Serializing objects

Nowadays, we take the ability to write data to a file and retrieve it at an arbitrary later date for granted. As convenient as this is (imagine the state of computing if we couldn't store anything!), we often find ourselves converting data we have stored in a nice object or design pattern in memory into some kind of clunky text or binary format for storage, transfer over the network, or remote invocation on a distant server.

The Python pickle module is an object-oriented way to store objects directly in a special storage format. It essentially converts an object (and all the objects it holds as attributes) into a sequence of bytes that can be stored or transported however we see fit.

For basic work, the pickle module has an extremely simple interface. It is comprised of four basic functions for storing and loading data; two for manipulating file-like objects, and two for manipulating bytes objects (the latter are just shortcuts to the file-like interface, so we don't have to create a BytesIO file-like object ourselves).

The dump method accepts an object to be written and a file-like object to write the serialized bytes to. This object must have a write method (or it wouldn't be file-like), and that method must know how to handle a bytes argument (so a file opened for text output wouldn't work).

The load method does exactly the opposite; it reads a serialized object from a file-like object. This object must have the proper file-like read and readline arguments, each of which must, of course, return bytes. The pickle module will load the object from these bytes and the load method will return the fully reconstructed object. Here's an example that stores and then loads some data in a list object:

import pickle

some_data = ["a list", "containing", 5,
        "values including another list",
        ["inner", "list"]]

with open("pickled_list", 'wb') as file:
    pickle.dump(some_data, file)

with open("pickled_list", 'rb') as file:
    loaded_data = pickle.load(file)

assert loaded_data == some_data

This code works as advertised: the objects are stored in the file and then loaded from the same file. In each case, we open the file using a with statement so that it is automatically closed. The file is first opened for writing and then a second time for reading, depending on whether we are storing or loading data.

The assert statement at the end would raise an error if the newly loaded object is not equal to the original object. Equality does not imply that they are the same object. Indeed, if we print the id() of both objects, we would discover they are different. However, because they are both lists whose contents are equal, the two lists are also considered equal.

The dumps and loads functions behave much like their file-like counterparts, except they return or accept bytes instead of file-like objects. The dumps function requires only one argument, the object to be stored, and it returns a serialized bytes object. The loads function requires a bytes object and returns the restored object. The 's' character in the method names is short for string; it's a legacy name from ancient versions of Python, where str objects were used instead of bytes.

Both dump methods accept an optional protocol argument. If we are saving and loading pickled objects that are only going to be used in Python 3 programs, we don't need to supply this argument. Unfortunately, if we are storing objects that may be loaded by older versions of Python, we have to use an older and less efficient protocol. This should not normally be an issue. Usually, the only program that would load a pickled object would be the same one that stored it. Pickle is an unsafe format, so we don't want to be sending it unsecured over the Internet to unknown interpreters.

The argument supplied is an integer version number. The default version is number 3, representing the current highly efficient storage system used by Python 3 pickling. The number 2 is the older version, which will store an object that can be loaded on all interpreters back to Python 2.3. As 2.6 is the oldest of Python that is still widely used in the wild, version 2 pickling is normally sufficient. Versions 0 and 1 are supported on older interpreters; 0 is an ASCII format, while 1 is a binary format. There is also an optimized version 4 that may one day become the default.

As a rule of thumb, then, if you know that the objects you are pickling will only be loaded by a Python 3 program (for example, only your program will be loading them), use the default pickling protocol. If they may be loaded by unknown interpreters, pass a protocol value of 2, unless you really believe they may need to be loaded by an archaic version of Python.

If we do pass a protocol to dump or dumps, we should use a keyword argument to specify it: pickle.dumps(my_object, protocol=2). This is not strictly necessary, as the method only accepts two arguments, but typing out the full keyword argument reminds readers of our code what the purpose of the number is. Having a random integer in the method call would be hard to read. Two what? Store two copies of the object, maybe? Remember, code should always be readable. In Python, less code is often more readable than longer code, but not always. Be explicit.

It is possible to call dump or load on a single open file more than once. Each call to dump will store a single object (plus any objects it is composed of or contains), while a call to load will load and return just one object. So for a single file, each separate call to dump when storing the object should have an associated call to load when restoring at a later date.

