The state pattern

The state pattern is structurally similar to the strategy pattern, but its intent and purpose are very different. The goal of the state pattern is to represent state-transition systems: systems where it is obvious that an object can be in a specific state, and that certain activities may drive it to a different state.

To make this work, we need a manager, or context class that provides an interface for switching states. Internally, this class contains a pointer to the current state; each state knows what other states it is allowed to be in and will transition to those states depending on actions invoked upon it.

So we have two types of classes, the context class and multiple state classes. The context class maintains the current state, and forwards actions to the state classes. The state classes are typically hidden from any other objects that are calling the context; it acts like a black box that happens to perform state management internally. Here's how it looks in UML:

The state pattern

A state example

To illustrate the state pattern, let's build an XML parsing tool. The context class will be the parser itself. It will take a string as input and place the tool in an initial parsing state. The various parsing states will eat characters, looking for a specific value, and when that value is found, change to a different state. The goal is to create a tree of node objects for each tag and its contents. To keep things manageable, we'll parse only a subset of XML - tags and tag names. We won't be able to handle attributes on tags. It will parse text content of tags, but won't attempt to parse "mixed" content, which has tags inside of text. Here is an example "simplified XML" file that we'll be able to parse:

    <author>Dusty Phillips</author>
    <publisher>Packt Publishing</publisher>
    <title>Python 3 Object Oriented Programming</title>
            <title>Object Oriented Design</title>
            <title>Objects In Python</title>

Before we look at the states and the parser, let's consider the output of this program. We know we want a tree of Node objects, but what does a Node look like? Well, clearly it'll need to know the name of the tag it is parsing, and since it's a tree, it should probably maintain a pointer to the parent node and a list of the node's children in order. Some nodes have a text value, but not all of them. Let's look at this Node class first:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, tag_name, parent=None):
        self.parent = parent
        self.tag_name = tag_name
        self.children = []

    def __str__(self):
        if self.text:
            return self.tag_name + ": " + self.text
            return self.tag_name

This class sets default attribute values upon initialization. The __str__ method is supplied to help visualize the tree structure when we're finished.

Now, looking at the example document, we need to consider what states our parser can be in. Clearly it's going to start in a state where no nodes have yet been processed. We'll need a state for processing opening tags and closing tags. And when we're inside a tag with text contents, we'll have to process that as a separate state, too.

Switching states can be tricky; how do we know if the next node is an opening tag, a closing tag, or a text node? We could put a little logic in each state to work this out, but it actually makes more sense to create a new state whose sole purpose is figuring out which state we'll be switching to next. If we call this transition state ChildNode, we end up with the following states:

  • FirstTag
  • ChildNode
  • OpenTag
  • CloseTag
  • Text

The FirstTag state will switch to ChildNode, which is responsible for deciding which of the other three states to switch to; when those states are finished, they'll switch back to ChildNode. The following state-transition diagram shows the available state changes:

A state example

The states are responsible for taking "what's left of the string", processing as much of it as they know what to do with, and then telling the parser to take care of the rest of it. Let's construct the Parser class first:

class Parser:
    def __init__(self, parse_string):
        self.parse_string = parse_string
        self.root = None
        self.current_node = None

        self.state = FirstTag()

    def process(self, remaining_string):
        remaining = self.state.process(remaining_string, self)
        if remaining:

    def start(self):

The initializer sets up a few variables on the class that the individual states will access. The parse_string instance variable is the text that we are trying to parse. The root node is the "top" node in the XML structure. The current_node instance variable is the one that we are currently adding children to.

The important feature of this parser is the process method, which accepts the remaining string, and passes it off to the current state. The parser (the self argument) is also passed into the state's process method so that the state can manipulate it. The state is expected to return the remainder of the unparsed string when it is finished processing. The parser then recursively calls the process method on this remaining string to construct the rest of the tree.

Now, let's have a look at the FirstTag state:

class FirstTag:
    def process(self, remaining_string, parser):
        i_start_tag = remaining_string.find('<')
        i_end_tag = remaining_string.find('>')
        tag_name = remaining_string[i_start_tag+1:i_end_tag]
        root = Node(tag_name)
        parser.root = parser.current_node = root
        parser.state = ChildNode()
        return remaining_string[i_end_tag+1:]

This state finds the index (the i_ stands for index) of the opening and closing angle brackets on the first tag. You may think this state is unnecessary, since XML requires that there be no text before an opening tag. However, there may be whitespace that needs to be consumed; this is why we search for the opening angle bracket instead of assuming it is the first character in the document. Note that this code is assuming a valid input file. A proper implementation would be rigorously testing for invalid input, and would attempt to recover or display an extremely descriptive error message.

