8.6 Cointegrated VAR Models

To better understand cointegration, we focus on VAR models for their simplicity in estimation. Consider a k-dimensional VAR(p) time series Inline with possible time trend so that the model is

8.35 8.35

where the innovation Inline is assumed to be Gaussian and Inline = Inline, where Inline and Inline are k-dimensional constant vectors. Write Inline = Inline. Recall that if all zeros of the determinant Inline are outside the unit circle, then Inline is unit-root stationary. In the literature, a unit-root stationary series is said to be an I(0) process; that is, it is not integrated. If Inline = 0, then Inline is unit-root nonstationary. For simplicity, we assume that Inline is at most an integrated process of order 1; that is, an I(1) process. This means that (1 − B)xit is unit-root stationary if xit itself is not.

An error correction model (ECM) for the VAR(p) process Inline is

8.36 8.36

where Inline are defined in Eq. (8.34) and Inline = Inline. We refer to the term Inline of Eq. (8.36) as the error correction term, which plays a key role in cointegration study. Notice that Inline can be recovered from the ECM representation via


where Inline, the zero matrix. Based on the assumption that Inline is at most I(1), Inline of Eq. (8.36) is an I(0) process.

If Inline contains unit roots, then Inline = 0 so that Inline is singular. Therefore, three cases are of interest in considering the ECM in Eq. (8.36):

1. Rank(Inline) = 0. This implies Inline and Inline is not cointegrated. The ECM of Eq. (8.36) reduces to


so that Inline follows a VAR(p − 1) model with deterministic trend Inline.

2. Rank(Inline) = k. This implies that Inline and Inline contains no unit roots; that is, Inline is I(0). The ECM model is not informative and one studies Inline directly.

3. Inline. In this case, one can write Inline as

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where Inline and Inline are k × m matrices with Rank(Inline) = Rank(Inline) = m. The ECM of Eq. (8.36) becomes

8.38 8.38

This means that Inline is cointegrated with m linearly independent cointegrating vectors, Inline, and has km unit roots that give km common stochastic trends of Inline.

If Inline is cointegrated with Rank(Inline) = m, then a simple way to obtain a presentation of the km common trends is to obtain an orthogonal complement matrix Inline of Inline; that is, Inline is a k × (km) matrix such that Inline, a (km) × m zero matrix, and use Inline. To see this, one can premultiply the ECM by Inline and use Inline to see that there would be no error correction term in the resulting equation. Consequently, the (km)-dimensional series Inline should have km unit roots. For illustration, consider the bivariate example of Section 8.5.1. For this special series, Inline and Inline. Therefore, Inline, which is precisely the unit-root nonstationary series y1t in Eq. (8.32).

Note that the factorization in Eq. (8.37) is not unique because for any m × m orthogonal matrix Inline satisfying Inline, we have a


where both Inline and Inline are also of rank m. Additional constraints are needed to uniquely identify Inline and Inline. It is common to require that Inline, where Inline is the m × m identity matrix and Inline is a (km) × m matrix. In practice, this may require reordering of the elements of Inline such that the first m components all have a unit root. The elements of Inline and Inline must also satisfy other constraints for the process Inline to be unit-root stationary. For example, consider the case of a bivariate VAR(1) model with one cointegrating vector. Here k = 2, m = 1, and the ECM is


Premultiplying the prior equation by Inline, using Inline, and moving wt−1 to the right-hand side of the equation, we obtain


where Inline. This implies that wt is a stationary AR(1) process. Consequently, αi and β1 must satisfy the stationarity constraint |1 + α1 + α2β1| < 1.

The prior discussion shows that the rank of Inline in the ECM of Eq. (8.36) is the number of cointegrating vectors. Thus, to test for cointegration, one can examine the rank of Inline. This is the approach taken by Johansen (1988, 1995) and Reinsel and Ahn (1992).

