8.2 Vector Autoregressive Models

A simple vector model useful in modeling asset returns is the vector autoregressive (VAR) model. A multivariate time series Inline is a VAR process of order 1, or VAR(1) for short, if it follows the model

8.8 8.8

where Inline is a k-dimensional vector, Inline is a k × k matrix, and Inline is a sequence of serially uncorrelated random vectors with mean zero and covariance matrix Inline. In application, the covariance matrix Inline is required to be positive definite; otherwise, the dimension of Inline can be reduced. In the literature, it is often assumed that Inline is multivariate normal.

Consider the bivariate case [i.e., k = 2, Inline, and Inline]. The VAR(1) model consists of the following two equations:


where Φij is the (i, j)th element of Inline and ϕi0 is the ith element of Inline. Based on the first equation, Φ12 denotes the linear dependence of r1t on r2, t−1 in the presence of r1, t−1. Therefore, Φ12 is the conditional effect of r2, t−1 on r1t given r1, t−1. If Φ12 = 0, then r1t does not depend on r2, t−1, and the model shows that r1t only depends on its own past. Similarly, if Φ21 = 0, then the second equation shows that r2t does not depend on r1, t−1 when r2, t−1 is given.

Consider the two equations jointly. If Φ12 = 0 and Φ21 ≠ 0, then there is a unidirectional relationship from r1t to r2t. If Φ12 = Φ21 = 0, then r1t and r2t are uncoupled. If Φ12 ≠ 0 and Φ21 ≠ 0, then there is a feedback relationship between the two series.

8.2.1 Reduced and Structural Forms

In general, the coefficient matrix Inline of Eq. (8.8) measures the dynamic dependence of Inline. The concurrent relationship between r1t and r2t is shown by the off-diagonal element σ12 of the covariance matrix Inline of Inline. If σ12 = 0, then there is no concurrent linear relationship between the two component series. In the econometric literature, the VAR(1) model in Eq. (8.8) is called a reduced-form model because it does not show explicitly the concurrent dependence between the component series. If necessary, an explicit expression involving the concurrent relationship can be deduced from the reduced-form model by a simple linear transformation. Because Inline is positive definite, there exists a lower triangular matrix Inline with unit diagonal elements and a diagonal matrix Inline such that Inline = Inline; see Appendix A on Cholesky decomposition. Therefore, Inline.

Define Inline. Then


Since Inline is a diagonal matrix, the components of Inline are uncorrelated. Multiplying Inline from the left to model (8.8), we obtain

8.9 8.9

where Inline is a k-dimensional vector and Inline = Inline is a k × k matrix. Because of the special matrix structure, the kth row of Inline is in the form (wk1, wk2, … , wk, k−1, 1). Consequently, the kth equation of model (8.9) is

8.10 8.10

where Inline is the kth element of Inline and Inline is the (k, i)th element of Inline. Because bkt is uncorrelated with bit for 1 ≤ i < k, Eq. (8.10) shows explicitly the concurrent linear dependence of rkt on rit, where 1 ≤ ik − 1. This equation is referred to as a structural equation for rkt in the econometric literature.

For any other component rit of Inline, we can rearrange the VAR(1) model so that rit becomes the last component of Inline. The prior transformation method can then be applied to obtain a structural equation for rit. Therefore, the reduced-form model (8.8) is equivalent to the structural form used in the econometric literature. In time series analysis, the reduced-form model is commonly used for two reasons. The first reason is ease in estimation. The second and main reason is that the concurrent correlations cannot be used in forecasting.

Example 8.3

To illustrate the transformation from a reduced-form model to structural equations, consider the bivariate AR(1) model


For this particular covariance matrix Inline, the lower triangular matrix


provides a Cholesky decomposition [i.e., Inline is a diagonal matrix]. Premultiplying Inline to the previous bivariate AR(1) model, we obtain


where Inline = Cov(Inline). The second equation of this transformed model gives


which shows explicitly the linear dependence of r2t on r1t.

