Chapter 9. Authorship Attribution

Authorship analysis is, predominately, a text mining task that aims to identify certain aspects about an author, based only on the content of their writings. This could include characteristics such as age, gender, or background. In the specific authorship attribution task, we aim to identify who out of a set of authors wrote a particular document. This is a classic case of a classification task. In many ways, authorship analysis tasks are performed using standard data mining methodologies, such as cross fold validation, feature extraction, and classification algorithms.

In this chapter, we will use the problem of authorship attribution to piece together the parts of the data mining methodology we developed in the previous chapters. We identify the problem and discuss the background and knowledge of the problem. This lets us choose features to extract, which we will build a pipeline for achieving. We will test two different types of features: function words and character n-grams. Finally, we will perform an in-depth analysis of the results. We will work with a book dataset, and then a very messy real-world corpus of e-mails.

The topics we will cover in this chapter are as follows:

  • Feature engineering and how the features differ based on application
  • Revisiting the bag-of-words model with a specific goal in mind
  • Feature types and the character n-grams model
  • Support vector machines
  • Cleaning up a messy dataset for data mining

Attributing documents to authors

Authorship analysis has a background in stylometry, which is the study of an author's style of writing. The concept is based on the idea that everyone learns language slightly differently, and measuring the nuances in people's writing will enable us to tell them apart using only the content of their writing.

The problem has been historically performed using manual analysis and statistics, which is a good indication that it could be automated with data mining. Modern authorship analysis studies are almost entirely data mining-based, although quite a significant amount of work is still done with more manually driven analysis using linguistic styles.

Authorship analysis has many subproblems, and the main ones are as follows:

  • Authorship profiling: This determines the age, gender, or other traits of the author based on the writing. For example, we can detect the first language of a person speaking English by looking for specific ways in which they speak the language.
  • Authorship verification: This checks whether the author of this document also wrote the other document. This problem is what you would normally think about in a legal court setting. For instance, the suspect's writing style (content-wise) would be analyzed to see if it matched the ransom note.
  • Authorship clustering: This is an extension of authorship verification, where we use cluster analysis to group documents from a big set into clusters, and each cluster is written by the same author.

However, the most common form of authorship analysis study is that of authorship attribution, a classification task where we attempt to predict which of a set of authors wrote a given document.

Applications and use cases

Authorship analysis has a number of use cases. Many use cases are concerned with problems such as verifying authorship, proving shared authorship/provenance, or linking social media profiles with real-world users.

In a historical sense, we can use authorship analysis to verify whether certain documents were indeed written by their supposed authors. Controversial authorship claims include some of Shakespeare's plays, the Federalist papers from the USA's foundation period, and other historical texts.

Authorship studies alone cannot prove authorship, but can provide evidence for or against a given theory. For example, we can analyze Shakespeare's plays to determine his writing style, before testing whether a given sonnet actually does originate from him.

A more modern use case is that of linking social network accounts. For example, a malicious online user could set up accounts on multiple online social networks. Being able to link them allows authorities to track down the user of a given account—for example, if it is harassing other online users.

Another example used in the past is to be a backbone to provide expert testimony in court to determine whether a given person wrote a document. For instance, the suspect could be accused of writing an e-mail harassing another person. The use of authorship analysis could determine whether it is likely that person did in fact write the document. Another court-based use is to settle claims of stolen authorship. For example, two authors may claim to have written a book, and authorship analysis could provide evidence on which is the likely author.

Authorship analysis is not foolproof though. A recent study found that attributing documents to authors can be made considerably harder by simply asking people, who are otherwise untrained, to hide their writing style. This study also looked at a framing exercise where people were asked to write in the style of another person. This framing of another person proved quite reliable, with the faked document commonly attributed to the person being framed.

Despite these issues, authorship analysis is proving useful in a growing number of areas and is an interesting data mining problem to investigate.

Attributing authorship

Authorship attribution is a classification task by which we have a set of candidate authors, a set of documents from each of those authors (the training set), and a set of documents of unknown authorship (the test set). If the documents of unknown authorship definitely belong to one of the candidates, we call this a closed problem.

Attributing authorship

If we cannot be sure of that, we call this an open problem. This distinction isn't just specific to authorship attribution though—any data mining application where the actual class may not be in the training set is considered an open problem, with the task being to find the candidate author or to select none of them.

Attributing authorship

In authorship attribution, we typically have two restrictions on the tasks. First, we only use content information from the documents and not metadata about time of writing, delivery, handwriting style, and so on. There are ways to combine models from these different types of information, but that isn't generally considered authorship attribution and is more a data fusion application.

