images INDEX

A* algorithm, 194

AbYSS, 68

AES (advanced encryption standard), 140

Algorithm GPPE, 7

Algorithmic skeleton, 196

ALife (artificial life), 347

Alphabet with arity, 218

ANOVA test, 72

Ant colony optimization, 267, 408

ARMA, 249

ARMAX model, 124

Artificial neural networks, 15

Artificial vision, 309

Asynchronous parallel cGAs, 58

Auctions, 233

Ausubel auction, 234

AV (artificial vision), 310

B&B-based, 373

Bankruptcy prediction, 6

Beam search, 110, 280, 367

Benchmarks, 92

for DOPs, 92

Best and worst stripe exchange (BW_SE), 389

Best-fit decreasing height (BFDH), 386

Best inherited level recombination (BILX), 389

Bid, 234

Bioinformatic tasks, 268

Bottom-up deterministic tree finite automaton, 219

Branch and bound, 193, 366

Bucket elimination, 111

Call-by-need, 210

Cellular automata (CA), 325

laser model, 329

Cellular genetic algorithms, 50, 68

Cellular phone networks, 287

CHC, 294296, 299302, 304, 305

Chromosome appearance probability matrix algorithm, 31

Computational grid, 423

Constrained optimization penalty term, 105

bucket elimination, 110

decoder, 104, 105

definition, 103

penalty term, 103

repairing, 104

search in feasible space, 104

soft constraint, 103

symmetries, 111

Constraint programming, 107, 108, 109, 114

Convergence, 66

Cross-generational elitist selection, heterogeneous recombination, and cataclysmic mutation, 294, 305