Rearranging the order of elements in Inline, the bivariate AR(1) model becomes


The lower triangular matrix needed in the Cholesky decomposition of Inline becomes


Premultiplying Inline to the earlier rearranged VAR(1) model, we obtain


where Inline = Cov(Inline). The second equation now gives


Again this equation shows explicitly the concurrent linear dependence of r1t on r2t.

8.2.2 Stationarity Condition and Moments of a VAR(1) Model

Assume that the VAR(1) model in Eq. (8.8) is weakly stationary. Taking expectation of the model and using Inline = Inline, we obtain


Since Inline is time invariant, we have


provided that the matrix Inline is nonsingular, where Inline is the k × k identity matrix.

Using Inline, the VAR(1) model in Eq. (8.8) can be written as


Let Inline be the mean-corrected time series. Then the VAR(1) model becomes

8.11 8.11

This model can be used to derive properties of a VAR(1) model. By repeated substitutions, we can rewrite Eq. (8.11) as


This expression shows several characteristics of a VAR(1) process. First, since Inline is serially uncorrelated, it follows that Cov(Inline) = Inline. In fact, Inline is not correlated with Inline for all ℓ > 0. For this reason, Inline is referred to as the shock or innovation of the series at time t. It turns out that, similar to the univariate case, Inline is uncorrelated with the past value Inline (j > 0) for all time series models. Second, postmultiplying the expression by Inline, taking expectation, and using the fact of no serial correlations in the Inline process, we obtain Cov(Inline) = Inline. Third, for a VAR(1) model, Inline depends on the past innovation Inline with coefficient matrix Inline. For such dependence to be meaningful, Inline must converge to zero as j → ∞. This means that the k eigenvalues of Inline must be less than 1 in modulus; otherwise, Inline will either explode or converge to a nonzero matrix as j → ∞. As a matter of fact, the requirement that all eigenvalues of Inline are less than 1 in modulus is the necessary and sufficient condition for weak stationarity of Inline provided that the covariance matrix of Inline

exists. Notice that this stationarity condition reduces to that of the univariate AR(1) case in which the condition is |ϕ| < 1. Furthermore, because


the eigenvalues of Inline are the inverses of the zeros of the determinant Inline. Thus, an equivalent sufficient and necessary condition for stationarity of Inline is that all zeros of the determinant Inline

are greater than one in modulus; that is, all zeros are outside the unit circle in the complex plane. Fourth, using the expression, we have


where it is understood that Inline, the k × k identity matrix.

Postmultiplying Inline to Eq. (8.11), taking expectation, and using the result Cov(Inline) = Inline for j > 0, we obtain



8.12 8.12

where Inline is the lag-j cross-covariance matrix of Inline

. Again this result is a generalization of that of a univariate AR(1) process. By repeated substitutions, Eq. (8.12) shows that


Pre- and postmultiplying Eq. (8.12) by Inline

, we obtain


where Inline. Consequently, the CCM of a VAR(1) model satisfies


8.2.3 Vector AR(p) Models

The generalization of VAR(1) to VAR(p) models is straightforward. The time series Inline follows a VAR(p) model if it satisfies

8.13 8.13

where Inline and Inline are defined as before, and Inline are k × k matrices. Using the back-shift operator B, the VAR(p) model can be written as


where Inline is the k × k identity matrix. This representation can be written in a compact form as


where Inline is a matrix polynomial. If Inline is weakly stationary, then we have


provided that the inverse exists. Let Inline. The VAR(p) model becomes

8.14 8.14

Using this equation and the same techniques as those for VAR(1) models, we obtain that

  • Cov(Inline) = Inline, the covariance matrix of Inline.
  • Cov(Inline) = Inline for ℓ > 0.
  • Inline for ℓ > 0.

The last property is called the moment equations of a VAR(p) model. It is a multivariate version of the Yule–Walker equation of a univariate AR(p) model. In terms of CCM, the moment equations become


where Inline.

