Case study

To tie everything together, we'll be writing a simple link collector, which will visit a website and collect every link on every page it finds in that site. Before we start, though, we'll need some test data to work with. Simply write some HTML files to work with that contain links to each other and to other sites on the Internet, something like this:

        <a href="contact.html">Contact us</a>
        <a href="blog.html">Blog</a>
        <a href="esme.html">My Dog</a>
        <a href="/hobbies.html">Some hobbies</a>
        <a href="/contact.html">Contact AGAIN</a>
        <a href="">Favorite OS</a>

Name one of the files index.html so it shows up first when pages are served. Make sure the other files exist, and keep things complicated so there is lots of linking between them. The examples for this chapter include a directory called case_study_serve (one of the lamest personal websites in existence!) if you would rather not set them up yourself.

Now, start a simple web server by entering the directory containing all these files and run the following command:

python3 -m http.server

This will start a server running on port 8000; you can see the pages you made by visiting http://localhost:8000/ in your web browser.


I doubt anyone can get a website up and running with less work! Never let it be said, "you can't do that easily with Python."

The goal will be to pass our collector the base URL for the site (in this case: http://localhost:8000/), and have it create a list containing every unique link on the site. We'll need to take into account three types of URLs (links to external sites, which start with http://, absolute internal links, which start with a / character, and relative links, for everything else). We also need to be aware that pages may link to each other in a loop; we need to be sure we don't process the same page multiple times, or it may never end. With all this uniqueness going on, it sounds like we're going to need some sets.

Before we get into that, let's start with the basics. What code do we need to connect to a page and parse all the links from that page?

from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import re
import sys
LINK_REGEX = re.compile(
        "<a [^>]*href=['"]([^'"]+)['"][^>]*>")

class LinkCollector:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = "" + urlparse(url).netloc

    def collect_links(self, path="/"):
        full_url = self.url + path
        page = str(urlopen(full_url).read())
        links = LINK_REGEX.findall(page)

if __name__ == "__main__":

This is a short piece of code, considering what it's doing. It connects to the server in the argument passed on the command line, downloads the page, and extracts all the links on that page. The __init__ method uses the urlparse function to extract just the hostname from the URL; so even if we pass in http://localhost:8000/some/page.html, it will still operate on the top level of the host http://localhost:8000/. This makes sense, because we want to collect all the links on the site, although it assumes every page is connected to the index by some sequence of links.

The collect_links method connects to and downloads the specified page from the server, and uses a regular expression to find all the links in the page. Regular expressions are an extremely powerful string processing tool. Unfortunately, they have a steep learning curve; if you haven't used them before, I strongly recommend studying any of the entire books or websites on the topic. If you don't think they're worth knowing, try writing the preceding code without them and you'll change your mind.

The example also stops in the middle of the collect_links method to print the value of links. This is a common way to test a program as we're writing it: stop and output the value to ensure it is the value we expect. Here's what it outputs for our example:

['contact.html', 'blog.html', 'esme.html', '/hobbies.html',
'/contact.html', '']

So now we have a collection of all the links in the first page. What can we do with it? We can't just pop the links into a set to remove duplicates because links may be relative or absolute. For example, contact.html and /contact.html point to the same page. So the first thing we should do is normalize all the links to their full URL, including hostname and relative path. We can do this by adding a normalize_url method to our object:

    def normalize_url(self, path, link):
        if link.startswith("http://"):
            return link
        elif link.startswith("/"):
            return self.url + link
            return self.url + path.rpartition(
                '/')[0] + '/' + link

This method converts each URL to a complete address that includes protocol and hostname. Now the two contact pages have the same value and we can store them in a set. We'll have to modify __init__ to create the set, and collect_links to put all the links into it.

Then, we'll have to visit all the non-external links and collect them too. But wait a minute; if we do this, how do we keep from revisiting a link when we encounter the same page twice? It looks like we're actually going to need two sets: a set of collected links, and a set of visited links. This suggests that we were wise to choose a set to represent our data; we know that sets are most useful when we're manipulating more than one of them. Let's set these up:

class LinkCollector:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = "http://+" + urlparse(url).netloc
        self.collected_links = set()
        self.visited_links = set()

    def collect_links(self, path="/"):
        full_url = self.url + path
        page = str(urlopen(full_url).read())
        links = LINK_REGEX.findall(page)
        links = {self.normalize_url(path, link
            ) for link in links}
        self.collected_links = links.union(
        unvisited_links = links.difference(
        print(links, self.visited_links,
                self.collected_links, unvisited_links)