Cryptography, 139

Decisions, 216

Design cycle, FPGA design cycle, 164

Deterministic tree automaton, 219

Diversity, 66

Divide and conquer, 179, 209

DNA fragment assembly problem, 270

DOPs, 84

adaptation cost, 88, 95

aspect of change, 85, 86

benchmarks, 92

classification, 85

continuous, 86

control influence, 87

cyclic, 87

definition, 84

discrete, 85

effect of the algorithm, 85

frequency of change, 85

metaheuristics, 88

patterns and cycles, 87

presence of patterns, 85

severity of change, 85, 86

solution quality, 88, 93

stages, 85

system influence, 87

DTD (data type document), 449

Dynamic bit-matching, 93

Dynamic job shop scheduling, 93

Dynamic optimization problems, 83

Dynamic programming, 209

Dynamic programming equations, 217

Dynamic programming states, 215

Dynamic travelling salesman problem, 85

EA, 295

EELA, 159

Efficient auction, 240

Error correcting code, 200

Estimation of distribution algorithms, 33

Evolutionary algorithms, 63, 249, 267, 295, 409

Evolutionary computation, 31

Experimental evaluation, 423

benchmarking, 423

dynamic setting, 424

static setting, 423

Feature extraction, construction and selection, 3, 4

FF (forgetting factor), 124, 128, 456, 462

First-fit decreasing height (FFDH), 386

Fitness, 32

FPGA, 309

FPGA channel architecture, 163

FPGA devices, 139

FPGA hierarchical architecture, 162

FPGA island architecture, 163

GA, 294, 296, 299301, 305

Gene expression profiling, 269

Gene finding and identification, 269

Genetic algorithms, 32, 294, 295, 305, 424, 428

encodings, 428

initial population, 428

operators, 428

Genetic programming, 3, 6

GLite middleware, 169

Golomb rulers, 105


GRASP, 107, 108

Grid computing, 159

Grid simulator, 424

event-based simulation, 429

HyperSim-G, 429

GridWay metascheduler, 169

Homogeneous tree language, 219

Hypervolume, 70

IA (infection algorithm), 348

IDEA (international data encryption algorithm), 140

Independent job scheduling, 424

completion time, 427

expected time to compute, 418, 424

flowtime, 427

makespan, 427

optimization criteria, 427

resource utilization, 427

Inverted generational distance, 69

IPO underpricing prediction, 6

Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 71

Kruskal–Wallis test, 72

Large-scale neighborhood search, 407

Laser, 325

cellular automata-based model, 329

rate equations, 326

Last level rearrange (LLR), 389

Lazy learning, 15

Levene test, 72

Machine learning, 3

Majority merge, 279

Malaga, 303305

Marginal value, 239

Master-slave, 180

MBF_Adj, 390

Memetic algorithms, 102, 104, 110, 112, 369

Memoization, 210

Memoized, 210

Metaheuristics, 63, 266

for DOPs, 88

information reuse, 89

reinitialization, 89

Metrics, 93

accuracy, 94

adaptation cost, 95

images-reactivity, 95

MHs for DOPs, 93

solution quality, 93

stability, 95

MFF_Adj, 390

Michigan approach, 255

Microarray, 269

Micropopulations, 31

MOCell, 68

Modified next-fit (MNF), 387

Moving parabola, 93

Moving peaks, 93

Moving peaks problem, 86

Multidimensional knapsack problem, 367

Multiobjective optimization, 63

Multiobjective optimization problem, 63

Neural networks, 132

Next-fit decreasing height (NFDH), 386



hierarchic mode, 427

simultaneous mode, 427

Parallel cellular genetic algorithms, 49

Parallel implementation of CA laser model, 337

Pareto dominance, 65

Pareto front, 63, 65

Pareto optimality, 65

Pareto optimal set, 63, 65

Particle swarm optimization, 68

Penalty term, 103

Performance of parallel CA laser model, 340

Personal value, 239

Phylogenetic analysis, 270

Piece exchange (PE), 389

Policies, 216

Policy, 216

Polyadic problems, 218

Polynomial mutation, 67

Population-based incremental learning, 33

Prediction, 123, 462

Principle of optimality, 217

Problem, 103

consensus tree, 112

Golomb ruler, 105

maximum density still life problem, 108

multidimensional knapsack, 104, 105

phylogenetic inference, 112

p-median, 56

protein structure prediction, 104

vertex cover, 103

Pure, 210

PVM (parallel virtual machine), 337

Quality indicators, 69

Radial basis neural networks, 16

Radio coverage problem, 292, 293

Radio network design, 305

Ranked alphabet, 218

Rastrigin function, 41

RC6 symmetric cryptographic algorithm, 143

RND, 288, 289, 293295, 297, 299301, 305

ROS (remote optimization service), 443

Rules for the initial seeding, 390

SA, 294, 295, 299, 300, 305

Scalability of parallel CA laser model, 343

Scatter search, 68, 108, 268

Shortest common supersequence problem, 277

Search algorithms, 193

SI (system identification), 123, 462

Simulated annealing, 267, 294, 305

Simulated binary crossover, 67

Sincere bidding, 239

Skeleton, 180

SOAP, 448

Software tools, 179

Solution merging, 407

SPEA2, 68

Spread, 70

Stages, 85

Statistical analysis, 71

Stereo matching, 347

Stripe exchange (SE), 389

Structure prediction, 269

Substitutes in consumptions, 239

Synergies, 241

System identification, 127, 455

Tabu search, 107, 108, 110, 267

Telecommunications, 287

Terms, 219

Three-stage level packing patterns, 385

Time series, 249

Time-varying knapsack, 93

Tree automaton with costs, 220

Tree language, 218

Tree search algorithms, 193

TS (time series), 123, 462

Two-dimensional cutting stock, 201

Two-dimensional strip packing problem (2SPP), 385

Unrestricted two-dimensional cutting stock problem (U2DCSP), 221

Variable neighborhood search, 265

Weighted majority merge, 279

WEKA, 258

Welch test, 72

Wrapper design pattern, 446, 450

XML, 443

Optimization Techniques for Solving Complex Problems, Edited by Enrique Alba, Christian Blum, Pedro Isasi, Coromoto León, and Juan Antonio Gómez
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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