A simple approach to understanding properties of the VAR(p) model in Eq. (8.13) is to make use of the results of the VAR(1) model in Eq. (8.8). This can be achieved by transforming the VAR(p) model of Inline into a kp-dimensional VAR(1) model. Specifically, let Inline and Inline be two kp-dimensional processes. The mean of Inline is zero and the covariance matrix of Inline is a kp × kp matrix with zero everywhere except for the lower right corner, which is Inline. The VAR(p) model for Inline can then be written in the form

8.15 8.15

where Inline is a kp × kp matrix given by


where Inline and Inline are the k × k zero matrix and identity matrix, respectively. In the literature, Inline is called the companion matrix of the matrix polynomial Inline.

Equation (8.15) is a VAR(1) model for Inline, which contains Inline as its last k components. The results of a VAR(1) model shown in the previous section can now be used to derive properties of the VAR(p) model via Eq. (8.15). For example, from the definition, Inline is weakly stationary if and only if Inline is weakly stationary. Therefore, the necessary and sufficient condition of weak stationarity for the VAR(p) model in Eq. (8.13) is that all eigenvalues of Inline in Eq. (8.15) are less than 1 in modulus. It is easy to show that Inline. Therefore, similar to the VAR(1) case, the necessary and sufficient condition is equivalent to all zeros of the determinant Inline being outside the unit circle.

Of particular relevance to financial time series analysis is the structure of the coefficient matrices Inline of a VAR(p) model. For instance, if the (i, j)th element Φij(ℓ) of Inline is zero for all ℓ, then rit does not depend on the past values of rjt. The structure of the coefficient matrices Inline thus provides information on the lead–lag relationship between the components of Inline.

8.2.4 Building a VAR(p) Model

We continue to use the iterative procedure of order specification, estimation, and model checking to build a vector AR model for a given time series. The concept of partial autocorrelation function of a univariate series can be generalized to specify the order p of a vector series. Consider the following consecutive VAR models:

8.16 8.16

Parameters of these models can be estimated by the ordinary least-squares (OLS) method. This is called the multivariate linear regression estimation in multivariate statistical analysis; see Johnson and Wichern (1998).

For the ith equation in Eq. (8.16), let Inline be the OLS estimate of Inline and Inline be the estimate of Inline, where the superscript (i) is used to denote that the estimates are for a VAR(i) model. Then the residual is


For i = 0, the residual is defined as Inline, where Inline is the sample mean of Inline. The residual covariance matrix is defined as

8.17 8.17

To specify the order p, one can test the hypothesis Inline versus the alternative hypothesis Inline sequentially for ℓ = 1, 2, … . For example, using the first equation in Eq. (8.16), we can test the hypothesis Inline versus the alternative hypothesis Inline. The test statistic is


where Inline is defined in Eq. (8.17) and Inline denotes the determinant of the matrix Inline. Under some regularity conditions, the test statistic M(1) is asymptotically a chi-squared distribution with k2 degrees of freedom; see Tiao and Box (1981).

In general, we use the ith and (i − 1)th equations in Eq. (8.16) to test Inline versus Inline; that is, testing a VAR(i) model versus a VAR(i − 1) model. The test statistic is

8.18 8.18

Asymptotically, M(i) is distributed as a chi-squared distribution with k2 degrees of freedom.

Alternatively, one can use the Akaike information criterion (AIC) or its variants to select the order p. Assume that Inline is multivariate normal and consider the ith equation in Eq. (8.16). One can estimate the model by the maximum-likelihood (ML) method. For AR models, the OLS estimates Inline and Inline are equivalent to the (conditional) ML estimates. However, there are differences between the estimates of Inline. The ML estimate of Inline is

8.19 8.19

The AIC of a VAR(i) model under the normality assumption is defined as


For a given vector time series, one selects the AR order p such that Inline, where p0 is a prespecified positive integer.

Other information criteria available for VAR(i) models are


The HQ criterion is proposed by Hannan and Quinn (1979).

Example 8.4

Assuming that the bivariate series of monthly log returns of IBM stock and the S&P 500 index discussed in Example 8.1 follows a VAR model, we apply the M(i) statistics and AIC to the data. Table 8.3 shows the results of these statistics. Both statistics indicate that a VAR(5) model might be adequate for the data. The M(i) statistics are marginally significant at lags 1, 3, and 5 at the 5% level. The minimum of AIC occurs at order 5. For this particular instance, the M(i) statistic is only marginally significant at the 1% level when i = 2, confirming the previous observation that the dynamic linear dependence between the two return series is weak.