8.6.1 Specification of the Deterministic Function

Similar to the univariate case, the limiting distributions of cointegration tests depend on the deterministic function Inline. In this section, we discuss some specifications of Inline that have been proposed in the literature. To understand some of the statements made below, keep in mind that Inline provides a presentation for the common stochastic trends of Inline if it is cointegrated.

1. Inline: In this case, all the component series of Inline are I(1) without drift and the stationary series Inline has mean zero.

2. Inline, where Inline is an m-dimensional nonzero constant vector. The ECM becomes


so that the components of Inline are I(1) without drift, but Inline have a nonzero mean Inline. This is referred to as the case of restricted constant.

3. Inline, which is nonzero. Here the component series of Inline are I(1) with drift Inline and Inline may have a nonzero mean.

4. Inline, where Inline is a nonzero vector. The ECM becomes


so that the components of Inline are I(1) with drift Inline and Inline has a linear time trend related to Inline. This is the case of restricted trend.

5. Inline = Inline, where Inline are nonzero. Here both the constant and trend are unrestricted. The components of Inline are I(1) and have a quadratic time trend and Inline have a linear trend.

Obviously, the last case is not common in empirical work. The first case is not common for economic time series but may represent the log price series of some assets. The third case is also useful in modeling asset prices.

8.6.2 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation

In this section, we briefly outline the maximum-likelihood estimation (MLE) of a cointegrated VAR(p) model. Suppose that the data are Inline. Without loss of generality, we write Inline, where Inline, and it is understood that Inline depends on the specification of the previous section. For a given m, which is the rank of Inline, the ECM model becomes

8.39 8.39

where t = p + 1, … , T. A key step in the estimation is to concentrate the likelihood function with respect to the deterministic term and the stationary effects. This is done by considering the following two multivariate linear regressions:

8.40 8.40


Let Inline and Inline be the residuals of Eqs. (8.40) and (8.41), respectively. Define the sample covariance matrices


Next, compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of Inline with respect to Inline. This amounts to solving the eigenvalue problem


Denote the eigenvalue and eigenvector pairs by Inline, where Inline. Here the eigenvectors are normalized so that Inline, where Inline is the matrix of eigenvectors.

The unnormalized MLE of the cointegrating vector Inline is Inline and from which we can obtain an MLE for Inline that satisfies the identifying constraint and normalization condition. Denote the resulting estimate by Inline with the subscript c signifying constraints. The MLE of other parameters can then be obtained by the multivariate linear regression


The maximized value of the likelihood function based on m cointegrating vectors is


This value is used in the maximum-likelihood ratio test for testing Rank(Inline) = m. Finally, estimates of the orthogonal complements of Inline and Inline can be obtained using


8.6.3 Cointegration Test

For a specified deterministic term Inline, we now discuss the maximum-likelihood test for testing the rank of the Inline matrix in Eq. (8.36). Let H(m) be the null hypothesis that the rank of Inline is m. For example, under H(0), Rank(Inline) = 0 so that Inline and there is no cointegration. The hypotheses of interest are


For testing purpose, the ECM in Eq. (8.36) becomes


where t = p + 1, … , T. Our goal is to test the rank of Inline. Mathematically, the rank of Inline is the number of nonzero eigenvalues of Inline, which can be obtained if a consistent estimate of Inline is available. Based on the prior equation, which is in the form of a multivariate linear regression, we see that Inline is related to the covariance matrix between Inline and Inline after adjusting for the effects of Inline and Inline for i = 1, … , p − 1. The necessary adjustments can be achieved by the techniques of multivariate linear regression shown in the previous section. Indeed, the adjusted series of Inline and Inline are Inline and Inline, respectively. The equation of interest for the cointegration test then becomes


Under the normality assumption, the likelihood ratio test for testing the rank of Inline in the prior equation can be done by using the canonical correlation analysis between Inline and Inline. See Johnson and Wichern (1998) for information on canonical correlation analysis. The associated canonical correlations are the partial canonical correlations between Inline and Inline because the effects of Inline and Inline have been adjusted. The quantities Inline are the squared canonical correlations between Inline and Inline.