Customizing pickles

With most common Python objects, pickling "just works". Basic primitives such as integers, floats, and strings can be pickled, as can any container object, such as lists or dictionaries, provided the contents of those containers are also picklable. Further, and importantly, any object can be pickled, so long as all of its attributes are also picklable.

So what makes an attribute unpicklable? Usually, it has something to do with time-sensitive attributes that it would not make sense to load in the future. For example, if we have an open network socket, open file, running thread, or database connection stored as an attribute on an object, it would not make sense to pickle these objects; a lot of operating system state would simply be gone when we attempted to reload them later. We can't just pretend a thread or socket connection exists and make it appear! No, we need to somehow customize how such transient data is stored and restored.

Here's a class that loads the contents of a web page every hour to ensure that they stay up to date. It uses the threading.Timer class to schedule the next update:

from threading import Timer
import datetime
from urllib.request import urlopen

class UpdatedURL:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = url
        self.contents = ''
        self.last_updated = None

    def update(self):
        self.contents = urlopen(self.url).read()
        self.last_updated =

    def schedule(self):
        self.timer = Timer(3600, self.update)

The url, contents, and last_updated are all pickleable, but if we try to pickle an instance of this class, things go a little nutty on the self.timer instance:

>>> u = UpdatedURL("")
>>> import pickle
>>> serialized = pickle.dumps(u)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module>
    serialized = pickle.dumps(u)
_pickle.PicklingError: Can't pickle <class '_thread.lock'>: attribute lookup lock on _thread failed

That's not a very useful error, but it looks like we're trying to pickle something we shouldn't be. That would be the Timer instance; we're storing a reference to self.timer in the schedule method, and that attribute cannot be serialized.

When pickle tries to serialize an object, it simply tries to store the object's __dict__ attribute; __dict__ is a dictionary mapping all the attribute names on the object to their values. Luckily, before checking __dict__, pickle checks to see whether a __getstate__ method exists. If it does, it will store the return value of that method instead of the __dict__.

Let's add a __getstate__ method to our UpdatedURL class that simply returns a copy of the __dict__ without a timer:

    def __getstate__(self):
        new_state = self.__dict__.copy()
        if 'timer' in new_state:
            del new_state['timer']
        return new_state

If we pickle the object now, it will no longer fail. And we can even successfully restore that object using loads. However, the restored object doesn't have a timer attribute, so it will not be refreshing the content like it is designed to do. We need to somehow create a new timer (to replace the missing one) when the object is unpickled.

As we might expect, there is a complementary __setstate__ method that can be implemented to customize unpickling. This method accepts a single argument, which is the object returned by __getstate__. If we implement both methods, __getstate__ is not required to return a dictionary, since __setstate__ will know what to do with whatever object __getstate__ chooses to return. In our case, we simply want to restore the __dict__, and then create a new timer:

    def __setstate__(self, data):
        self.__dict__ = data

The pickle module is very flexible and provides other tools to further customize the pickling process if you need them. However, these are beyond the scope of this module. The tools we've covered are sufficient for many basic pickling tasks. Objects to be pickled are normally relatively simple data objects; we would not likely pickle an entire running program or complicated design pattern, for example.

Serializing web objects

It is not a good idea to load a pickled object from an unknown or untrusted source. It is possible to inject arbitrary code into a pickled file to maliciously attack a computer via the pickle. Another disadvantage of pickles is that they can only be loaded by other Python programs, and cannot be easily shared with services written in other languages.

There are many formats that have been used for this purpose over the years. XML (Extensible Markup Language) used to be very popular, especially with Java developers. YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) is another format that you may see referenced occasionally. Tabular data is frequently exchanged in the CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. Many of these are fading into obscurity and there are many more that you will encounter over time. Python has solid standard or third-party libraries for all of them.

Before using such libraries on untrusted data, make sure to investigate security concerns with each of them. XML and YAML, for example, both have obscure features that, used maliciously, can allow arbitrary commands to be executed on the host machine. These features may not be turned off by default. Do your research.

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a human readable format for exchanging primitive data. JSON is a standard format that can be interpreted by a wide array of heterogeneous client systems. Hence, JSON is extremely useful for transmitting data between completely decoupled systems. Further, JSON does not have any support for executable code, only data can be serialized; thus, it is more difficult to inject malicious statements into it.