Table 8.3 Order Specification Statistics for Monthly Log Returns of IBM Stock and S&P 500 Index from January 1926 to December 2008a


aThe 5% and 1% critical values of a chi-squared distribution with 4 degrees of freedom are 9.5 and 13.3. Estimation and Model Checking

For a specified VAR model, one can estimate the parameters using either the OLS method or the ML method. The two methods are asymptotically equivalent. Under some regularity conditions, the estimates are asymptotically normal; see Reinsel (1993). A fitted model should then be checked carefully for any possible inadequacy. The Qk(m) statistic can be applied to the residual series to check the assumption that there are no serial or cross correlations in the residuals. For a fitted VAR(p) model, the Qk(m) statistic of the residuals is asymptotically a chi-squared distribution with k2mg degrees of freedom, where g is the number of estimated parameters in the AR coefficient matrices; see Lütkepohl (2005).

Example 8.4(Continued)

Table 8.4(a) shows the estimation results of a VAR(5) model for the bivariate series of monthly log returns of IBM stock and the S&P 500 index. The specified model is in the form

8.20 8.20

where the first component of Inline denotes IBM stock returns. For this particular instance, we do not use AR coefficient matrix at lag 4 because of the weak serial dependence of the data. In general, when the M(i) statistics and the AIC criterion specify a VAR(5) model, all five AR lags should be used. Table 8.4(b) shows the estimation results after some statistically insignificant parameters are set to zero. The Qk(m) statistics of the residual series for the fitted model in Table 8.4(b) give Q2(4) = 16.64 and Q2(8) = 31.55. Since the fitted VAR(5) model has six parameters in the AR coefficient matrices, these two Qk(m) statistics are distributed asymptotically as a chi-squared distribution with degrees of freedom 10 and 26, respectively. The p-values of the test statistics are 0.083 and 0.208, and hence the fitted model is adequate at the 5% significance level. As shown by the univariate analysis, the return series are likely to have conditional heteroscedasticity. We discuss multivariate volatility in Chapter 10.

Table 8.4 Estimation Results of a VAR(5) Model for the Monthly Log Returns, in Percentages, of IBM Stock and S&P 500 Index from January 1926 to December 2008


From the fitted model in Table 8.4(b), we make the following observations: (a) The concurrent correlation coefficient between the two innovational series is Inline, which, as expected, is close to the sample correlation coefficient between r1t and r2t. (b) The two log return series have positive and significant means, implying that the log prices of the two series had an upward trend over the data span. (c) The model shows that


Consequently, at the 5% significance level, there is a unidirectional dynamic relationship from the monthly S&P 500 index return to the IBM return. If the S&P 500 index represents the U.S. stock market, then IBM return is affected by the past movements of the market. However, past movements of IBM stock returns do not significantly affect the U.S. market, even though the two returns have substantial concurrent correlation. Finally, the fitted model can be written as


indicating that SP5t is the driving factor of the bivariate series. Forecasting

Treating a properly built model as the true model, one can apply the same techniques as those in the univariate analysis to produce forecasts and standard deviations of the associated forecast errors. For a VAR(p) model, the 1-step-ahead forecast at the time origin h is Inline, and the associated forecast error is Inline = Inline. The covariance matrix of the forecast error is Inline. For 2-step-ahead forecasts, we substitute Inline by its forecast to obtain


and the associated forecast error is


The covariance matrix of the forecast error is Inline. If Inline is weakly stationary, then the ℓ-step-ahead forecast Inline converges to its mean vector Inline as the forecast horizon ℓ increases and the covariance matrix of its forecast error converges to the covariance matrix of Inline.

Table 8.5 provides 1-step- to 6-step-ahead forecasts of the monthly log returns, in percentages, of IBM stock and the S&P 500 index at the forecast origin h = 996. These forecasts are obtained by the refined VAR(5) model in Table 8.4(b). As expected, the standard errors of the forecasts converge to the sample standard errors 7.03 and 5.53, respectively, for the two log return series.

