
Lists are extremely versatile tools that suit most container object applications. But they are not useful when we want to ensure objects in the list are unique. For example, a song library may contain many songs by the same artist. If we want to sort through the library and create a list of all the artists, we would have to check the list to see if we've added the artist already, before we add them again.

This is where sets come in. Sets come from mathematics, where they represent an unordered group of (usually) unique numbers. We can add a number to a set five times, but it will show up in the set only once.

In Python, sets can hold any hashable object, not just numbers. Hashable objects are the same objects that can be used as keys in dictionaries; so again, lists and dictionaries are out. Like mathematical sets, they can store only one copy of each object. So if we're trying to create a list of song artists, we can create a set of string names and simply add them to the set. This example starts with a list of (song, artist) tuples and creates a set of the artists:

song_library = [("Phantom Of The Opera", "Sarah Brightman"),
        ("Knocking On Heaven's Door", "Guns N' Roses"),
        ("Captain Nemo", "Sarah Brightman"),
        ("Patterns In The Ivy", "Opeth"),
        ("November Rain", "Guns N' Roses"),
        ("Beautiful", "Sarah Brightman"),
        ("Mal's Song", "Vixy and Tony")]

artists = set()
for song, artist in song_library:


There is no built-in syntax for an empty set as there is for lists and dictionaries; we create a set using the set() constructor. However, we can use the curly braces (borrowed from dictionary syntax) to create a set, so long as the set contains values. If we use colons to separate pairs of values, it's a dictionary, as in {'key': 'value', 'key2': 'value2'}. If we just separate values with commas, it's a set, as in {'value', 'value2'}. Items can be added individually to the set using its add method. If we run this script, we see that the set works as advertised:

{'Sarah Brightman', "Guns N' Roses", 'Vixy and Tony', 'Opeth'}

If you're paying attention to the output, you'll notice that the items are not printed in the order they were added to the sets. Sets, like dictionaries, are unordered. They both use an underlying hash-based data structure for efficiency. Because they are unordered, sets cannot have items looked up by index. The primary purpose of a set is to divide the world into two groups: "things that are in the set", and, "things that are not in the set". It is easy to check whether an item is in the set or to loop over the items in a set, but if we want to sort or order them, we'll have to convert the set to a list. This output shows all three of these activities:

>>> "Opeth" in artists
>>> for artist in artists:
...     print("{} plays good music".format(artist))
Sarah Brightman plays good music
Guns N' Roses plays good music
Vixy and Tony play good music
Opeth plays good music
>>> alphabetical = list(artists)
>>> alphabetical.sort()
>>> alphabetical
["Guns N' Roses", 'Opeth', 'Sarah Brightman', 'Vixy and Tony']

While the primary feature of a set is uniqueness, that is not its primary purpose. Sets are most useful when two or more of them are used in combination. Most of the methods on the set type operate on other sets, allowing us to efficiently combine or compare the items in two or more sets. These methods have strange names, since they use the same terminology used in mathematics. We'll start with three methods that return the same result, regardless of which is the calling set and which is the called set.

The union method is the most common and easiest to understand. It takes a second set as a parameter and returns a new set that contains all elements that are in either of the two sets; if an element is in both original sets, it will, of course, only show up once in the new set. Union is like a logical or operation, indeed, the | operator can be used on two sets to perform the union operation, if you don't like calling methods.

Conversely, the intersection method accepts a second set and returns a new set that contains only those elements that are in both sets. It is like a logical and operation, and can also be referenced using the & operator.

Finally, the symmetric_difference method tells us what's left; it is the set of objects that are in one set or the other, but not both. The following example illustrates these methods by comparing some artists from my song library to those in my sister's:

my_artists = {"Sarah Brightman", "Guns N' Roses",
        "Opeth", "Vixy and Tony"}

auburns_artists = {"Nickelback", "Guns N' Roses",
        "Savage Garden"}

print("All: {}".format(my_artists.union(auburns_artists)))
print("Both: {}".format(auburns_artists.intersection(my_artists)))
print("Either but not both: {}".format(

If we run this code, we see that these three methods do what the print statements suggest they will do:

All: {'Sarah Brightman', "Guns N' Roses", 'Vixy and Tony',
'Savage Garden', 'Opeth', 'Nickelback'}
Both: {"Guns N' Roses"}
Either but not both: {'Savage Garden', 'Opeth', 'Nickelback',
'Sarah Brightman', 'Vixy and Tony'}

These methods all return the same result, regardless of which set calls the other. We can say my_artists.union(auburns_artists) or auburns_artists.union(my_artists) and get the same result. There are also methods that return different results depending on who is the caller and who is the argument.

These methods include issubset and issuperset, which are the inverse of each other. Both return a bool. The issubset method returns True, if all of the items in the calling set are also in the set passed as an argument. The issuperset method returns True if all of the items in the argument are also in the calling set. Thus s.issubset(t) and t.issuperset(s) are identical. They will both return True if t contains all the elements in s.

Finally, the difference method returns all the elements that are in the calling set, but not in the set passed as an argument; this is like half a symmetric_difference. The difference method can also be represented by the - operator. The following code illustrates these methods in action:

my_artists = {"Sarah Brightman", "Guns N' Roses",
        "Opeth", "Vixy and Tony"}

bands = {"Guns N' Roses", "Opeth"}

print("my_artists is to bands:")
print("issuperset: {}".format(my_artists.issuperset(bands)))
print("issubset: {}".format(my_artists.issubset(bands)))
print("difference: {}".format(my_artists.difference(bands)))
print("bands is to my_artists:")
print("issuperset: {}".format(bands.issuperset(my_artists)))
print("issubset: {}".format(bands.issubset(my_artists)))
print("difference: {}".format(bands.difference(my_artists)))

This code simply prints out the response of each method when called from one set on the other. Running it gives us the following output:

my_artists is to bands:
issuperset: True
issubset: False
difference: {'Sarah Brightman', 'Vixy and Tony'}
bands is to my_artists:
issuperset: False
issubset: True
difference: set()

The difference method, in the second case, returns an empty set, since there are no items in bands that are not in my_artists.

The union, intersection, and difference methods can all take multiple sets as arguments; they will return, as we might expect, the set that is created when the operation is called on all the parameters.

So the methods on sets clearly suggest that sets are meant to operate on other sets, and that they are not just containers. If we have data coming in from two different sources and need to quickly combine them in some way, to determine where the data overlaps or is different, we can use set operations to efficiently compare them. Or if we have data incoming that may contain duplicates of data that has already been processed, we can use sets to compare the two and process only the new data.

Finally, it is valuable to know that sets are much more efficient than lists when checking for membership using the in keyword. If you use the syntax value in container on a set or a list, it will return True if one of the elements in container is equal to value and False otherwise. However, in a list, it will look at every object in the container until it finds the value, whereas in a set, it simply hashes the value and checks for membership. This means that a set will find the value in the same amount of time no matter how big the container is, but a list will take longer and longer to search for a value as the list contains more and more values.

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