Finding Your Voice

When people read your Facebook posts, they are not able to see your body language, which accounts for a large part of human communication. All they can go on are the words you use. Words can be tricky, and can have a variety of meanings depending on how they are used and by whom they are used.

Consider the comment, “I would like to get down.”

By itself, this comment could mean many different things. It could mean a young child is standing on a ladder and wants to come down. It can mean a young woman wants to go out dancing with her friends. And it can mean an older man wants to lower his cholesterol.

The key here comes down to the person saying the words and in what tone. These physical attributes constitute the speaker’s voice, and it’s these attributes that you will visualize when you start communicating on Facebook.

Choosing a Celebrity Spokesperson

Think about a celebrity who represents the kind of energy and attitude that might translate well into a spokesperson for your business. Do you want your company to be as debonair as Sean Connery, as edgy and open as Betty White, or maybe as funny as Will Ferrell? Or perhaps you want to get a little nutty and go Charlie Sheen on your customers?

We’re not talking about getting that exact celebrity to be your spokesperson—unless, of course, you can afford that in your budget. Instead, think about celebrities in terms of a persona that embodies your brand.


A persona is a person’s perceived personality.

We choose celebrities because they are so universally known, but you can certainly choose someone else whose persona you want to mimic.

Choosing a Role Model

For some companies, it makes more sense to mirror the voice of a role model from business, religion, or politics rather than a celebrity. Do you look to great leaders in your industry or others? What is it about them that you admire and want to replicate? Is it merely what they have been able to accomplish financially, or is it deeper? Do they have faith like no other and high integrity?

These same attributes apply as much to an individual as they do to a business on Facebook trying to find its voice. Many businesses can find their role model in successful executives of other companies. Consider business leaders like Jack Welch of GE, Michael Dell of Dell Computers, and Bill Gates of Microsoft. These leaders have a lot of admirable characteristics, and they are also celebrities of a sort.

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