The method extracts the name of the tag and assigns it to the root node of the parser. It also assigns it to current_node, since that's the one we'll be adding children to next.

Then comes the important part: the method changes the current state on the parser object to a ChildNode state. It then returns the remainder of the string (after the opening tag) to allow it to be processed.

The ChildNode state, which seems quite complicated, turns out to require nothing but a simple conditional:

class ChildNode:
    def process(self, remaining_string, parser):
        stripped = remaining_string.strip()
        if stripped.startswith("</"):
            parser.state = CloseTag()
        elif stripped.startswith("<"):
            parser.state = OpenTag()
            parser.state = TextNode()
        return stripped

The strip() call removes whitespace from the string. Then the parser determines if the next item is an opening or closing tag, or a string of text. Depending on which possibility occurs, it sets the parser to a particular state, and then tells it to parse the remainder of the string.

The OpenTag state is similar to the FirstTag state, except that it adds the newly created node to the previous current_node object's children and sets it as the new current_node. It places the processor back in the ChildNode state before continuing:

class OpenTag:
    def process(self, remaining_string, parser):
        i_start_tag = remaining_string.find('<')
        i_end_tag = remaining_string.find('>')
        tag_name = remaining_string[i_start_tag+1:i_end_tag]
        node = Node(tag_name, parser.current_node)
        parser.current_node = node
        parser.state = ChildNode()
        return remaining_string[i_end_tag+1:]

The CloseTag state basically does the opposite; it sets the parser's current_node back to the parent node so any further children in the outside tag can be added to it:

class CloseTag:
    def process(self, remaining_string, parser):
        i_start_tag = remaining_string.find('<')
        i_end_tag = remaining_string.find('>')
        assert remaining_string[i_start_tag+1] == "/"
        tag_name = remaining_string[i_start_tag+2:i_end_tag]
        assert tag_name == parser.current_node.tag_name
        parser.current_node = parser.current_node.parent
        parser.state = ChildNode()
        return remaining_string[i_end_tag+1:].strip()

The two assert statements help ensure that the parse strings are consistent. The if statement at the end of the method ensures that the processor terminates when it is finished. If the parent of a node is None, it means that we are working on the root node.

Finally, the TextNode state very simply extracts the text before the next close tag and sets it as a value on the current node:

class TextNode:
    def process(self, remaining_string, parser):
        i_start_tag = remaining_string.find('<')
        text = remaining_string[:i_start_tag]
        parser.current_node.text = text
        parser.state = ChildNode()
        return remaining_string[i_start_tag:]

Now we just have to set up the initial state on the parser object we created. The initial state is a FirstTag object, so just add the following to the __init__ method:

        self.state = FirstTag()

To test the class, let's add a main script that opens an file from the command line, parses it, and prints the nodes:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as file:
        contents =
        p = Parser(contents)

        nodes = [p.root]
        while nodes:
            node = nodes.pop(0)
            nodes = node.children + nodes

This code opens the file, loads the contents, and parses the result. Then it prints each node and its children in order. The __str__ method we originally added on the node class takes care of formatting the nodes for printing. If we run the script on the earlier example, it outputs the tree as follows:

author: Dusty Phillips
publisher: Packt Publishing
title: Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
number: 1
title: Object Oriented Design
number: 2
title: Objects In Python

Comparing this to the original simplified XML document tells us the parser is working.

State versus strategy

The state pattern looks very similar to the strategy pattern; indeed, the UML diagrams for the two are identical. The implementation, too, is identical; we could even have written our states as first-class functions instead of wrapping them in objects, as was suggested for strategy.

While the two patterns have identical structures, they solve completely different problems. The strategy pattern is used to choose an algorithm at runtime; generally, only one of those algorithms is going to be chosen for a particular use case. The state pattern, on the other hand is designed to allow switching between different states dynamically, as some process evolves. In code, the primary difference is that the strategy pattern is not typically aware of other strategy objects. In the state pattern, either the state or the context needs to know which other states that it can switch to.

State transition as coroutines

The state pattern is the canonical object-oriented solution to state-transition problems. However, the syntax for this pattern is rather verbose. You can get a similar effect by constructing your objects as coroutines. Remember the regular expression log file parser we built in Chapter 9, The Iterator Pattern? That was a state-transition problem in disguise. The main difference between that implementation and one that defines all the objects (or functions) used in the state pattern is that the coroutine solution allows us to encode more of the boilerplate in language constructs. There are two implementations, but neither one is inherently better than the other, but you may find that coroutines are more readable, for a given definition of "readable" (you have to understand the syntax of coroutines, first!).

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