Table 8.5 Forecasts of a VAR(5) Model for Monthly Log Returns, in Percentages, of IBM Stock and S&P 500 Index: Forecast Origin Is December 2008


In summary, building a VAR model involves three steps: (a) Use the test statistic M(i) or some information criterion to identify the order, (b) estimate the specified model by using the least-squares method and, if necessary, reestimate the model by removing statistically insignificant parameters, and (c) use the Qk(m) statistic of the residuals to check the adequacy of a fitted model. Other characteristics of the residual series, such as conditional heteroscedasticity and outliers, can also be checked. If the fitted model is adequate, then it can be used to obtain forecasts and make inference concerning the dynamic relationship between the variables.

We used SCA to perform the analysis in this section. The commands used include miden, mtsm, mest, and mfore, where the prefix m stands for multivariate. Details of the commands and output are shown below. SCA Demonstration

Output has been edited and % denotes explanation in the following:

input date, ibm, sp5. file ‘m-ibmsp2608.txt’.

 --% compute percentage log returns.




--% model identification

miden ibm,sp5. arfits 1 to 12.

TIME PERIOD ANALYZED . . . . . . . . . . . .  1  TO   996


SERIES   NAME           MEAN       STD. ERROR

  1     IBM             1.0891      7.0298

  2     SP5             0.4301      5.5346


      IS (1/NOBE**.5) =    0.03169



  0.65  1.00








     . +   . -     . .      . .      . +      . .

     . +   . .     . -      . .      . +      . .


     . .   + .     . .      . .      . .      . .

     . .   + .     . +      . .      . .      . .






  1 I .492E+02 I .133E+02 I   10.76 I    6.795 I . +

    I .306E+02 I .665E+02 I         I          I . +


  2 I .486E+02 I .133E+02 I   13.41 I    6.789 I + -

    I .306E+02 I .659E+02 I         I          I . .


  3 I .484E+02 I .132E+02 I   10.34 I    6.786 I . .

    I .303E+02 I .655E+02 I         I          I . . 


  4 I .484E+02 I .131E+02 I    7.78 I    6.786 I . .

    I .302E+02 I .655E+02 I         I          I . .


  5 I .480E+02 I .131E+02 I   12.07 I    6.782 I . +

    I .299E+02 I .648E+02 I         I          I - +


  6 I .479E+02 I .131E+02 I    1.93 I    6.788 I . .

    I .298E+02 I .647E+02 I         I          I . .


  7 I .479E+02 I .130E+02 I    2.68 I    6.793 I . .

    I .298E+02 I .647E+02 I         I          I . .


  8 I .477E+02 I .130E+02 I    7.09 I    6.794 I . .

    I .296E+02 I .643E+02 I         I          I . .


  9 I .476E+02 I .130E+02 I    5.23 I    6.797 I . .

    I .295E+02 I .642E+02 I         I          I . .


 10 I .476E+02 I .130E+02 I    1.43 I    6.803 I . .

    I .295E+02 I .641E+02 I         I          I . .


 11 I .475E+02 I .130E+02 I    1.81 I    6.809 I . .

    I .294E+02 I .640E+02 I         I          I . .


 12 I .475E+02 I .129E+02 I    1.88 I    6.815 I . .

    I .294E+02 I .640E+02 I         I          I . .



          5 PERCENT:   9.5     1 PERCENT:  13.3

 -- % model specification of a VAR(5) model without lag 4.

mtsm m1. series ibm, sp5. model @


 -- % estimation

 mestim m1. hold resi(r1,r2).

 -- % demonstration of setting zero constraint









mestim m1. hold resi(r1,r2)



     1.039  (    0.223  )

     0.390  (    0.176  )

----- PHI MATRICES -----


      .000     .129      . +

      .000     .080      . +


       --      .040

       --      .031


      .000    −.090      . -

      .000     .000      . .


       --      .031

       --        --


      .000     .000      . .

