10.3 Reparameterization

A useful step in multivariate volatility modeling is to reparameterize inline by making use of its symmetric property. We consider two reparameterizations.

10.3.1 Use of Correlations

The first reparameterization of inline is to use the conditional correlation coefficients and variances of inline. Specifically, we write inline as

10.7 10.7

where inline is the conditional correlation matrix of inline, and inline is a k × k diagonal matrix consisting of the conditional standard deviations of elements of inline (i.e., inline).

Because inline is symmetric with unit diagonal elements, the time evolution of inline is governed by that of the conditional variances σii, t and the elements ρij, t of inline, where j < i and 1 ≤ ik. Therefore, to model the volatility of inline, it suffices to consider the conditional variances and correlation coefficients of ait. Define the k(k + 1)/2-dimensional vector

10.8 10.8

where inline is a k(k − 1)/2-dimensional vector obtained by stacking columns of the correlation matrix inline, but using only elements below the main diagonal. Specifically, for a k-dimensional return series,


To illustrate, for k = 2, we have inline and

10.9 10.9

which is a three-dimensional vector, and for k = 3, we have inline and

10.10 10.10

which is a six-dimensional random vector.

If inline is a bivariate normal random variable, then inline is given in Eq. (10.9) and the conditional density function of inline given inline is




The log probability density function of inline relevant to the maximum-likelihood estimation is

10.11 10.11

This reparameterization is useful because it models covariances and correlations directly. Yet the approach has several weaknesses. First, the likelihood function becomes complicated when k ≥ 3. Second, the approach requires a constrained maximization in estimation to ensure the positive definiteness of inline. The constraint becomes complicated when k is large.

10.3.2 Cholesky Decomposition

The second reparameterization of inline is to use the Cholesky decomposition; see Appendix A of Chapter 8. This approach has some advantages in estimation as it requires no parameter constraints for the positive definiteness of inline; see Pourahmadi (1999). In addition, the reparameterization is an orthogonal transformation so that the resulting likelihood function is extremely simple. Details of the transformation are given next.

Because inline is positive definite, there exist a lower triangular matrix inline with unit diagonal elements and a diagonal matrix inline with positive diagonal elements such that

10.12 10.12

This is the well-known Cholesky decomposition of inline. A feature of the decomposition is that the lower off-diagonal elements of inline and the diagonal elements of inline have nice interpretations. We demonstrate the decomposition by studying carefully the bivariate and three-dimensional cases. For the bivariate case, we have


where gii, t > 0 for i = 1 and 2. Using Eq. (10.12), we have


Equating elements of the prior matrix equation, we obtain

10.13 10.13

Solving the prior equations, we have

10.14 10.14

However, consider the simple linear regression

10.15 10.15

where b2t denotes the error term. From the well-known least-squares theory, we have


Furthermore, the error term b2t is uncorrelated with the regressor a1t. Consequently, using Eq. (10.14), we obtain


where inline denotes no correlation. In summary, the Cholesky decomposition of the 2 × 2 matrix inline amounts to performing an orthogonal transformation from inline to inline such that


where q21, t = β is obtained by the linear regression (10.15) and Cov(inline) is a diagonal matrix with diagonal elements gii, t. The transformed quantities q21, t and gii, t can be interpreted as follows:

1. The first diagonal element of inline is simply the variance of a1t.

2. The second diagonal element of inline is the residual variance of the simple linear regression in Eq. (10.15).

3. The element q21, t of the lower triangular matrix inline is the coefficient β of the regression in Eq. (10.15).

The prior properties continue to hold for the higher dimensional case. For example, consider the three-dimensional case in which


From the decomposition in Eq. (10.12), we have


Equating elements of the prior matrix equation, we obtain


or, equivalently,


These quantities look complicated, but they are simply the coefficients and residual variances of the orthogonal transformation


where βij are the coefficients of least-squares regressions


In other words, we have qij, t = βij, gii, t = Var(bit) and inline for ij.

Based on the prior discussion, using Cholesky decomposition amounts to doing an orthogonal transformation from inline to inline, where b1t = a1t, and bit, for 1 < ik, is defined recursively by the least-squares regression

10.16 10.16

where qij, t is the (i, j)th element of the lower triangular matrix inline for 1 ≤ j < i. We can write this transformation as

10.17 10.17

where, as mentioned before, inline is also a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonal elements. The covariance matrix of inline is the diagonal matrix inline of the Cholesky decomposition because


The parameter vector relevant to volatility modeling under such a transformation becomes

10.18 10.18

which is also a k(k + 1)/2-dimensional vector.

The previous orthogonal transformation also dramatically simplifies the likelihood function of the data. Using the fact that inline, we have

10.19 10.19

If the conditional distribution of inline given the past information is multivariate normal inline, then the conditional distribution of the transformed series bt is multivariate normal N(0Gt, and the log-likelihood function of the data becomes extremely simple. Indeed, we have the log probability density of inline as

10.20 10.20

where for simplicity the constant term is omitted and gii, t is the variance of bit.

Using the Cholesky decomposition to reparameterize inline has several advantages. First, from Eq. (10.19), inline is positive definite if gii, t > 0 for all i. Consequently, the positive-definite constraint of inline can easily be achieved by modeling ln(gii, t) instead of gii, t. Second, elements of the parameter vector inline in Eq. (10.18) have nice interpretations. They are the coefficients and residual variances of multiple linear regressions that orthogonalize the shocks to the returns. Third, the correlation coefficient between a1t and a2t is


which is time varying if q21, t ≠ 0. In particular, if q21, t = c ≠ 0, then inline, which continues to be time-varying provided that the variance ratio σ11, t22, t is not a constant. This time-varying property applies to other correlation coefficients when the dimension of inline is greater than 2 and is a major difference between the two approaches for reparameterizing inline.

Using Eq. (10.16) and the orthogonality among the transformed shocks bit, we obtain


where qvv, t = 1 for v = 1, … , k. These equations show the parameterization of inline under the Cholesky decomposition.

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