The line that creates the normalized list of links uses a set comprehension, no different from a list comprehension, except that the result is a set of values. We'll be covering these in detail in the next chapter. Once again, the method stops to print out the current values, so we can verify that we don't have our sets confused, and that difference really was the method we wanted to call to collect unvisited_links. We can then add a few lines of code that loop over all the unvisited links and add them to the collection as well:

        for link in unvisited_links:
            if link.startswith(self.url):

The if statement ensures that we are only collecting links from the one website; we don't want to go off and collect all the links from all the pages on the Internet (unless we're Google or the Internet Archive!). If we modify the main code at the bottom of the program to output the collected links, we can see it seems to have collected them all:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    collector = LinkCollector(sys.argv[1])
    for link in collector.collected_links:

It displays all the links we've collected, and only once, even though many of the pages in my example linked to each other multiple times:

$ python3 http://localhost:8000

Even though it collected links to external pages, it didn't go off collecting links from any of the external pages we linked to. This is a great little program if we want to collect all the links in a site. But it doesn't give me all the information I might need to build a site map; it tells me which pages I have, but it doesn't tell me which pages link to other pages. If we want to do that instead, we're going to have to make some modifications.

The first thing we should do is look at our data structures. The set of collected links doesn't work anymore; we want to know which links were linked to from which pages. The first thing we could do, then, is turn that set into a dictionary of sets for each page we visit. The dictionary keys will represent the exact same data that is currently in the set. The values will be sets of all the links on that page. Here are the changes:

from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import re
import sys
LINK_REGEX = re.compile(
        "<a [^>]*href=['"]([^'"]+)['"][^>]*>")

class LinkCollector:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = "http://%s" % urlparse(url).netloc
        self.collected_links = {}
        self.visited_links = set()

    def collect_links(self, path="/"):
        full_url = self.url + path
        page = str(urlopen(full_url).read())
        links = LINK_REGEX.findall(page)
        links = {self.normalize_url(path, link
            ) for link in links}
        self.collected_links[full_url] = links
        for link in links:
            self.collected_links.setdefault(link, set())
        unvisited_links = links.difference(
        for link in unvisited_links:
            if link.startswith(self.url):

    def normalize_url(self, path, link):
        if link.startswith("http://"):
            return link
        elif link.startswith("/"):
            return self.url + link
            return self.url + path.rpartition('/'
                    )[0] + '/' + link
if __name__ == "__main__":
    collector = LinkCollector(sys.argv[1])
    for link, item in collector.collected_links.items():
        print("{}: {}".format(link, item))

It is a surprisingly small change; the line that originally created a union of two sets has been replaced with three lines that update the dictionary. The first of these simply tells the dictionary what the collected links for that page are. The second creates an empty set for any items in the dictionary that have not already been added to the dictionary, using setdefault. The result is a dictionary that contains all the links as its keys, mapped to sets of links for all the internal links, and empty sets for the external links.

Finally, instead of recursively calling collect_links, we can use a queue to store the links that haven't been processed yet. This implementation won't support it, but this would be a good first step to creating a multithreaded version that makes multiple requests in parallel to save time.

from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlparse
import re
import sys
from queue import Queue
LINK_REGEX = re.compile("<a [^>]*href=['"]([^'"]+)['"][^>]*>")

class LinkCollector:
    def __init__(self, url):
        self.url = "http://%s" % urlparse(url).netloc
        self.collected_links = {}
        self.visited_links = set()

    def collect_links(self):
        queue = Queue()
        while not queue.empty():
            url = queue.get().rstrip('/')
            page = str(urlopen(url).read())
            links = LINK_REGEX.findall(page)
            links = {
                self.normalize_url(urlparse(url).path, link)
                for link in links
            self.collected_links[url] = links
            for link in links:
                self.collected_links.setdefault(link, set())
            unvisited_links = links.difference(self.visited_links)
            for link in unvisited_links:
                if link.startswith(self.url):

    def normalize_url(self, path, link):
        if link.startswith("http://"):
            return link.rstrip('/')
        elif link.startswith("/"):
            return self.url + link.rstrip('/')
            return self.url + path.rpartition('/')[0] + '/' + link.rstrip('/')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    collector = LinkCollector(sys.argv[1])
    for link, item in collector.collected_links.items():
        print("%s: %s" % (link, item))

I had to manually strip any trailing forward slashes in the normalize_url method to remove duplicates in this version of the code.

Because the end result is an unsorted dictionary, there is no restriction on what order the links should be processed in. Therefore, we could just as easily have used a LifoQueue instead of a Queue here. A priority queue probably wouldn't make a lot of sense since there is no obvious priority to attach to a link in this case.

Case study
Case study
Case study
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