
Comprehensions are simple, but powerful, syntaxes that allow us to transform or filter an iterable object in as little as one line of code. The resultant object can be a perfectly normal list, set, or dictionary, or it can be a generator expression that can be efficiently consumed in one go.

List comprehensions

List comprehensions are one of the most powerful tools in Python, so people tend to think of them as advanced. They're not. Indeed, I've taken the liberty of littering previous examples with comprehensions and assuming you'd understand them. While it's true that advanced programmers use comprehensions a lot, it's not because they're advanced, it's because they're trivial, and handle some of the most common operations in software development.

Let's have a look at one of those common operations; namely, converting a list of items into a list of related items. Specifically, let's assume we just read a list of strings from a file, and now we want to convert it to a list of integers. We know every item in the list is an integer, and we want to do some activity (say, calculate an average) on those numbers. Here's one simple way to approach it:

input_strings = ['1', '5', '28', '131', '3']

output_integers = []
for num in input_strings:

This works fine and it's only three lines of code. If you aren't used to comprehensions, you may not even think it looks ugly! Now, look at the same code using a list comprehension:

input_strings = ['1', '5', '28', '131', '3']output_integers = [int(num) for num in input_strings]

We're down to one line and, importantly for performance, we've dropped an append method call for each item in the list. Overall, it's pretty easy to tell what's going on, even if you're not used to comprehension syntax.

The square brackets indicate, as always, that we're creating a list. Inside this list is a for loop that iterates over each item in the input sequence. The only thing that may be confusing is what's happening between the list's opening brace and the start of the for loop. Whatever happens here is applied to each of the items in the input list. The item in question is referenced by the num variable from the loop. So, it's converting each individual element to an int data type.

That's all there is to a basic list comprehension. They are not so advanced after all. Comprehensions are highly optimized C code; list comprehensions are far faster than for loops when looping over a huge number of items. If readability alone isn't a convincing reason to use them as much as possible, speed should be.

Converting one list of items into a related list isn't the only thing we can do with a list comprehension. We can also choose to exclude certain values by adding an if statement inside the comprehension. Have a look:

output_ints = [int(n) for n in input_strings if len(n) < 3]

I shortened the name of the variable from num to n and the result variable to output_ints so it would still fit on one line. Other than this, all that's different between this example and the previous one is the if len(n) < 3 part. This extra code excludes any strings with more than two characters. The if statement is applied before the int function, so it's testing the length of a string. Since our input strings are all integers at heart, it excludes any number over 99. Now that is all there is to list comprehensions! We use them to map input values to output values, applying a filter along the way to include or exclude any values that meet a specific condition.

Any iterable can be the input to a list comprehension; anything we can wrap in a for loop can also be placed inside a comprehension. For example, text files are iterable; each call to __next__ on the file's iterator will return one line of the file. We could load a tab delimited file where the first line is a header row into a dictionary using the zip function:

import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]

with open(filename) as file:
    header = file.readline().strip().split('	')
    contacts = [
                zip(header, line.strip().split('	'))
                ) for line in file

for contact in contacts:
    print("email: {email} -- {last}, {first}".format(

This time, I've added some whitespace to make it somewhat more readable (list comprehensions don't have to fit on one line). This example creates a list of dictionaries from the zipped header and split lines for each line in the file.

Er, what? Don't worry if that code or explanation doesn't make sense; it's a bit confusing. One list comprehension is doing a pile of work here, and the code is hard to understand, read, and ultimately, maintain. This example shows that list comprehensions aren't always the best solution; most programmers would agree that a for loop would be more readable than this version.


Remember: the tools we are provided with should not be abused! Always pick the right tool for the job, which is always to write maintainable code.

Set and dictionary comprehensions

Comprehensions aren't restricted to lists. We can use a similar syntax with braces to create sets and dictionaries as well. Let's start with sets. One way to create a set is to wrap a list comprehension in the set() constructor, which converts it to a set. But why waste memory on an intermediate list that gets discarded, when we can create a set directly?