Because JSON can be easily interpreted by JavaScript engines, it is often used for transmitting data from a web server to a JavaScript-capable web browser. If the web application serving the data is written in Python, it needs a way to convert internal data into the JSON format.

There is a module to do this, predictably named json. This module provides a similar interface to the pickle module, with dump, load, dumps, and loads functions. The default calls to these functions are nearly identical to those in pickle, so let us not repeat the details. There are a couple differences; obviously, the output of these calls is valid JSON notation, rather than a pickled object. In addition, the json functions operate on str objects, rather than bytes. Therefore, when dumping to or loading from a file, we need to create text files rather than binary ones.

The JSON serializer is not as robust as the pickle module; it can only serialize basic types such as integers, floats, and strings, and simple containers such as dictionaries and lists. Each of these has a direct mapping to a JSON representation, but JSON is unable to represent classes, methods, or functions. It is not possible to transmit complete objects in this format. Because the receiver of an object we have dumped to JSON format is normally not a Python object, it would not be able to understand classes or methods in the same way that Python does, anyway. In spite of the O for Object in its name, JSON is a data notation; objects, as you recall, are composed of both data and behavior.

If we do have objects for which we want to serialize only the data, we can always serialize the object's __dict__ attribute. Or we can semiautomate this task by supplying custom code to create or parse a JSON serializable dictionary from certain types of objects.

In the json module, both the object storing and loading functions accept optional arguments to customize the behavior. The dump and dumps methods accept a poorly named cls (short for class, which is a reserved keyword) keyword argument. If passed, this should be a subclass of the JSONEncoder class, with the default method overridden. This method accepts an arbitrary object and converts it to a dictionary that json can digest. If it doesn't know how to process the object, we should call the super() method, so that it can take care of serializing basic types in the normal way.

The load and loads methods also accept such a cls argument that can be a subclass of the inverse class, JSONDecoder. However, it is normally sufficient to pass a function into these methods using the object_hook keyword argument. This function accepts a dictionary and returns an object; if it doesn't know what to do with the input dictionary, it can return it unmodified.

Let's look at an example. Imagine we have the following simple contact class that we want to serialize:

class Contact:
    def __init__(self, first, last):
        self.first = first
        self.last = last

    def full_name(self):
        return("{} {}".format(self.first, self.last))

We could just serialize the __dict__ attribute:

>>> c = Contact("John", "Smith")
>>> json.dumps(c.__dict__)
'{"last": "Smith", "first": "John"}'

But accessing special (double-underscore) attributes in this fashion is kind of crude. Also, what if the receiving code (perhaps some JavaScript on a web page) wanted that full_name property to be supplied? Of course, we could construct the dictionary by hand, but let's create a custom encoder instead:

import json
class ContactEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, Contact):
            return {'is_contact': True,
                    'first': obj.first,
                    'last': obj.last,
                    'full': obj.full_name}
        return super().default(obj)

The default method basically checks to see what kind of object we're trying to serialize; if it's a contact, we convert it to a dictionary manually; otherwise, we let the parent class handle serialization (by assuming that it is a basic type, which json knows how to handle). Notice that we pass an extra attribute to identify this object as a contact, since there would be no way to tell upon loading it. This is just a convention; for a more generic serialization mechanism, it might make more sense to store a string type in the dictionary, or possibly even the full class name, including package and module. Remember that the format of the dictionary depends on the code at the receiving end; there has to be an agreement as to how the data is going to be specified.

We can use this class to encode a contact by passing the class (not an instantiated object) to the dump or dumps function:

>>> c = Contact("John", "Smith")
>>> json.dumps(c, cls=ContactEncoder)
'{"is_contact": true, "last": "Smith", "full": "John Smith",
"first": "John"}'

For decoding, we can write a function that accepts a dictionary and checks the existence of the is_contact variable to decide whether to convert it to a contact:

def decode_contact(dic):
        if dic.get('is_contact'):
            return Contact(dic['first'], dic['last'])
            return dic

We can pass this function to the load or loads function using the object_hook keyword argument:

>>> data = ('{"is_contact": true, "last": "smith",'
     '"full": "john smith", "first": "john"}')

>>> c = json.loads(data, object_hook=decode_contact)
>>> c
<__main__.Contact object at 0xa02918c>
>>> c.full_name
'john smith'
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