Consider the hypotheses


Johansen (1988) proposes the likelihood ratio (LR) statistic

8.42 8.42

to perform the test. If Rank(Inline) = m, then Inline should be small for i > m and hence LRtr(m) should be small. This test is referred to as the trace cointegration test. Due the presence of unit roots, the asymptotic distribution of LRtr(m) is not chi squared but a function of standard Brownian motions. Thus, critical values of LRtr(m) must be obtained via simulation.

Johansen (1988) also considers a sequential procedure to determine the number of cointegrating vectors. Specifically, the hypotheses of interest are


The LR ratio test statistic, called the maximum eigenvalue statistic, is


Again, critical values of the test statistics are nonstandard and must be evaluated via simulation.

8.6.4 Forecasting of Cointegrated VAR Models

The fitted ECM can be used to produce forecasts. First, conditioned on the estimated parameters, the ECM equation can be used to produce forecasts of the differenced series Inline. Such forecasts can in turn be used to obtain forecasts of Inline. A difference between ECM forecasts and the traditional VAR forecasts is that the ECM approach imposes the cointegration relationships in producing the forecasts.

8.6.5 An Example

To demonstrate the analysis of cointegrated VAR models, we consider two weekly U.S. short-term interest rates. The series are the 3-month Treasury bill (TB) rate and 6-month Treasury bill rate from December 12, 1958, to August 6, 2004, for 2383 observations. The TB rates are from the secondary market and obtained from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Loius. Figure 8.12 shows the time plots of the interest rates. As expected, the two series move closely together.

Figure 8.12 Time plots of weekly U.S. interest rate from December 12, 1958, to August 6, 2004. (a) The 3-month Treasury bill rate and (b) 6-month Treasury bill rate. Rates are from secondary market.


Our analysis uses the S-Plus software with commands VAR for VAR analysis, coint for cointegration test, and VECM for vector error correction estimation. Denote the two series by tb3m and tb6m and define the vector series Inline. The augmented Dickey–Fuller unit-root tests fail to reject the hypothesis of a unit root in the individual series; see Chapter 2. Indeed, the test statistics are − 2.34 and − 2.33 with p value about 0.16 for the 3-month and 6-month interest rate when an AR(3) model is used. Thus, we proceed to VAR modeling.

For the bivariate series Inline, the BIC criterion selects a VAR(3) model:

> x=cbind(tb3m,tb6m)

> y=data.frame(x)

> ord.choice$ar.order

[1] 3

To perform a cointegration test, we choose a restricted constant for Inline because there is no reason a priori to believe the existence of a drift in the U.S. interest rate. Both Johansen's tests confirm that the two series are cointegrated with one cointegrating vector when a VAR(3) model is entertained.

> cointst.rc=coint(x,trend=‘rc’, lags=2)  % lags = p-1.

> cointst.rc


coint(Y = x, lags = 2, trend = “rc”)

Trend Specification:

H1*(r): Restricted constant

Trace tests sign. at the 5% level are flagged by ‘ +’.

Trace tests sign. at the 1% level are flagged by ‘++’.

Max Eig. tests sign. at the 5% level are flagged by ‘ *’.

Max Eig. tests sign. at the 1% level are flagged by ‘**’.