Here's an example that uses a named tuple to model author/title/genre triads, and then retrieves a set of all the authors that write in a specific genre:

from collections import namedtuple

Book = namedtuple("Book", "author title genre")
books = [
        Book("Pratchett", "Nightwatch", "fantasy"),
        Book("Pratchett", "Thief Of Time", "fantasy"),
        Book("Le Guin", "The Dispossessed", "scifi"),
        Book("Le Guin", "A Wizard Of Earthsea", "fantasy"),
        Book("Turner", "The Thief", "fantasy"),
        Book("Phillips", "Preston Diamond", "western"),
        Book("Phillips", "Twice Upon A Time", "scifi"),

fantasy_authors = { for b in books if b.genre == 'fantasy'}

The highlighted set comprehension sure is short in comparison to the demo-data setup! If we were to use a list comprehension, of course, Terry Pratchett would have been listed twice.. As it is, the nature of sets removes the duplicates, and we end up with:

>>> fantasy_authors
{'Turner', 'Pratchett', 'Le Guin'}

We can introduce a colon to create a dictionary comprehension. This converts a sequence into a dictionary using key: value pairs. For example, it may be useful to quickly look up the author or genre in a dictionary if we know the title. We can use a dictionary comprehension to map titles to module objects:

fantasy_titles = {
        b.title: b for b in books if b.genre == 'fantasy'}

Now, we have a dictionary, and can look up books by title using the normal syntax.

In summary, comprehensions are not advanced Python, nor are they "non-object-oriented" tools that should be avoided. They are simply a more concise and optimized syntax for creating a list, set, or dictionary from an existing sequence.

Generator expressions

Sometimes we want to process a new sequence without placing a new list, set, or dictionary into system memory. If we're just looping over items one at a time, and don't actually care about having a final container object created, creating that container is a waste of memory. When processing one item at a time, we only need the current object stored in memory at any one moment. But when we create a container, all the objects have to be stored in that container before we start processing them.

For example, consider a program that processes log files. A very simple log might contain information in this format:

Jan 26, 2015 11:25:25    DEBUG        This is a debugging message.
Jan 26, 2015 11:25:36    INFO         This is an information method.
Jan 26, 2015 11:25:46    WARNING      This is a warning. It could be serious.
Jan 26, 2015 11:25:52    WARNING      Another warning sent.
Jan 26, 2015 11:25:59    INFO         Here's some information.
Jan 26, 2015 11:26:13    DEBUG        Debug messages are only useful if you want to figure something out.
Jan 26, 2015 11:26:32    INFO         Information is usually harmless, but helpful.
Jan 26, 2015 11:26:40    WARNING      Warnings should be heeded.
Jan 26, 2015 11:26:54    WARNING      Watch for warnings.

Log files for popular web servers, databases, or e-mail servers can contain many gigabytes of data (I recently had to clean nearly 2 terabytes of logs off a misbehaving system). If we want to process each line in the log, we can't use a list comprehension; it would create a list containing every line in the file. This probably wouldn't fit in RAM and could bring the computer to its knees, depending on the operating system.

If we used a for loop on the log file, we could process one line at a time before reading the next one into memory. Wouldn't be nice if we could use comprehension syntax to get the same effect?

This is where generator expressions come in. They use the same syntax as comprehensions, but they don't create a final container object. To create a generator expression, wrap the comprehension in () instead of [] or {}.

The following code parses a log file in the previously presented format, and outputs a new log file that contains only the WARNING lines:

import sys

inname = sys.argv[1]
outname = sys.argv[2]

with open(inname) as infile:
    with open(outname, "w") as outfile:
        warnings = (l for l in infile if 'WARNING' in l)
        for l in warnings:

This program takes the two filenames on the command line, uses a generator expression to filter out the warnings (in this case, it uses the if syntax, and leaves the line unmodified), and then outputs the warnings to another file. If we run it on our sample file, the output looks like this:

Jan 26, 2015 11:25:46    WARNING     This is a warning. It could be serious.
Jan 26, 2015 11:25:52    WARNING     Another warning sent.
Jan 26, 2015 11:26:40    WARNING     Warnings should be heeded.
Jan 26, 2015 11:26:54    WARNING     Watch for warnings.

Of course, with such a short input file, we could have safely used a list comprehension, but if the file is millions of lines long, the generator expression will have a huge impact on both memory and speed.

Generator expressions are frequently most useful inside function calls. For example, we can call sum, min, or max, on a generator expression instead of a list, since these functions process one object at a time. We're only interested in the result, not any intermediate container.

In general, a generator expression should be used whenever possible. If we don't actually need a list, set, or dictionary, but simply need to filter or convert items in a sequence, a generator expression will be most efficient. If we need to know the length of a list, or sort the result, remove duplicates, or create a dictionary, we'll have to use the comprehension syntax.

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