The second restriction is that we don't look at the topic of the documents; instead, we look for more salient features such as word usage, punctuation, and other text-based features. The reasoning here is that a person can write on many different topics, so worrying about the topic of their writing isn't going to model their actual authorship style. Looking at topic words can also lead to overfitting on the training data—our model may train on documents from the same author and also on the same topic. For instance, if you were to model my authorship style by looking at this module, you might conclude the words data mining are indicative of my style, when in fact I write on other topics as well.

From here, the pipeline for performing authorship attribution looks a lot like the one we developed in Chapter 6, Social Media Insight Using Naive Bayes. First, we extract features from our text. Then, we perform some feature selection on those features. Finally, we train a classification algorithm to fit a model, which we can then use to predict the class (in this case, the author) of a document.

There are some differences, mostly having to do with which features are used, that we will cover in this chapter. But first, we will define the scope of the problem.

Getting the data

The data we will use for this chapter is a set of books from Project Gutenberg at, which is a repository of public domain literature works. The books I used for these experiments come from a variety of authors:

  • Booth Tarkington (22 titles)
  • Charles Dickens (44 titles)
  • Edith Nesbit (10 titles)
  • Arthur Conan Doyle (51 titles)
  • Mark Twain (29 titles)
  • Sir Richard Francis Burton (11 titles)
  • Emile Gaboriau (10 titles)

Overall, there are 177 documents from 7 authors, giving a significant amount of text to work with. A full list of the titles, along with download links and a script to automatically fetch them, is given in the code bundle.

To download these books, we use the requests library to download the files into our data directory. First, set up the data directory and ensure the following code links to it:

import os
import sys
data_folder = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Data", "books")

Next, run the script from the code bundle to download each of the books from Project Gutenberg. This will place them in the appropriate subfolders of this data folder.

To run the script, download the script from the Chapter 9 folder in the code bundle. Save it to your notebooks folder and enter the following into a new cell:


Then, from inside your IPython Notebook, press Shift + Enter to run the cell. This will load the script into the cell. Then click the code again and press Shift + Enter to run the script itself. This will take a while, but it will print a message to let you know it is complete.

After taking a look at these files, you will see that many of them are quite messy—at least from a data analysis point of view. There is a large project Gutenberg disclaimer at the start of the files. This needs to be removed before we do our analysis.

We could alter the individual files on disk to remove this stuff. However, what happens if we were to lose our data? We would lose our changes and potentially be unable to replicate the study. For that reason, we will perform the preprocessing as we load the files—this allows us to be sure our results will be replicable (as long as the data source stays the same). The code is as follows:

def clean_book(document):

We first split the document into lines, as we can identify the start and end of the disclaimer by the starting and ending lines:

    lines = document.split("

We are going to iterate through each line. We look for the line that indicates the start of the book, and the line that indicates the end of the book. We will then take the text in between as the book itself. The code is as follows:

    start = 0
    end = len(lines)
    for i in range(len(lines)):
        line = lines[i]
        if line.startswith("*** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG"):
            start = i + 1
        elif line.startswith("*** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG"):
            end = i - 1

Finally, we join those lines together with a newline character to recreate the book without the disclaimers:

    return "

From here, we can now create a function that loads all of the books, performs the preprocessing, and returns them along with a class number for each author. The code is as follows:

import numpy as np

By default, our function signature takes the parent folder containing each of the subfolders that contain the actual books. The code is as follows:

def load_books_data(folder=data_folder):

We create lists for storing the documents themselves and the author classes:

    documents = []
    authors = []

We then create a list of each of the subfolders in the parent directly, as the script creates a subfolder for each author. The code is as follows:

    subfolders = [subfolder for subfolder in os.listdir(folder)
                  if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(folder, subfolder))]

Next we iterate over these subfolders, assigning each subfolder a number using enumerate:

    for author_number, subfolder in enumerate(subfolders):

We then create the full subfolder path and look for all documents within that subfolder:

        full_subfolder_path = os.path.join(folder, subfolder)
        for document_name in os.listdir(full_subfolder_path):

For each of those files, we open it, read the contents, preprocess those contents, and append it to our documents list. The code is as follows:

            with open(os.path.join(full_subfolder_path, document_name)) as inf:

We also append the number we assigned to this author to our authors list, which will form our classes:


We then return the documents and classes (which we transform into a NumPy array for each indexing later on):

    return documents, np.array(authors, dtype='int')

We can now get our documents and classes using the following function call:

documents, classes = load_books_data(data_folder)


This dataset fits into memory quite easily, so we can load all of the text at once. In cases where the whole dataset doesn't fit, a better solution is to extract the features from each document one-at-a-time (or in batches) and save the resulting values to a file or in-memory matrix.

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