Feature creation

Sometimes, just selecting features from what we have isn't enough. We can create features in different ways from features we already have. The one-hot encoding method we saw previously is an example of this. Instead of having a category features with options A, B and C, we would create three new features Is it A?, Is it B?, Is it C?.

Creating new features may seem unnecessary and to have no clear benefit—after all, the information is already in the dataset and we just need to use it. However, some algorithms struggle when features correlate significantly, or if there are redundant features. They may also struggle if there are redundant features.

For this reason, there are various ways to create new features from the features we already have.

We are going to load a new dataset, so now is a good time to start a new IPython Notebook. Download the Advertisements dataset from http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/Internet+Advertisements and save it to your Data folder.

Next, we need to load the dataset with pandas. First, we set the data's filename as always:

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data")
data_filename = os.path.join(data_folder, "Ads", "ad.data")

There are a couple of issues with this dataset that stop us from loading it easily. First, the first few features are numerical, but pandas will load them as strings. To fix this, we need to write a converting function that will convert strings to numbers if possible. Otherwise, we will get a NaN (which is short for Not a Number), which is a special value that indicates that the value could not be interpreted as a number. It is similar to none or null in other programming languages.

Another issue with this dataset is that some values are missing. These are represented in the dataset using the string ?. Luckily, the question mark doesn't convert to a float, so we can convert those to NaNs using the same concept. In further chapters, we will look at other ways of dealing with missing values like this.

We will create a function that will do this conversion for us:

def convert_number(x):

First, we want to convert the string to a number and see if that fails. Then, we will surround the conversion in a try/except block, catching a ValueError exception (which is what is thrown if a string cannot be converted into a number this way):

        return float(x)
    except ValueError:

Finally, if the conversion failed, we get a NaN that comes from the NumPy library we imported previously:

        return np.nan

Now, we create a dictionary for the conversion. We want to convert all of the features to floats:

converters = defaultdict(convert_number

Also, we want to set the final column (column index #1558), which is the class, to a binary feature. In the Adult dataset, we created a new feature for this. In the dataset, we will convert the feature while we load it.

converters[1558] = lambda x: 1 if x.strip() == "ad." else 0

Now we can load the dataset using read_csv. We use the converters parameter to pass our custom conversion into pandas:

ads = pd.read_csv(data_filename, header=None, converters=converters)

The resulting dataset is quite large, with 1,559 features and more than 2,000 rows. Here are some of the feature values the first five, printed by inserting ads[:5] into a new cell:

Feature creation

This dataset describes images on websites, with the goal of determining whether a given image is an advertisement or not.

The features in this dataset are not described well by their headings. There are two files accompanying the ad.data file that have more information: ad.DOCUMENTATION and ad.names. The first three features are the height, width, and ratio of the image size. The final feature is 1 if it is an advertisement and 0 if it is not.

The other features are 1 for the presence of certain words in the URL, alt text, or caption of the image. These words, such as the word sponsor, are used to determine if the image is likely to be an advertisement. Many of the features overlap considerably, as they are combinations of other features. Therefore, this dataset has a lot of redundant information.

With our dataset loaded in pandas, we will now extract the x and y data for our classification algorithms. The x matrix will be all of the columns in our Dataframe, except for the last column. In contrast, the y array will be only that last column, feature #1558. Let's look at the code:

X = ads.drop(1558, axis=1).values
y = ads[1558]
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