
Queues are peculiar data structures because, like sets, their functionality can be handled entirely using lists. However, while lists are extremely versatile general-purpose tools, they are occasionally not the most efficient data structure for container operations. If your program is using a small dataset (up to hundreds or even thousands of elements on today's processors), then lists will probably cover all your use cases. However, if you need to scale your data into the millions, you may need a more efficient container for your particular use case. Python therefore provides three types of queue data structures, depending on what kind of access you are looking for. All three utilize the same API, but differ in both behavior and data structure.

Before we start our queues, however, consider the trusty list data structure. Python lists are the most advantageous data structure for many use cases:

  • They support efficient random access to any element in the list
  • They have strict ordering of elements
  • They support the append operation efficiently

They tend to be slow, however, if you are inserting elements anywhere but the end of the list (especially so if it's the beginning of the list). As we discussed in the section on sets, they are also slow for checking if an element exists in the list, and by extension, searching. Storing data in a sorted order or reordering the data can also be inefficient.

Let's look at the three types of containers provided by the Python queue module.

FIFO queues

FIFO stands for First In First Out and represents the most commonly understood definition of the word "queue". Imagine a line of people standing in line at a bank or cash register. The first person to enter the line gets served first, the second person in line gets served second, and if a new person desires service, they join the end of the line and wait their turn.

The Python Queue class is just like that. It is typically used as a sort of communication medium when one or more objects is producing data and one or more other objects is consuming the data in some way, probably at a different rate. Think of a messaging application that is receiving messages from the network, but can only display one message at a time to the user. The other messages can be buffered in a queue in the order they are received. FIFO queues are utilized a lot in such concurrent applications. (We'll talk more about concurrency in Chapter 12, Testing Object-oriented Programs.)

The Queue class is a good choice when you don't need to access any data inside the data structure except the next object to be consumed. Using a list for this would be less efficient because under the hood, inserting data at (or removing from) the beginning of a list can require shifting every other element in the list.

Queues have a very simple API. A Queue can have "infinite" (until the computer runs out of memory) capacity, but it is more commonly bounded to some maximum size. The primary methods are put() and get(), which add an element to the back of the line, as it were, and retrieve them from the front, in order. Both of these methods accept optional arguments to govern what happens if the operation cannot successfully complete because the queue is either empty (can't get) or full (can't put). The default behavior is to block or idly wait until the Queue object has data or room available to complete the operation. You can have it raise exceptions instead by passing the block=False parameter. Or you can have it wait a defined amount of time before raising an exception by passing a timeout parameter.

The class also has methods to check whether the Queue is full() or empty() and there are a few additional methods to deal with concurrent access that we won't discuss here. Here is a interactive session demonstrating these principles:

>>> from queue import Queue
>>> lineup = Queue(maxsize=3)
>>> lineup.get(block=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-5-a1c8d8492c59>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/queue.py", line 164, in get
    raise Empty
>>> lineup.put("one")
>>> lineup.put("two")
>>> lineup.put("three")
>>> lineup.put("four", timeout=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-9-4b9db399883d>", line 1, in <module>
    lineup.put("four", timeout=1)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/queue.py", line 144, in put
raise Full
>>> lineup.full()
>>> lineup.get()
>>> lineup.get()
>>> lineup.get()
>>> lineup.empty()

Underneath the hood, Python implements queues on top of the collections.deque data structure. Deques are advanced data structures that permits efficient access to both ends of the collection. It provides a more flexible interface than is exposed by Queue. I refer you to the Python documentation if you'd like to experiment more with it.

LIFO queues

LIFO (Last In First Out) queues are more frequently called stacks. Think of a stack of papers where you can only access the top-most paper. You can put another paper on top of the stack, making it the new top-most paper, or you can take the top-most paper away to reveal the one beneath it.

Traditionally, the operations on stacks are named push and pop, but the Python queue module uses the exact same API as for FIFO queues: put() and get(). However, in a LIFO queue, these methods operate on the "top" of the stack instead of at the front and back of a line. This is an excellent example of polymorphism. If you look at the Queue source code in the Python standard library, you'll actually see that there is a superclass with subclasses for FIFO and LIFO queues that implement the few operations (operating on the top of a stack instead of front and back of a deque instance) that are critically different between the two.

Here's an example of the LIFO queue in action:

>>> from queue import LifoQueue
>>> stack = LifoQueue(maxsize=3)
>>> stack.put("one")
>>> stack.put("two")
>>> stack.put("three")
>>> stack.put("four", block=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-21-5473b359e5a8>", line 1, in <module>
    stack.put("four", block=False)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/queue.py", line 133, in put
    raise Full

>>> stack.get()
>>> stack.get()
>>> stack.get()
>>> stack.empty()
>>> stack.get(timeout=1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-26-28e084a84a10>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/queue.py", line 175, in get
    raise Empty

You might wonder why you couldn't just use the append() and pop() methods on a standard list. Quite frankly, that's probably what I would do. I rarely have occasion to use the LifoQueue class in production code. Working with the end of a list is an efficient operation; so efficient, in fact, that the LifoQueue uses a standard list under the hood!

There are a couple of reasons that you might want to use LifoQueue instead of a list. The most important one is that LifoQueue supports clean concurrent access from multiple threads. If you need stack-like behavior in a concurrent setting, you should leave the list at home. Second, LifoQueue enforces the stack interface. You can't unwittingly insert a value to the wrong position in a LifoQueue, for example (although, as an exercise, you can work out how to do this completely wittingly).

Priority queues

The priority queue enforces a very different style of ordering from the previous queue implementations. Once again, they follow the exact same get() and put() API, but instead of relying on the order that items arrive to determine when they should be returned, the most "important" item is returned. By convention, the most important, or highest priority item is the one that sorts lowest using the less than operator.

A common convention is to store tuples in the priority queue, where the first element in the tuple is the priority for that element, and the second element is the data. Another common paradigm is to implement the __lt__ method, as we discussed earlier in this chapter. It is perfectly acceptable to have multiple elements with the same priority in the queue, although there are no guarantees on which one will be returned first.

A priority queue might be used, for example, by a search engine to ensure it refreshes the content of the most popular web pages before crawling sites that are less likely to be searched for. A product recommendation tool might use one to display information about the most highly ranked products while still loading data for the lower ranks.

Note that a priority queue will always return the most important element currently in the queue. The get() method will block (by default) if the queue is empty, but it will not block and wait for a higher priority element to be added if there is already something in the queue. The queue knows nothing about elements that have not been added yet (or even about elements that have been previously extracted), and only makes decisions based on the current contents of the queue.

This interactive session shows a priority queue in action, using tuples as weights to determine what order items are processed in:

>>> heap.put((3, "three"))
>>> heap.put((4, "four"))
>>> heap.put((1, "one") )
>>> heap.put((2, "two"))
>>> heap.put((5, "five"), block=False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<ipython-input-23-d4209db364ed>", line 1, in <module>
    heap.put((5, "five"), block=False)
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/queue.py", line 133, in put
    raise Full
>>> while not heap.empty():
(1, 'one')
(2, 'two')
(3, 'three')
(4, 'four')

Priority queues are almost universally implemented using the heap data structure. Python's implementation utilizes the heapq module to effectively store a heap inside a normal list. I direct you to an algorithm and data-structure's textbook for more information on heaps, not to mention many other fascinating structures we haven't covered here. No matter what the data structure, you can use object-oriented principles to wrap relevant algorithms (behaviors), such as those supplied in the heapq module, around the data they are structuring in the computer's memory, just as the queue module has done on our behalf in the standard library.

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