The abstract factory pattern

The abstract factory pattern is normally used when we have multiple possible implementations of a system that depend on some configuration or platform issue. The calling code requests an object from the abstract factory, not knowing exactly what class of object will be returned. The underlying implementation returned may depend on a variety of factors, such as current locale, operating system, or local configuration.

Common examples of the abstract factory pattern include code for operating-system independent toolkits, database backends, and country-specific formatters or calculators. An operating-system-independent GUI toolkit might use an abstract factory pattern that returns a set of WinForm widgets under Windows, Cocoa widgets under Mac, GTK widgets under Gnome, and QT widgets under KDE. Django provides an abstract factory that returns a set of object relational classes for interacting with a specific database backend (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and others) depending on a configuration setting for the current site. If the application needs to be deployed in multiple places, each one can use a different database backend by changing only one configuration variable. Different countries have different systems for calculating taxes, subtotals, and totals on retail merchandise; an abstract factory can return a particular tax calculation object.

The UML class diagram for an abstract factory pattern is hard to understand without a specific example, so let's turn things around and create a concrete example first. We'll create a set of formatters that depend on a specific locale and help us format dates and currencies. There will be an abstract factory class that picks the specific factory, as well as a couple example concrete factories, one for France and one for the USA. Each of these will create formatter objects for dates and times, which can be queried to format a specific value. Here's the diagram:

The abstract factory pattern

Comparing that image to the earlier simpler text shows that a picture is not always worth a thousand words, especially considering we haven't even allowed for factory selection code here.

Of course, in Python, we don't have to implement any interface classes, so we can discard DateFormatter, CurrencyFormatter, and FormatterFactory. The formatting classes themselves are pretty straightforward, if verbose:

class FranceDateFormatter:
    def format_date(self, y, m, d):
        y, m, d = (str(x) for x in (y,m,d))
        y = '20' + y if len(y) == 2 else y
        m = '0' + m if len(m) == 1 else m
        d = '0' + d if len(d) == 1 else d

class USADateFormatter:
    def format_date(self, y, m, d):
        y, m, d = (str(x) for x in (y,m,d))
        y = '20' + y if len(y) == 2 else y
        m = '0' + m if len(m) == 1 else m
        d = '0' + d if len(d) == 1 else d

class FranceCurrencyFormatter:
    def format_currency(self, base, cents):
        base, cents = (str(x) for x in (base, cents))
        if len(cents) == 0:
            cents = '00'
        elif len(cents) == 1:
            cents = '0' + cents

        digits = []
        for i,c in enumerate(reversed(base)):
            if i and not i % 3:
                digits.append(' ')
        base = ''.join(reversed(digits))
        return "{0}€{1}".format(base, cents)

class USACurrencyFormatter:
    def format_currency(self, base, cents):
        base, cents = (str(x) for x in (base, cents))
        if len(cents) == 0:
            cents = '00'
        elif len(cents) == 1:
            cents = '0' + cents
        digits = []
        for i,c in enumerate(reversed(base)):
            if i and not i % 3:
        base = ''.join(reversed(digits))
        return "${0}.{1}".format(base, cents)

These classes use some basic string manipulation to try to turn a variety of possible inputs (integers, strings of different lengths, and others) into the following formats:









14 500€50

There could obviously be more validation on the input in this code, but let's keep it simple and dumb for this example.

Now that we have the formatters set up, we just need to create the formatter factories:

class USAFormatterFactory:
    def create_date_formatter(self):
        return USADateFormatter()
    def create_currency_formatter(self):
        return USACurrencyFormatter()

class FranceFormatterFactory:
    def create_date_formatter(self):
        return FranceDateFormatter()
    def create_currency_formatter(self):
        return FranceCurrencyFormatter()

Now we set up the code that picks the appropriate formatter. Since this is the kind of thing that only needs to be set up once, we could make it a singleton—except singletons aren't very useful in Python. Let's just make the current formatter a module-level variable instead:

country_code = "US"
factory_map = {
        "US": USAFormatterFactory,
        "FR": FranceFormatterFactory}
formatter_factory = factory_map.get(country_code)()

In this example, we hardcode the current country code; in practice, it would likely introspect the locale, the operating system, or a configuration file to choose the code. This example uses a dictionary to associate the country codes with factory classes. Then we grab the correct class from the dictionary and instantiate it.

It is easy to see what needs to be done when we want to add support for more countries: create the new formatter classes and the abstract factory itself. Bear in mind that Formatter classes might be reused; for example, Canada formats its currency the same way as the USA, but its date format is more sensible than its Southern neighbor.

Abstract factories often return a singleton object, but this is not required; in our code, it's returning a new instance of each formatter every time it's called. There's no reason the formatters couldn't be stored as instance variables and the same instance returned for each factory.

Looking back at these examples, we see that, once again, there appears to be a lot of boilerplate code for factories that just doesn't feel necessary in Python. Often, the requirements that might call for an abstract factory can be more easily fulfilled by using a separate module for each factory type (for example: the USA and France), and then ensuring that the correct module is being accessed in a factory module. The package structure for such modules might look like this:


The trick is that in the localize package can contain logic that redirects all requests to the correct backend. There is a variety of ways this could be done.

If we know that the backend is never going to change dynamically (that is, without a restart), we can just put some if statements in that check the current country code, and use the usually unacceptable from .backends.USA import * syntax to import all variables from the appropriate backend. Or, we could import each of the backends and set a current_backend variable to point at a specific module:

from .backends import USA, France

if country_code == "US":
    current_backend = USA

Depending on which solution we choose, our client code would have to call either localize.format_date or localize.current_backend.format_date to get a date formatted in the current country's locale. The end result is much more Pythonic than the original abstract factory pattern, and, in typical usage, just as flexible.

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