      .000    −.061      . -


       --        --

       --      .024


      .000     .093      . +

      .000     .087      . +


       --      .040

       --      .032




                1           2

   1    48.328570

   2    24.361464   30.027406

---------------------------------------------------------------- % compute residual cross-correlation matrices

miden r1,r2. maxl 12.

 -- % prediction

mfore m1. nofs 6.




 SERIES:       IBM                 SP5


  997      1.954    6.952      1.698    5.480

  998      0.304    6.988      0.173    5.497

  999     −0.815    7.001     −1.263    5.497

 1000      0.138    7.001     −0.494    5.507

 1001      1.162    7.002      0.408    5.508

 1002      1.294    7.022      0.649    5.528

8.2.5 Impulse Response Function

Similar to the univariate case, a VAR(p) model can be written as a linear function of the past innovations, that is,

8.21 8.21

where Inline = Inline provided that the inverse exists, and the coefficient matrices Inline can be obtained by equating the coefficients of Bi in the equation


where Inline is the identity matrix. This is a moving-average representation of Inline with the coefficient matrix Inline being the impact of the past innovation Inline on Inline. Equivalently, Inline is the effect of Inline on the future observation Inline. Therefore, Inline is often referred to as the impulse response function of Inline. However, since the components of Inline are often correlated, the interpretation of elements in Inline of Eq. (8.21) is not straightforward. To aid interpretation, one can use the Cholesky decomposition mentioned earlier to transform the innovations so that the resulting components are uncorrelated. Specifically, there exists a lower triangular matrix Inline such that Inline, where Inline is a diagonal matrix and the diagonal elements of Inline are unity. See Eq. (8.9). Let Inline. Then, Cov(Inline) = Inline so that the elements bjt are uncorrelated. Rewrite Eq. (8.21) as

8.22 8.22

where Inline and Inline. The coefficient matrices Inline are called the impulse response function of Inline with respect to the orthogonal innovations Inline. Specifically, the (i, j)th element of Inline; that is, Inline, is the impact of bj, t on the future observation ri, t+ℓ. In practice, one can further normalize the orthogonal innovation Inline such that the variance of bit is one. A weakness of the above orthogonalization is that the result depends on the ordering of the components of Inline. In particular, b1t = a1t so that a1t is not transformed. Different orderings of the components of Inline may lead to different impulse response functions. Interpretation of the impulse response function is, therefore, associated with the innovation series Inline.

Both SCA and S-Plus enable one to obtain the impulse response function of a fitted VAR model. To demonstrate analysis of VAR models in S-Plus, we again use the monthly log return series of IBM stock and the S&P 500 index of Example 8.1. For details of S-Plus commands, see Zivot and Wang (2003). S-Plus Demonstration

The following output has been edited and % denotes explanation:

> module(finmetrics)

> da=read.table(“m-ibmsp2608.txt”,header=T) % Load data

> ibm=log(da[,2]+1)*100 % Compute percentage log returns

> sp5=log(da[,3]+1)*100

> y=cbind(ibm,sp5) % Create a vector series

> y1=data.frame(y) % Crate a data frame

> ord.choice=VAR(y1,max.ar=10) % Order selection using BIC

> names(ord.choice)

 [1] “R”    “coef” “fitted”   “residuals” “Sigma” “df.resid”

 [7] “rank” “call” “ar.order” “n.na”      “terms” “Y0”     

[13] “info”   

> ord.choice$ar.order % selected order

[1] 1

> ord.choice$info

       ar(1)    ar(2)    ar(3)    ar(4)    ar(5)   ar(6)

BIC 12325.41 12339.42 12356.58 12376.28 12391.57 12417.2

        ar(7)    ar(8)   ar(9)   ar(10)

BIC  12442.03 12462.5212484.78 12510.91

> ord=VAR(y1,max.ar=10,criterion=‘AIC’) % Using AIC

> ord$ar.order

[1] 5

> ord$info

       ar(1)    ar(2)     ar(3)   ar(4)    ar(5)    ar(6)

AIC 12296.04 12290.48  12288.07 12288.2 12283.91 12289.96

       ar(7)    ar(8)     ar(9)   ar(10)

AIC 12295.22 12296.13  12298.82 12305.37

The AIC selects a VAR(5) model as before, but BIC selects a VAR(1) model. For simplicity, we shall use VAR(1) specification in the demonstration. Note that different normalizations are used between the two packages so that the values of information criteria appear to be different; see the AIC in Table 8.3. This is not important because normalization does not affect order selection. Turn to estimation.

