dict__ attribute if you don't believe me). Even the attributes on a module are stored, internally, in a dictionary.

Dictionaries are extremely efficient at looking up a value, given a specific key object that maps to that value. They should always be used when you want to find one object based on some other object. The object that is being stored is called the value; the object that is being used as an index is called the key. We've already seen dictionary syntax in some of our previous examples.

Dictionaries can be created either using the dict() constructor or using the {} syntax shortcut. In practice, the latter format is almost always used. We can prepopulate a dictionary by separating the keys from the values using a colon, and separating the key value pairs using a comma.

For example, in a stock application, we would most often want to look up prices by the stock symbol. We can create a dictionary that uses stock symbols as keys, and tuples of current, high, and low as values like this:

stocks = {"GOOG": (613.30, 625.86, 610.50),
          "MSFT": (30.25, 30.70, 30.19)}

As we've seen in previous examples, we can then look up values in the dictionary by requesting a key inside square brackets. If the key is not in the dictionary, it will raise an exception:

>>> stocks["GOOG"]
(613.3, 625.86, 610.5)
>>> stocks["RIM"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'RIM'

We can, of course, catch the KeyError and handle it. But we have other options. Remember, dictionaries are objects, even if their primary purpose is to hold other objects. As such, they have several behaviors associated with them. One of the most useful of these methods is the get method; it accepts a key as the first parameter and an optional default value if the key doesn't exist:

>>> print(stocks.get("RIM"))
>>> stocks.get("RIM", "NOT FOUND")

For even more control, we can use the setdefault method. If the key is in the dictionary, this method behaves just like get; it returns the value for that key. Otherwise, if the key is not in the dictionary, it will not only return the default value we supply in the method call (just like get does), it will also set the key to that same value. Another way to think of it is that setdefault sets a value in the dictionary only if that value has not previously been set. Then it returns the value in the dictionary, either the one that was already there, or the newly provided default value.

>>> stocks.setdefault("GOOG", "INVALID")
(613.3, 625.86, 610.5)
>>> stocks.setdefault("BBRY", (10.50, 10.62, 10.39))
(10.50, 10.62, 10.39)
>>> stocks["BBRY"]
(10.50, 10.62, 10.39)

The GOOG stock was already in the dictionary, so when we tried to setdefault it to an invalid value, it just returned the value already in the dictionary. BBRY was not in the dictionary, so setdefault returned the default value and set the new value in the dictionary for us. We then check that the new stock is, indeed, in the dictionary.

Three other very useful dictionary methods are keys(), values(), and items(). The first two return a list over all the keys and all the values in the dictionary. We can use these like lists or in for loops if we want to process all the keys or values. The items() method is probably the most useful; it returns an iterator over tuples of (key, value) pairs for every item in the dictionary. This works great with tuple unpacking in a for loop to loop over associated keys and values. This example does just that to print each stock in the dictionary with its current value:

>>> for stock, values in stocks.items():
...     print("{} last value is {}".format(stock, values[0]))
GOOG last value is 613.3
BBRY last value is 10.50
MSFT last value is 30.25

Each key/value tuple is unpacked into two variables named stock and values (we could use any variable names we wanted, but these both seem appropriate) and then printed in a formatted string.

Notice that the stocks do not show up in the same order in which they were inserted. Dictionaries, due to the efficient algorithm (known as hashing) that is used to make key lookup so fast, are inherently unsorted.

So, there are numerous ways to retrieve data from a dictionary once it has been instantiated; we can use square brackets as index syntax, the get method, the setdefault method, or iterate over the items method, among others.

Finally, as you likely already know, we can set a value in a dictionary using the same indexing syntax we use to retrieve a value:

>>> stocks["GOOG"] = (597.63, 610.00, 596.28)
>>> stocks['GOOG']
(597.63, 610.0, 596.28)

Google's price is lower today, so I've updated the tuple value in the dictionary. We can use this index syntax to set a value for any key, regardless of whether the key is in the dictionary. If it is in the dictionary, the old value will be replaced with the new one; otherwise, a new key/value pair will be created.

We've been using strings as dictionary keys, so far, but we aren't limited to string keys. It is common to use strings as keys, especially when we're storing data in a dictionary to gather it together (instead of using an object with named properties). But we can also use tuples, numbers, or even objects we've defined ourselves as dictionary keys. We can even use different types of keys in a single dictionary:

random_keys = {}
random_keys["astring"] = "somestring"
random_keys[5] = "aninteger"
random_keys[25.2] = "floats work too"
random_keys[("abc", 123)] = "so do tuples"

class AnObject:
    def __init__(self, avalue):
        self.avalue = avalue

my_object = AnObject(14)
random_keys[my_object] = "We can even store objects"
my_object.avalue = 12
    random_keys[[1,2,3]] = "we can't store lists though"
    print("unable to store list

for key, value in random_keys.items():
    print("{} has value {}".format(key, value))

This code shows several different types of keys we can supply to a dictionary. It also shows one type of object that cannot be used. We've already used lists extensively, and we'll be seeing many more details of them in the next section. Because lists can change at any time (by adding or removing items, for example), they cannot hash to a specific value.