Tests for Cointegration Rank:

         Eigenvalue Trace Stat  95% CV  99% CV

H(0)++**  0.0322    83.2712     19.96   24.60

H(1)      0.0023     5.4936      9.24   12.97

         Max Stat  95% CV  99% CV

H(0)++**  77.7776  15.67   20.20

H(1)       5.4936   9.24   12.97

Next, we perform the maximum-likelihood estimation of the specified cointegrated VAR(3) model using an ECM presentation. The results are as follows:

> vecm.fit=VECM(cointst.rc)

> summary(vecm.fit)


VECM(test = cointst.rc)

Cointegrating Vectors:



      tb6m   −1.0124

 (std.err)    0.0086

  (t.stat) −118.2799

Intercept*    0.2254

 (std.err)    0.0545

  (t.stat)    4.1382

VECM Coefficients:

             tb3m    tb6m

  coint.1 −0.0949 −0.0211

(std.err)  0.0199  0.0179

 (t.stat) −4.7590 −1.1775

tb3m.lag1  0.0466 −0.0419

(std.err)  0.0480  0.0432

(t.stat)   0.9696 −0.9699

tb6m.lag1  0.2650  0.3164

(std.err)  0.0538  0.0484

 (t.stat)  4.9263  6.5385

tb3m.lag2 −0.2067 −0.0346

(std.err)  0.0481  0.0433

 (t.stat) −4.2984 −0.8005

tb6m.lag2  0.2547  0.0994

(std.err)  0.0543  0.0488

 (t.stat)  4.6936  2.0356

Regression Diagnostics:

                 tb3m   tb6m

     R-squared 0.1081 0.0913

Adj. R-squared 0.1066 0.0898

  Resid. Scale 0.2009 0.1807

> plot(vecm.fit)

Make a plot selection (or 0 to exit):

1: plot: All

2: plot: Response and Fitted Values

3: plot: Residuals


13: plot: PACF of Squared Cointegrating Residuals


As expected, the output shows that the stationary series is wt ≈ tb3mt − tb6mt and the mean of wt is about − 0.225. The fitted ECM is


and the estimated standard errors of ait are 0.20 and 0.18, respectively. Adequacy of the fitted ECM can be examined via various plots. For illustration, Figure 8.13 shows the cointegrating residuals. Some large residuals are shown in the plot, which occurred in the early 1980s when the interest rates were high and volatile.

Figure 8.13 Time plot of cointegrating residuals for an ECM fit to weekly U.S. interest rate series. Data span is from December 12, 1958, to August 6, 2004.


Finally, we use the fitted ECM to produce 1-step- to 10-step-ahead forecasts for both Inline and Inline. The forecast origin is August 6, 2004.

> vecm.fst=predict(vecm.fit, n.predict=10)

> summary(vecm.fst)

Predicted Values with Standard Errors:

                 tb3m     tb6m

 1-step-ahead −0.0378  −0.0642

     (std.err)  0.2009   0.1807

 2-step-ahead −0.0870  −0.0864

     (std.err)  0.3222   0.2927


10-step-ahead −0.2276 −0.1314

      (std.err)  0.8460  0.8157

> plot(vecm.fst,xold=diff(x),n.old=12)

> vecm.fit.level=VECM(cointst.rc,levels=T)

> vecm.fst.level=predict(vecm.fit.level, n.predict=10)

> summary(vecm.fst.level)

Predicted Values with Standard Errors:

               tb3m    tb6m

 1-step-ahead 1.4501  1.7057

    (std.err) 0.2009  0.1807

 2-step-ahead 1.4420  1.7017

    (std.err) 0.3222  0.2927


10-step-ahead 1.4722 1.7078

     (std.err) 0.8460 0.8157

> plot(vecm.fst.level, xold=x, n.old=50)

The forecasts are shown in Figures 8.14 and 8.15 for the differenced data and the original series, respectively, along with some observed data points. The dashed lines in the plots are pointwise 95% confidence intervals. Because of unit-root nonstationarity, the intervals are wide and not informative.

Figure 8.14 Forecasting plots of fitted ECM model for weekly U.S. interest rate series. Forecasts are for differenced series and forecast origin is August 6, 2004.


Figure 8.15 Forecasting plots of fitted ECM model for weekly U.S. interest rate series. Forecasts are for interest rates and forecast origin is August 6, 2004.



The package urca of R can be used to perform Johansen's co-integration test. The command is ca.jo. It requires specification of some subcommands. See the section of pairs trading for demonstration.

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