> var1.fit=VAR(y∼ar(1)) % Estimate a VAR(1) model

> summary(var1.fit)


VAR(formula = y ∼ ar(1))


                 ibm     sp5

(Intercept)   1.0614  0.4087

  (std.err)   0.2249  0.1773

   (t.stat)   4.7198  2.3053

    ibm.lag1  −0.0320 −0.0223

   (std.err)   0.0413   0.0326

    (t.stat)  −0.7728 −0.6855

    sp5.lag1  0.1503  0.1020

   (std.err)  0.0525  0.0414

    (t.stat)  2.8612  2.4637

Regression Diagnostics:

                  ibm    sp5

     R-squared 0.0101 0.0075

Adj. R-squared 0.0081 0.0055

  Resid. Scale 7.0078 5.5247

Information Criteria:

       logL        AIC        BIC         HQ

  −6193.988  12399.977  12429.393  12411.159

                  total residual

Degree of freedom:   995      992

> plot(var1.fit)

Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):

1: plot: All

2: plot: Response and Fitted Values

3: plot: Residuals


8: plot: PACF of Squared Residuals

Selection: 3

The fitted model is


Based on t statistics of the coefficient estimates, only the lagged variable SP5t−1 is informative in both equations. Figure 8.5 shows the time plots of the two residual series, where the two horizontal lines indicate the two standard error limits. As expected, there exist clusters of outlying observations.

Figure 8.5 Residual plots of fitting a VAR(1) model to the monthly log returns, in percentages, of IBM stock and S&P 500 index. Sample period is from January 1926 to December 2008.


Next, we compute 1-step- to 6-step-ahead forecasts and the impulse response function of the fitted VAR(1) model when the IBM stock return is the first component of Inline. Compared with those of a VAR(5) model in Table 8.5, the forecasts of the VAR(1) model converge faster to the sample mean of the series.

> var1.pred=predict(var1.fit,n.predict=6) % Compute forecasts

> summary(var1.pred)

Predicted Values with Standard Errors:

                ibm    sp5

1-step-ahead 1.0798 0.4192

   (std.err) 7.0078 5.5247

2-step-ahead 1.0899 0.4274

   (std.err) 7.0434 5.5453

3-step-ahead 1.0908 0.4280

   (std.err) 7.0436 5.5454


6-step-ahead 1.0909 0.4280

   (std.err) 7.0436 5.5454

> plot(var1.pred,y,n.old=12) % Obtain forecast plot

% Below is to compute the impulse response function

> var1.irf=impRes(var1.fit,period=6,std.err=′asymptotic′)

> summary(var1.irf)

Impulse Response Function:

(with responses in rows, and innovations in columns)

, , lag.0

             ibm    sp5

      ibm 6.9973 0.0000

(std.err) 0.1569 0.0000

      sp5 3.5432 4.2280

(std.err) 0.1558 0.0948

, , lag.1

             ibm    sp5

      ibm 0.3088 0.6353

(std.err) 0.2217 0.2221

      sp5 0.2050 0.4312

(std.err) 0.1746 0.1750


> plot(var1.irf)

Figure 8.6 shows the forecasts and their pointwise 95% confidence intervals along with the last 12 data points of the series. Figure 8.7 shows the impulse response functions of the fitted VAR(1) model where the IBM stock return is the first component of Inline. Since the dynamic dependence of the returns is weak, the impulse response functions exhibit simple patterns and decay quickly.

Figure 8.6 Forecasting plots of fitted VAR(1) model to monthly log returns, in percentages, of IBM stock and S&P 500 index. Sample period is from January 1926 to December 2008.


Figure 8.7 Plots of impulse response functions of orthogonal innovations for fitted VAR(1) model to monthly log returns, in percentages, of IBM stock and S&P 500 index. Sample period is from January 1926 to December 2008.

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