Naive Bayes

Naive Bayes is a probabilistic model that is unsurprisingly built upon a naive interpretation of Bayesian statistics. Despite the naive aspect, the method performs very well in a large number of contexts. It can be used for classification of many different feature types and formats, but we will focus on one in this chapter: binary features in the bag-of-words model.

Bayes' theorem

For most of us, when we were taught statistics, we started from a frequentist approach. In this approach, we assume the data comes from some distribution and we aim to determine what the parameters are for that distribution. However, those parameters are (perhaps incorrectly) assumed to be fixed. We use our model to describe the data, even testing to ensure the data fits our model.

Bayesian statistics instead model how people (non-statisticians) actually reason. We have some data and we use that data to update our model about how likely something is to occur. In Bayesian statistics, we use the data to describe the model rather than using a model and confirming it with data (as per the frequentist approach).

Bayes' theorem computes the value of P(A|B), that is, knowing that B has occurred, what is the probability of A. In most cases, B is an observed event such as it rained yesterday, and A is a prediction it will rain today. For data mining, B is usually we observed this sample and A is it belongs to this class. We will see how to use Bayes' theorem for data mining in the next section.

The equation for Bayes' theorem is given as follows:

Bayes' theorem

As an example, we want to determine the probability that an e-mail containing the word drugs is spam (as we believe that such a tweet may be a pharmaceutical spam).

A, in this context, is the probability that this tweet is spam. We can compute P(A), called the prior belief directly from a training dataset by computing the percentage of tweets in our dataset that are spam. If our dataset contains 30 spam messages for every 100 e-mails, P(A) is 30/100 or 0.3.

B, in this context, is this tweet contains the word 'drugs'. Likewise, we can compute P(B) by computing the percentage of tweets in our dataset containing the word drugs. If 10 e-mails in every 100 of our training dataset contain the word drugs, P(B) is 10/100 or 0.1. Note that we don't care if the e-mail is spam or not when computing this value.

P(B|A) is the probability that an e-mail contains the word drugs if it is spam. It is also easy to compute from our training dataset. We look through our training set for spam e-mails and compute the percentage of them that contain the word drugs. Of our 30 spam e-mails, if 6 contain the word drugs, then P(B|A) is calculated as 6/30 or 0.2.

From here, we use Bayes' theorem to compute P(A|B), which is the probability that a tweet containing the word drugs is spam. Using the previous equation, we see the result is 0.6. This indicates that if an e-mail has the word drugs in it, there is a 60 percent chance that it is spam.

Note the empirical nature of the preceding example—we use evidence directly from our training dataset, not from some preconceived distribution. In contrast, a frequentist view of this would rely on us creating a distribution of the probability of words in tweets to compute similar equations.

Naive Bayes algorithm

Looking back at our Bayes' theorem equation, we can use it to compute the probability that a given sample belongs to a given class. This allows the equation to be used as a classification algorithm.

With C as a given class and D as a sample in our dataset, we create the elements necessary for Bayes' theorem, and subsequently Naive Bayes. Naive Bayes is a classification algorithm that utilizes Bayes' theorem to compute the probability that a new data sample belongs to a particular class.

P(C) is the probability of a class, which is computed from the training dataset itself (as we did with the spam example). We simply compute the percentage of samples in our training dataset that belong to the given class.

P(D) is the probability of a given data sample. It can be difficult to compute this, as the sample is a complex interaction between different features, but luckily it is a constant across all classes. Therefore, we don't need to compute it at all. We will see later how to get around this issue.

P(D|C) is the probability of the data point belonging to the class. This could also be difficult to compute due to the different features. However, this is where we introduce the naive part of the Naive Bayes algorithm. We naively assume that each feature is independent of each other. Rather than computing the full probability of P(D|C), we compute the probability of each feature D1, D2, D3, … and so on. Then, we multiply them together:

P(D|C) = P(D1|C) x P(D2|C).... x P(Dn|C)

Each of these values is relatively easy to compute with binary features; we simply compute the percentage of times it is equal in our sample dataset.

In contrast, if we were to perform a non-naive Bayes version of this part, we would need to compute the correlations between different features for each class. Such computation is infeasible at best, and nearly impossible without vast amounts of data or adequate language analysis models.

From here, the algorithm is straightforward. We compute P(C|D) for each possible class, ignoring the P(D) term. Then we choose the class with the highest probability. As the P(D) term is consistent across each of the classes, ignoring it has no impact on the final prediction.

How it works

As an example, suppose we have the following (binary) feature values from a sample in our dataset: [0, 0, 0, 1].

Our training dataset contains two classes with 75 percent of samples belonging to the class 0, and 25 percent belonging to the class 1. The likelihood of the feature values for each class are as follows:

For class 0: [0.3, 0.4, 0.4, 0.7]

For class 1: [0.7, 0.3, 0.4, 0.9]

These values are to be interpreted as: for feature 1, it is a 1 in 30 percent of cases for class 0.

We can now compute the probability that this sample should belong to the class 0. P(C=0) = 0.75 which is the probability that the class is 0.

P(D) isn't needed for the Naive Bayes algorithm. Let's take a look at the calculation:

P(D|C=0) = P(D1|C=0) x P(D2|C=0) x P(D3|C=0) x P(D4|C=0)
= 0.3 x 0.6 x 0.6 x 0.7
= 0.0756


The second and third values are 0.6, because the value of that feature in the sample was 0. The listed probabilities are for values of 1 for each feature. Therefore, the probability of a 0 is its inverse: P(0) = 1 – P(1).

Now, we can compute the probability of the data point belonging to this class. An important point to note is that we haven't computed P(D), so this isn't a real probability. However, it is good enough to compare against the same value for the probability of the class 1. Let's take a look at the calculation:

P(C=0|D) = P(C=0) P(D|C=0)
= 0.75 * 0.0756
= 0.0567

Now, we compute the same values for the class 1:

P(C=1) = 0.25

P(D) isn't needed for naive Bayes. Let's take a look at the calculation:

P(D|C=1) = P(D1|C=1) x P(D2|C=1) x P(D3|C=1) x P(D4|C=1)
= 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.6 x 0.9
= 0.2646
P(C=1|D) = P(C=1)P(D|C=1)
= 0.25 * 0.2646
= 0.06615


Normally, P(C=0|D) + P(C=1|D) should equal to 1. After all, those are the only two possible options! However, the probabilities are not 1 due to the fact we haven't included the computation of P(D) in our equations here.

The data point should be classified as belonging to the class 1. You may have guessed this while going through the equations anyway; however, you may have been a bit surprised that the final decision was so close. After all, the probabilities in computing P(D|C) were much, much higher for the class 1. This is because we introduced a prior belief that most samples generally belong to the class 0.

If the classes had been equal sizes, the resulting probabilities would be much different. Try it yourself by changing both P(C=0) and P(C=1) to 0.5 for equal class sizes and computing the result again.

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