Objects that are hashable basically have a defined algorithm that converts the object into a unique integer value for rapid lookup. This hash is what is actually used to look up values in a dictionary. For example, strings map to integers based on the characters in the string, while tuples combine hashes of the items inside the tuple. Any two objects that are somehow considered equal (like strings with the same characters or tuples with the same values) should have the same hash value, and the hash value for an object should never ever change. Lists, however, can have their contents changed, which would change their hash value (two lists should only be equal if their contents are the same). Because of this, they can't be used as dictionary keys. For the same reason, dictionaries cannot be used as keys into other dictionaries.

In contrast, there are no limits on the types of objects that can be used as dictionary values. We can use a string key that maps to a list value, for example, or we can have a nested dictionary as a value in another dictionary.

Dictionary use cases

Dictionaries are extremely versatile and have numerous uses. There are two major ways that dictionaries can be used. The first is dictionaries where all the keys represent different instances of similar objects; for example, our stock dictionary. This is an indexing system. We use the stock symbol as an index to the values. The values could even have been complicated self-defined objects that made buy and sell decisions or set a stop-loss, rather than our simple tuples.

The second design is dictionaries where each key represents some aspect of a single structure; in this case, we'd probably use a separate dictionary for each object, and they'd all have similar (though often not identical) sets of keys. This latter situation can often also be solved with named tuples. These should typically be used when we know exactly what attributes the data must store, and we know that all pieces of the data must be supplied at once (when the item is constructed). But if we need to create or change dictionary keys over time or we don't know exactly what the keys might be, a dictionary is more suitable.

Using defaultdict

We've seen how to use setdefault to set a default value if a key doesn't exist, but this can get a bit monotonous if we need to set a default value every time we look up a value. For example, if we're writing code that counts the number of times a letter occurs in a given sentence, we could do this:

def letter_frequency(sentence):
    frequencies = {}
    for letter in sentence:
        frequency = frequencies.setdefault(letter, 0)
        frequencies[letter] = frequency + 1
    return frequencies

Every time we access the dictionary, we need to check that it has a value already, and if not, set it to zero. When something like this needs to be done every time an empty key is requested, we can use a different version of the dictionary, called defaultdict:

from collections import defaultdict
def letter_frequency(sentence):
    frequencies = defaultdict(int)
    for letter in sentence:
        frequencies[letter] += 1
    return frequencies

This code looks like it couldn't possibly work. The defaultdict accepts a function in its constructor. Whenever a key is accessed that is not already in the dictionary, it calls that function, with no parameters, to create a default value.

In this case, the function it calls is int, which is the constructor for an integer object. Normally, integers are created simply by typing an integer number into our code, and if we do create one using the int constructor, we pass it the item we want to create (for example, to convert a string of digits into an integer). But if we call int without any arguments, it returns, conveniently, the number zero. In this code, if the letter doesn't exist in the defaultdict, the number zero is returned when we access it. Then we add one to this number to indicate we've found an instance of that letter, and the next time we find one, that number will be returned and we can increment the value again.

The defaultdict is useful for creating dictionaries of containers. If we want to create a dictionary of stock prices for the past 30 days, we could use a stock symbol as the key and store the prices in list; the first time we access the stock price, we would want it to create an empty list. Simply pass list into the defaultdict, and it will be called every time an empty key is accessed. We can do similar things with sets or even empty dictionaries if we want to associate one with a key.

Of course, we can also write our own functions and pass them into the defaultdict. Suppose we want to create a defaultdict where each new element contains a tuple of the number of items inserted into the dictionary at that time and an empty list to hold other things. Nobody knows why we would want to create such an object, but let's have a look:

from collections import defaultdict
num_items = 0
def tuple_counter():
    global num_items
    num_items += 1
    return (num_items, [])

d = defaultdict(tuple_counter)

When we run this code, we can access empty keys and insert into the list all in one statement:

>>> d = defaultdict(tuple_counter)
>>> d['a'][1].append("hello")
>>> d['b'][1].append('world')
>>> d
defaultdict(<function tuple_counter at 0x82f2c6c>,
{'a': (1, ['hello']), 'b': (2, ['world'])})

When we print dict at the end, we see that the counter really was working.


This example, while succinctly demonstrating how to create our own function for defaultdict, is not actually very good code; using a global variable means that if we created four different defaultdict segments that each used tuple_counter, it would count the number of entries in all dictionaries, rather than having a different count for each one. It would be better to create a class and pass a method on that class to defaultdict.


You'd think that you couldn't get much simpler than defaultdict(int), but the "I want to count specific instances in an iterable" use case is common enough that the Python developers created a specific class for it. The previous code that counts characters in a string can easily be calculated in a single line:

from collections import Counter
def letter_frequency(sentence):
    return Counter(sentence)

The Counter object behaves like a beefed up dictionary where the keys are the items being counted and the values are the number of such items. One of the most useful functions is the most_common() method. It returns a list of (key, count) tuples ordered by the count. You can optionally pass an integer argument into most_common() to request only the top most common elements. For example, you could write a simple polling application as follows:

from collections import Counter

responses = [

    "The children voted for {} ice cream".format(

Presumably, you'd get the responses from a database or by using a complicated vision algorithm to count the kids who raised their hands. Here, we hardcode it so that we can test the most_common method. It returns a list that has only one element (because we requested one element in the parameter). This element stores the name of the top choice at position zero, hence the double [0][0] at the end of the call. I think they look like a surprised face, don't you? Your computer is probably amazed it can count data so easily. It's ancestor, Hollerith's Tabulating Machine for the 1890 US census, must be so jealous!

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